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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I don't think you can find data to compare how fast this game is losing players compared to other games. However, it's not that hard to figure out that the game is in a decline, check the revenue reports, the gw2efficiency episode completion rates, even the leaderboard for the Beetle race of Dragon Bash which had way more "competition", shall I say it? Population IS declining, there is plenty of data to support that, and if you believe otherwise, I'd like to see any kind of data that supports that. Sure, the population may be declining, but to say that the game is "bleeding players faster than any other MMO" is hyperbole at best as it is unfounded by any statistics that are available to the general public.
  2. If that is the case, i wonder, have you been to all the repeats of that thread and said the exact same thing in everyone of them? Nothing new indeed.I find you in all these threads saying the same thing about anets rules that should be enforced by moderators, not you. So tell us why do you so adamantly try to lessen anets moderators workload? Also, has it ever worked? Apparently, yes. This thread has been merged as it should have been to begin with.
  3. I would prefer it to remain something beetle-like rather than something mechanized. This skin isn't for me.
  4. Here you go:https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360014185033-Policy-Unattended-Gameplay Stop defending those leeches.I'm not defending those players. I never have and most likely never will. I am defending the current policy as it is written.
  5. No thank you. I use F3 to keep my pet from engaging things I don't want them to. Or, to tag one target in a mob and bring it to me so that I can deal with one target at a time.
  6. I rarely show anything on my character's heads. I prefer to see their hair styles. I'm glad for the option to hide the head portion of outfits; otherwise, I probably wouldn't have picked up the few that I do have. So, no, this would not appeal to me or make me more interested in buying outfits.
  7. Thanks, @hugo.4705 While that graph is telling, it certainly isn't indicative of the entire player base, which was my earlier point about Anet having metrics.
  8. Why did this need a new thread? One already exists on the first page. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/109838/people-are-afk-botting-at-drizzlewood-to-get-unfair-map-participation-event-rewards
  9. Well, be careful what you wish for then I guess. Look at what happened after all of the multiple threads/requests for templates. Anyway. Good luck with your request. Again.
  10. Exactly. When a bump of an old thread or the creation of a new thread with the same topic that adds nothing new to the discussion, then it shouldn't be posted. That's my take. Practically everything on topic in this thread has already been said before. There is nothing new here.
  11. Do you actually see a thread and your first instinct is to search and see if another thread has ever existed so you can jump in with the first comment like your helping? No, actually, I remember reading threads that have come before. What would actually be helpful would be for people to use the search function to review existing threads on their chosen topic and either add relevant comment to those or, if they must start a new one, then not to echo things that have already been said. The purpose of a forum is for discussion. How can we discuss a topic without adding anything new to it? That would seem to be pointless.
  12. But it doesn't add any value to the conversation or any additional points, so a new thread kinda violates the CoC
  13. Fun is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't find this to be a fun feature. And others would find it fun. Ergo, it can be considered a fun feature. Is it fun for EVERYONE? No, but that's not the qualification of a fun feature. If it was, nothing in the game would exist because someone will find it unfun. Right, so based upon your point, we should remove players who do not like certain content that others like? You are saying that you find everything fun in GW2? What? Try reading.Snark isn't necessary. Egad.I said remove players whom are actively crying out against certain content. Not just people whom don't like a specific piece of content.That would go over so well with the community. So, you wouldn't come to the forums to post about content that you don't like? You would forcibly remove me because I do not want DPS meters and have voiced my opinion against them? Good luck.
  14. Fun is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't find this to be a fun feature. And others would find it fun. Ergo, it can be considered a fun feature. Is it fun for EVERYONE? No, but that's not the qualification of a fun feature. If it was, nothing in the game would exist because someone will find it unfun.Right, so based upon your point, we should remove players who do not like certain content that others like? You are saying that you find everything fun in GW2?
  15. Fun is a matter of perspective. I wouldn't find this to be a fun feature.
  16. Because ANet would prefer people buy keys?
  17. We already have hairstyle request threads. Please check the search feature.
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