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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. EDIT: so what if they did implement this as you suggest and what ends up happening is that more players opt for features that are not the features that you prefer? Those modes are already in a minority. Do you really think that this proposal would suddenly make those modes more popular?
  2. Due to player population, heroes have been hidden. They already hide minis when there are a lot of people on a map. That's just one add-on per character. Imagine how often this would have to happen with four heroes per character.
  3. What is the expectation? Are you not sure how cloud gaming works? The hardware running the game is not antiquated, but the one accessing it is. Honestly your posts read like an old man shaking his fist at the clouds No need to be insulting or to assume that you know anything about me. I am well versed in cloud computing. (sigh) It seems that you are the one who cannot see past your blinders. Regardless, you are unable to understand my point so nevermind.
  4. It's 2020.... If your computer cant handle a 7 year old game you need to re evaluate your life priorities. As much as I'd like to play Guild Wars, I'm not buying a new computer for that reason alone. My priorities are just fine. How old is your computer, then? Not sure off the top of my head since it's secondhand. Is it really relevant though? Only relevant in that it would seem that some people think that a game should continue to support computer hardware (and operating systems) that are many years older than the game itself. Personally, I find that unrealistic. So you find something that ALREADY EXISTS to he unrealistic Why don't you go ahead and show yourself yourself to the exit Thanks for the snark. I thought that the forums were for conversation and debate, not one-way only opinions. My point was that to expect a computer game studio to continue to support systems that are more than ten years old is an unrealistic expectation. My point was your point has no merit as the service already existsSorry that I wasn't clear for you. I am not talking about the availability of the service. I'm talking about the expectation that GW2 should be able to run on systems that are antiquated.
  5. It's 2020.... If your computer cant handle a 7 year old game you need to re evaluate your life priorities. As much as I'd like to play Guild Wars, I'm not buying a new computer for that reason alone. My priorities are just fine. How old is your computer, then? Not sure off the top of my head since it's secondhand. Is it really relevant though? Only relevant in that it would seem that some people think that a game should continue to support computer hardware (and operating systems) that are many years older than the game itself. Personally, I find that unrealistic. So you find something that ALREADY EXISTS to he unrealistic Why don't you go ahead and show yourself yourself to the exitThanks for the snark. I thought that the forums were for conversation and debate, not one-way only opinions. My point was that to expect a computer game studio to continue to support systems that are more than ten years old is an unrealistic expectation.
  6. In case you hadn't seen this yet, Anet created a forum specifically for LW threads. They just made it last week, so it could have been difficult to miss. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/living-world
  7. It's 2020.... If your computer cant handle a 7 year old game you need to re evaluate your life priorities. As much as I'd like to play Guild Wars, I'm not buying a new computer for that reason alone. My priorities are just fine. How old is your computer, then? Not sure off the top of my head since it's secondhand. Is it really relevant though?Only relevant in that it would seem that some people think that a game should continue to support computer hardware (and operating systems) that are many years older than the game itself. Personally, I find that unrealistic.
  8. It's 2020.... If your computer cant handle a 7 year old game you need to re evaluate your life priorities. As much as I'd like to play Guild Wars, I'm not buying a new computer for that reason alone. My priorities are just fine.How old is your computer, then?
  9. Heritage will unlock from your Hall of Monuments. This is linked to the achievements gained in GW1.
  10. Did I stutter? I said you don't need top notch studio quality. As in, record on whatever is available. Was the audio quality in the video they made addressing this issue so bad you couldn't understand them? Well I don't understand the attitude "10/10 studio audio quality or bust". So, ANet releases lower quality VA and player complain about how horrible it sounds or how the released a sub-standard LW chapter. ANet really doesn't need any more negative press.
  11. Yeah, ok, ANet will work on not allowing a global pandemic to occur for the next LW release. Seriously? You act as if they had a choice. Of course we all would have preferred voices -- I'm sure the VA's would have loved to have been paid, too! Anet wanted to release this with voices, but not knowing how long the pandemic would prevent them from being able to safely gather their team and the VAs without the potential for them all to get sick they opted to release the content without voices. Maybe you would have preferred this release to come out mid-year in 2021 or later when it would be safer for them to record voices? I'm not sure that the rest of the GW2 population would agree or ANet's investors.
  12. Actually, I believe that there are a lot of new players recently who have come on to GW2 during the pandemic. They wouldn't have all of these mats in any real quantity.
  13. Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. I can not request it because, for me, it adds no substantive value to the game. The professions would remain the same. Other than a racial skin (which is pretty much what this amounts to), nothing else changes. I would rather development go toward something that would enhance the game. This request, to me, doesn't do that.
  14. I don't think that's the point. To me, point seems to be the OP wants it rather than needs it.
  15. Personally, I would prefer GW3 to be something completely different from GW1 and GW2
  16. I would ask you not to paint the entire PvE community with such a broad brush. I am a very casual PvE player and do not fit your narrative. For me, it isn't that Raids/PvP/WvW are too hard; rather, that type of content doesn't appeal to me. Perhaps contrary to what many might believe, even though GW2 was touted as having PvP/WvW at launch, those modes don't seem as poplular (or as populated) as PvE. With that, I feel, you get a certain crowd and lately some from that crowd have some sense of entitlement that stretches outside of the boundaries of their preferred mode. But that's not all of us. To the point, though. I will probably never get a legendary because I don't want to take the time/effort to go through everything to get one. I believe that they should be earned and that the method to do so should remain as it is. No one should be entitled to legendary items just because other players have them and that's how I see these threads when they come up.
  17. In case you missed it, they created a new forum for all Living World discussions.
  18. But I waaaaannnnnt it and it's not fair that I have to do all of this stuff to get it.
  19. I'm new to the forums :3 Welcome! In case you didn't know yet, there is a search function. Type in Tengu and I'm sure you'll find several threads that might interest you. :)
  20. Why stop at 1000? Who would be the arbiter of which 1000 names were most wanted?
  21. Because they decided so. It's in the patch notes; did you not read them? "Soulbeasts, long standing without a tradeoff, are now receiving theirs—they lose combat access to a second pet and must choose carefully which pet they're going to be bonded with in battle." There were several threads in the Ranger profession sub-forum about this change. You may want to do some searching through there for more feedback and opinions about this change.
  22. On topic. I don't really have a horse in this race. I don't know about GeForce. Would Anet have to pay them some fee to continue their support? If so, then I really don't expect that they would. It's around the same reason why GW2 isn't on Steam. If there is no financial involvement on Anet's part, then I don't see why not.
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