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Nimbus Nomad.1237

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Everything posted by Nimbus Nomad.1237

  1. No, i think its balanced around having wells + chronomancer runes actually, which is pretty unfortunate if you aren't spamming wells. They should change the wells ability type to something else, then buff scepter attack speeds.
  2. S tier: Vindicator, Harbinger A tier: Mechanist B tier: Spectre(maybe C) C tier: D tier: Catalyst, Virtuoso, Willbender Untamed/Bladesworn i have no idea.
  3. You are absolutely correct about how comsume shadows pigeon holds you into a very specific playstyle. Using CS breaks the fluidity of shadowform and its intended use of weaving in and out of it. Consume shadows is great for people who don't want to weave in and out though. What anet should do is completely reword shallow grave to provide more playstyle options for spectre.
  4. Mate, flamethrower scrapper was insanely effective with absolutely 0 counterplay(perma stability + superspeed) coupled with being by far the easiest spec in the game to play. Low rated players were roflstomping other low rated players with it and there was aboslutely nothing they could do about it. Anet explicitly stated this in the nerf post. It was WAY too effective in lower elos and even in higher elos if teams didnt hard focus it.
  5. It definitely is far from useless. Mechanist is already one of the top pvp specs atm and holo has been meta for ages.
  6. You jaded by anets nerfs to flamethrower? That build was comically dumb. Im glad they nerfed if into the ground.
  7. I don't know where you are getting the idea that shroud skills are bad, but they are actually all really good. Even just auto attacking an enemy will heal your binded ally for more than you realise. The only thing that i find underwhelming about shroud is the range on 4. Maybe an increase in condi damage would be okay too.
  8. I think that was intentional because rune of the chronomancer exists. It's probably also why the scepter animations are hella slow too. I think they should change wells to a different ability type so they can buff pretty much all of spectre's animation speeds.
  9. The raw healing doesn't have a ton of scaling, but the barrier application does.
  10. Based on anets recent balance patches, i think we can give them a bit more credit. They haven't done very much in terms of buffing, which is unfortunate, but they have been consistently addressing problem specs for the last 6 months. Necro has been nerfed 3 times already(minion master, sustain nerfs, scourge) along with flameflower scrapper, and SA thief. The thief nerfs were a bit harsh and gone about the wrong way, but at least anet has some semblance of what has been over performing. Also, the EoD specs have all gone through numerous changes, though they still need more tuning(some more than others) I think it would help everyone's mental state towards gw2 and anet if we all remained a little more optimistic, since anet has been atleast somewhat trying to improve pvp recently.
  11. No way in ensuring it hits? It literally follows you, even if you port. I don't get this "just dodge" arguement. Gs5 isn't their only damaging ability mate.
  12. Condi PvP Spectre This is the build i'm running atm. I left some utilities blank because they are situational depending on enemy team comp/desired playstyle. Strength of shadows can be swapped out for hungering darkness if more condi clear is needed. Edit: I've updated my Condi build after doing more play testing and here it is. Condi Pvp Spectre 2.0 This is almost the highest damaging condi build that you can run. It's not going to pump super hard compared to any top dps spec, but it has absurd survivability and solid 1v1 potential, especially vs power specs. If opponents are running minimal condi cleanse, you will shred them.
  13. Sounds to me like you don't know how to press f2.
  14. I can see what you are saying about scepter/dagger as the kit is quite redundant. The 3 and 4 skills have a lot of overlap in what they do. 3 is almost always superior and relegates 4 to niche uses. The 2 skill is basically the three round burst of spectre and should almost never be used. That being said, i love scepter/dagger in pvp. The playstyle doesn't feel spammy what so ever since you are constantly popping into shade form as you mentioned. The ammount of control you exert on a single target with soft cc(chill & weakness) from twilight combo is absurd.
  15. I've been running invigorating precisions with signet heal in openworld content and it's far from useless. Maybe it's the signet heal doing most of the work, but regardless you are still virtually unkillable in solo/open world content(including hero point challenges) with this combo.
  16. Shadow form should get some type of visual so you can see if enemies and allys are in it. Im not sure if it does, but if it does, i can hardly tell.
  17. Before EoD, i'd say thief was the easiest to solo hero points with. Now it's probably mechanist. I haven't tried it yet, but it will probably entail kiting around with mobility skills while your mech anhiliates targets.
  18. Now i know just how strong bountiful thief is, but after the update i could see more thieves running trickster with 2-3 tricks. Withdrawal and dagger storm are already great skills without the cd reduction.
  19. I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Longbow soulbeast with Sic Em is an absolute menace in teamfights.
  20. Mate you must be confused. Flame blast is the #2 ability. I'm not talking about the auto attack.
  21. This change is actually a buff to condi engi. Flame blast's burning increase from 4 to 6 seconds is great and huge step in the right direction. Hopefully anet starts introducing more buffs/tweaks like this in the future.
  22. I hate to break it to you mate, but kiting around and avoiding damage while your abilities are on cooldown is how gw2 pvp is played. You don't just sit there and facetank damage while spamming 1 when waiting for cds, unless you're playing ft scrapper, but that's getting nerfed, so poggers.
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