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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. For me, the length is about right. I don't have a lot of time (2-3 hours!) that I can commit to these. Work, family and other obligations limit the blocks of time that I have to play. If they were made longer, then I would miss out on them because I wouldn't be able to play them.
  2. Just because Strikes are on farm and the farmers expect certain things from their groups does not say anything about the actual content or the way the majority of the population is using it.And from my experience (200+ strikes running Open Pugs) and looking at the numbers in Arc a very wide range of skill levels are represented by the players are joining my groups. Your statement is no different than calling the most successful map in the game a failure because LFGs expect a player to be experienced enough know what RIBA means. Silverwastes isn't really designed to be a stepping stone to other content, so this comparison would not seem to be accurate. It has nothing to do with the similarity that you're attempting to provide with regards to fractals -- AR is there by design. What is being said is that the intention of strikes as a stepping stone to raids is where strikes are failing. IMO, raiders should be raiding and not hanging out in strike missions but it seems that they are because the rewards are better in strikes. And because raiders are farming strikes for rewards, they are looking for specific thresholds to be met which may be preventing non-raid players from experiencing the content and thus keeping them out of raids.
  3. No. Well, then, what were your expectations? None.Ok, then maybe don't complain? Maybe you stop complaining?I'm not complaining. I was just responding to your desire for no one to have opinions on a public forum that you apparently don't want.
  4. If you read it again u'll see that it was talking about adding AOE to the shaman e-spec concept not the druid. No, it wasn't clear to me. Thanks for specifying.
  5. I never knew that this was an issue requiring any update.
  6. Might want to search the forums for why LS1 isn't coming back. I definitely wouldn't expect it before the next expac release.
  7. No. Well, then, what were your expectations? None.Ok, then maybe don't complain?
  8. Why would anyone need to carry around 8 lounge passes?
  9. What makes you think that's related to 'new servers'? Do you even know how much infrastructure is between you and the server or understand how it affects your performance? Even if the problem isn't with the servers themselves, and is in fact something between the client and the server... I still think that's valid justification to at least ask Anet to consider reverting to what worked previously.So, go back to old hardware from several years ago?
  10. Then make the BLC keys worth buying Value is subjective. Seems to me that BLC keys are worth buying to enough people for Anet to maintain the current price point.
  11. It gives less than 2 minutes. The matchup cannot continue with people on different builds. Thanks. I didn't know that.
  12. Please use the forums search function. This has already been discussed.
  13. Is there no on-screen warning in WvW stating that the game will be restarted after a set time?
  14. We've already had this discussion, no? https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/104756/bring-the-game-to-the-new-consoles
  15. It genuinely baffles me why people still place these objects on top of things that other players would like to access.Just place the box nearby and anyone who wants to use it can use it.
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