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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. If an underwater map were released that functioned better than the current underwater content, would people complain when Anet doesn't go back to "fix" underwater areas in the older maps?
  2. I'm not sure more template slots would be added in the expansion.
  3. How can the more exclusive mount skins be considered "pay to win"? They do nothing to enhance the mounts' abilities. I don't believe that it is fair to compare these skins with legendary items.
  4. i know better what im doing and about my time spend of life so dont comment anything to just comment something That doesn't even make sense.
  5. You don't need these... you want these. That's a big difference. Maybe you should play the game rather than try to ToK-level all of your characters at once?
  6. Thanks. I thought I had remembered correctly, but as I'm old I tend to forget things.
  7. They have shown it is possible, just they don't want to do it to non gemstore back items.Hmm... I thought that they started enabling it on newer backpacks but not the previous ones because of the way that the older ones were coded. Do you have a quote or proof somewhere that older ones can be dyed and Anet just refuses to set them that way?
  8. I believe that the original intent was to enable players to differentiate opponents by the types of armor they were wearing. Outfits, however, defeat that intent. Now, though, I would suspect it to be too difficult to change the armor to be allowed across all professions without completely re-writing code. To me, that is not something that they can justify spending resources to do. If you ask me, it was really stupid from the beginning to have different armor weights have different seams and skeleton. They shot themselves in the foot with that.Hindsight is 20/20 for sure. I think that they were trying to set themselves apart from other MMOs with their strategy. Opinions differ on whether or not that was a good idea from the start.
  9. Armor sets same price as outfits? That's unrealistic. The resources involved are vastly different.
  10. Well, perhaps not all of us. ;) Still, glad some enjoy this one.
  11. I believe that the original intent was to enable players to differentiate opponents by the types of armor they were wearing. Outfits, however, defeat that intent. Now, though, I would suspect it to be too difficult to change the armor to be allowed across all professions without completely re-writing code. To me, that is not something that they can justify spending resources to do.
  12. I think that the point might be player shouldn't have to drop their graphics settings to avoid the clutter.
  13. To be fair, you weren't here when HoT first launched. It was a significant jump from the content that came before.
  14. Dude...25 BL Chest Keys are 2100 gems or $26.25 USD. Even if you're at a minimum wage job, that's like 4 hours of work. You could probably ask both your neighbours if you could cut their grass, and they would probably be happy to pay you $15.00 each. If you, or anyone you know is actually spending the time doing two world completions in a week, in order to get ~30 BLC keys, please seek out help, as that is staggeringly unhealthy for any reason. so the rent, taxes, weekly shoppings, monthly bills, etc. are all not important then? It's called being responsible with one's money and budgeting for expenses. Most people can manage that. and not all are able to pay 25 bucks on a game on a whim, it's called knowing your budget.That's true, too. Keys, though, don't cost $25.
  15. Dude...25 BL Chest Keys are 2100 gems or $26.25 USD. Even if you're at a minimum wage job, that's like 4 hours of work. You could probably ask both your neighbours if you could cut their grass, and they would probably be happy to pay you $15.00 each. If you, or anyone you know is actually spending the time doing two world completions in a week, in order to get ~30 BLC keys, please seek out help, as that is staggeringly unhealthy for any reason. so the rent, taxes, weekly shoppings, monthly bills, etc. are all not important then?It's called being responsible with one's money and budgeting for expenses. Most people can manage that.
  16. Wow, I envy the amount of time you must have. ;) I do have it atm, and im pretty sure you would too if your country is locked up completely for 3 months(ofc it isnt, i gues you dont know what covid is) ;)We're locked here in the US, too, but I'm able to work from home. Also, as an (ahem) older player, I have family and other obligations which is why I'm such a casual player.
  17. Agreed, but then you have people complaining about the lack of armor sets which can take up to nine months to make. Anet, it would seem, prefers to dedicate that time to developing other content.
  18. But then they wouldn't be outfits. We would be back to armor sets, which I agree is preferred, but Anet has stated takes much more time/effort than outfits.
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