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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. And that's just it. Anet does not publicly state what their actions are toward any players. For all we know, a GM could have whispered to all 60+ of your reported players and gotten a reply from all 60+ of them, which does not violate the CoC. All of us are making assumptions with no basis in fact. You can put them on your block or friend list and see if they still "play". I have "people" on my list who have been standing on the same spot for years and they will continue to stand there as they play on their actual account. As i said somewhere, they log out, not out of the game but the character occasionally, then come back with another character on the same spot. This has been going on FOR YEARS. You can say they play but we all know that is BS. It's highly likely that you also take part in this "activity" at this point, no other reason for so vehemently defending anets indifference. You just keep on assuming that you know me. Still, you haven't shown how any of this affects your ability to play the game. Here's a hint: it doesn't. Still not denying that it's fact. Not like it's necessary...Not denying what fact? That I do botting? Um.... yeah, I have. But you would rather make assumptions about me and the way that I play GW2. That's fine. As for defending ANet's "indifference" as you put it, that's not entirely true. I have stated that I do not condone the practice of botting. Refer the previous link. However, it appears that you would rather cast aspersions and try to drum up support for your assumption that I am a botter despite my claim otherwise. I have not made any statements beyond what the official CoC says with regards to unattended gameplay. There is a report tool in the game, with an option specifically for botting. Anet has never been specific about any actions taken against specific players, so complaining here on the forums is pointless. But you can keep on doing what you're doing. Good luck to you and your endeavors.
  2. And that's just it. Anet does not publicly state what their actions are toward any players. For all we know, a GM could have whispered to all 60+ of your reported players and gotten a reply from all 60+ of them, which does not violate the CoC. All of us are making assumptions with no basis in fact. You can put them on your block or friend list and see if they still "play". I have "people" on my list who have been standing on the same spot for years and they will continue to stand there as they play on their actual account. As i said somewhere, they log out, not out of the game but the character occasionally, then come back with another character on the same spot. This has been going on FOR YEARS. You can say they play but we all know that is BS. It's highly likely that you also take part in this "activity" at this point, no other reason for so vehemently defending anets indifference.You just keep on assuming that you know me. Still, you haven't shown how any of this affects your ability to play the game. Here's a hint: it doesn't.
  3. And that's just it. Anet does not publicly state what their actions are toward any players. For all we know, a GM could have whispered to all 60+ of your reported players and gotten a reply from all 60+ of them, which does not violate the CoC. All of us are making assumptions with no basis in fact.
  4. If you haven't, please read the policy on unattended gameplay: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay In that case it's not okay to use pets and turrets and they should change their behavior. Period.As long as the player responds to a GM, it's within the existing rules. That's why it's important to report suspected bots or afk'ers, so that the GMs can check to see if they are present at the keyboard or not.
  5. In their first announcement (March 12, 2020), they said:"Development is underway on a third Guild Wars 2 expansion. The team is hard at work, and it’s much too soon to talk about any details right now, including features, story, release date, or development timeline. We’ll have to stick to that until we’re ready to reveal more information to the world. When we are ready, you’ll definitely know!" I'm not sure how far along they might be in just a few months' time. We'll just have to be patient.
  6. If you haven't, please read the policy on unattended gameplay: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65548/policy-unattended-gameplay
  7. No one is saying that. They are saying if it is only your minions doing all the damage while your character casts no skills you get no loot So, as a ranger main, if I target an enemy and F1 my pet to attack it then I get no credit for the kill Wouldn't you also be attacking the mob as well? Or other mobs? Doing damage with your skills other then the pet? If you are casting skills then you get loot. If you sit your ranger and the pets kills 500 mobs in a row by itself like you see them do then no. Like there was a ranger once on a hut and the jacaranda pet was confused and killing all these bandits while running around the hut trying to get back to him but couldn't. In that case no loot. If you are actively also casting skills and stuff then you get loot I disagree. I would still be playing the game, so I should get the rewards. Just because I'm not playing it to your definition doesn't mean that I'm not playing the game. NOTE: I am NOT advocating botting. I have NEVER advocated botting. I do NOT bot. Seems like every time I argue this topic, people seem to think that I'm all for it. I'm not. I just fail to see how those players who appear to be botting, even after being reported, are in any way affecting another player's ability to play the game. So far, no one has been able to answer this. How are you playing tho in the instances I mentioned. You are logged in yes but if the pets minions do everything then you really aren't earning the loot. And no it doesn't affect me except they get income doing nothing that I don't get I guess. I don't think you support bots or calling you a bot and like I said up above I can't even say they are botting if the pets minions attack on their own. They just taking advantage of the system which If my suggestion happened they would have to cross that line into botting and actually risk their account banned. In a small way it does affect everyone and some would argue positive because before new map certain dusts were 9-11 silver and they might of been higher if there weren't so many afk farmers getting those just sitting necroes in certain areasAny income gained does not affect any other player's ability to gain income. Nothing these players are doing will help them "win" Guild Wars 2 or cause another player to "lose". If there were a significant effect on the in-game economy then Anet would step in and make adjustments (and has in the previous example of the leather farm). If players are taking advantage of the system in a way that is against the CoC, then Anet will handle it. No one here on the forums can which is why it is so frustrating for me to see these threads continue to pop up. There already exists a way to deal with suspected botters: report them and move on.
  8. It's a great QoL idea. I suggest that it be posted in the QoL Suggestion thread where devs are more likely to see it.
  9. No one is saying that. They are saying if it is only your minions doing all the damage while your character casts no skills you get no loot So, as a ranger main, if I target an enemy and F1 my pet to attack it then I get no credit for the kill Wouldn't you also be attacking the mob as well? Or other mobs? Doing damage with your skills other then the pet? If you are casting skills then you get loot. If you sit your ranger and the pets kills 500 mobs in a row by itself like you see them do then no. Like there was a ranger once on a hut and the jacaranda pet was confused and killing all these bandits while running around the hut trying to get back to him but couldn't. In that case no loot. If you are actively also casting skills and stuff then you get lootI disagree. I would still be playing the game, so I should get the rewards. Just because I'm not playing it to your definition doesn't mean that I'm not playing the game. NOTE: I am NOT advocating botting. I have NEVER advocated botting. I do NOT bot. Seems like every time I argue this topic, people seem to think that I'm all for it. I'm not. I just fail to see how those players who appear to be botting, even after being reported, are in any way affecting another player's ability to play the game. So far, no one has been able to answer this.
  10. No one is saying that. They are saying if it is only your minions doing all the damage while your character casts no skills you get no loot So, as a ranger main, if I target an enemy and F1 my pet to attack it then I get no credit for the kill
  11. Sounds like a lot of work to duplicate something that already exists elsewhere.
  12. Nicely done. Yeah, another bot thread. Sure, it's annoying, but nothing these players are doing prevents anyone from playing the game. The only recourse is to report and move on. Let Anet handle it and if these players remain, then assume that Anet is sanctioning them.
  13. I disagree with the "need" for them. Sure, you may "want" them and that's fine. Personally, I didn't like the one linked in the OP's post and shudder to think how terrible shoulder pieces and other armor from this requested set would look.
  14. Congrats. I've not had a precursor drop in the 7 years I've been playing. Enjoy!
  15. That could be solved by making it only interactable by the player who spawned it or by only allowing it to be spawned in towns. Kinda defeats the purpose of the OP's request, though. Ahh guess that could be expanded to parties and raid squads too then. Protecting randoms from them would have to be done though, people do like to troll already with spawning merchants etc on stuff so it's a no brainer that people who could summon big golems everywhere would do it all the time just to be a pain in the rear.Yeah, you know that they would. Absolutely. Which is why ANet really needs to do something to curtail this, but so far they haven't appeared to even acknowledge it.
  16. That could be solved by making it only interactable by the player who spawned it or by only allowing it to be spawned in towns. Kinda defeats the purpose of the OP's request, though.
  17. Well, until ANet decides to keep that from happening, things will continue to be dropped on interactable items by kitten players.
  18. I'm on the US East Coast and no, I don't see that significant amount of lag that you describe; however, I will say that I have seen a good deal of lag on the PoF maps lately, especially when highly populated. Outside of PoF, I haven't experienced that level of lag.
  19. I would be more inclined to agree if such items were required to advance the story or somehow prevented players from continuing to play.
  20. Hi! You have already posted in the Copy/Paste thread, so there really isn't a need to duplicate it here. As for your request, currently GW2 doesn't have this feature native to the client. I can only speculate as to why that decision was made. Good luck with your request, though. I'm sorry that something like this is keeping your group from GW2.
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