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Everything posted by Peterson.5172

  1. so to sum it up... if there aren't complaints, it's good, if there are complaints, it's good? and im sure 99% are happy there is an expansion in the first place, doesn't mean they can't talk about issues with the expansion and i dont know how much achievement hunting youve done, i've pretty much finished 2 maps, other 3 are like 80% done, there are so many bugs it's like the whole thing was never QA tested.
  2. its open world, where for the last 10 years you could do with holding down 1 whereas DE requires you to: join a discord/pick the right group prepare 2 hrs in advance have a meta build (until now everyone's been saying you can use anything for ow, which you also have to look up outside the game, because the game doesnt teach that) understand boons, roations etc. im not saying DE can't be harder than 1 spam, but it's too much of a step up in one go. anet is trying to compress 10 years of learning into one meta
  3. if all players came together and asked for it rather than wvw/pve players trying to beat each other down, they just might... and i only said "easier" because the other person cant read numbers, i'm proposing a way similar in time investment and if someone really like map completion, they can do 3 times a week for 6x goe... (it takes about 15-20hrs if you use a route with mounts)
  4. this is the problem created by "use whatever stats/build you want; freedom to play however you want; make your own build" type of thinking while it's a nice concept, combined with 10 years of easy metas (do-able in anything), you get the 5k dps crowd
  5. i used double world record time, which is quite do-able with mounts if you are really slow at map completion, wouldnt you want a faster way in wvw then?
  6. it's a game, why force people to play content they dont want to...? it's like you just want to play minesweeper and someone says you HAVE TO play solitaire to unlock the next level (for the record i have done all strikes, do them weekly/daily as needed and i max out the shards each week) i appreciate games may need hard content as well as easy to survive, but thats no reason to force easy content people into hard
  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/nvqadi/world_completion_world_record_of_9_hours_31/ world record 9.5hrs, now lets say it takes the average person double that, that's 19hrs for 2x GoE a wvw track (without boosters) is about 8hrs, so one track = 1 GoE is about the same time investment (by not allowing track boosters) for the record im a pve player, i get my GoB by saving up big spender and wvw ranker pots (my wvw exp comes from the wvw supply boxes from converters)
  8. if you had to ride a golf kart around your home sure...
  9. i dont know how it is usually, but this time around reddit is more positive about eod than forums, or maybe it's more harshly modded
  10. i support you because all players' opinions should be heard but not talking about/ackowledging the bad things opens up your opinion to a lot of criticism (especially with that thread title) Pyriel has addressed most points so i wont rehash, i just want to say anet does a horrible job of teaching players how to play the training area in seitung is equivalent to teaching addition (a decade after game release), then expecting people to do multiplication (final meta)
  11. no it's not easier... read the numbers...
  12. i was thinking more as a reward track (not affected by boosters/only partially affected) since world completion takes 12hrs (world record), if we say 16hrs for normal person, that's 8hrs / GoE 8 hrs is about how long a regular wvw track is without boosters So if you disable boosters for that track somehow, that's about same time investment as open world exploration
  13. and we can evaluate on a case by case basis. If you want to leave some items gated by skill, that's fine. But wvw & pve have the same skill floor for GoB/GoE. As long as the track/pve method match ~timewise i dont see the issue
  14. i support GoB in pve, and GoE in wvw/pvp, why force people to play content they dont like? it's just a game
  15. i said "most pve" and honestly, i actually can run around wvw spamming skill 1 and get the armor at same pace as the commander
  16. in terms of skill level requirements, wvw is lower than most pve content wvw has a highr skill cap, but very little skill is needed to just keep the participation counter going
  17. if you think this is going to be some sort of kill proof, it's not gonna get you into raids or strikes...
  18. i dont think we have official numbers, i've always thought most maps are 80, but i've hear some maps can be 100, someone even said 150 but DE definitely has a lower cap on purpose, feels like 50, maybe 55-60 tops
  19. i agree but until anet releases official numbers (probably never), it's the best we got
  20. that'll be 700gems for the outfit, or 3k for the wardrobe set, cash or credit card?
  21. i know it's annoying to have people afk and probably fail the event, but until anet adds the ability to kick people out of open world maps, there's no solution to this.
  22. maybe they had to answer the door, the phone, make a cup of coffee, have a smoke, or any other 100 things This is one major flaw with making an open world map too hard, you can't expect people to dedicate time with no interruptions in open world
  23. its a big map, there are 101 corners you can hide and afk in it's an open world map, people could be there for 10 other reasons, just because meta is happening doesnt mean they have to participate. besides, I actually find the airship great for map completion, dive down with griffon to reach any point quickly like someone said, if you are still on 60% after10mins or something, it's a lost cause
  24. if we are using gw2efficiency, it might be good to look at these as well: only 13% finished the final story, so depending on how you look at it, 50% of those completed the meta, but we dont know in how many tries, could be 5, 10, 20 so on... https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=the only one the previous mission extraction point is about the same % https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=extraction point and even if people skipped all the stories, only about 26% actually did the mission to get to Cantha https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.search=old friends again your average gw2efficiency using player will (probably) be better than your average player, dont know how much though
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