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Everything posted by zeyeti.8347

  1. Thats something not welcomed in Hl pve , nobody cares your dps class is gonna sometimes heal for 1200 hp your sub , if you are dps , you go dps , if you go heal you go heal , except for hammer i can't see every attunements fit in one single role , purpose of air when you play heal ? oh yes 100 breakbar damage woohoooo... , purpose of water when you play dps ? staff is garbage in water , dagger is garbage in water , sword is garbage in water , scepter is garbage in water ... a whole attunement has no purpose as dps for 90% of ele weapons in Hl content ... I truly want something like "firefields heal allys" trait , having tempest overloads boon sharing from 180 to 360 ... the overloads less cluncky to use , 5secs to wait for a ready overload and 4 sec cast time... wayyyyy too long , looking at herald 1/4 cast time for maintaining regen , prot , might , fury , swiftness and quick ... now look at what ele has to do for the same results ....
  2. Same apply to me i won't touch any fps game who don't use a mouse , having two sticks to target on a fps while game is helping you be slightly "aim help" is feeling very akward to me , it's all about having some training i guess , but while you can play any game with mouse/keyboard combo , try playing games like wow with a controller , gl .... it's all bout a matter of taste , the most played game is fortnite (even if many of us don't liek this kind of game , the data prove its one of the most played) and game who has given the most revenue to his creator is minecraft , see : two games who are not peculiarly up to date , even on release , with graphics standarts . I will say your friends aren't the definition of what a game should be , nobody is , there is a variety of game , and this is good (controller friendly like Elden ring or Tekken and keyboard/mouse friendly like gw2 or wow), saying that we should get rid off keyboard (you stated that the standarts suggest that !) because it is niche , well a lot of us are niche gamers then ... all wow players are niche too i guess , your argument doesn't make any sense, it's not because you don't like the way the game plays that anet should change it , nor because 3-4 off your friends don't like keyboard , i don't like fps with controller , should we get rid off battlefileds and all call of duty who are on playstation or xbox ? no ofc not. And last point , how you gonna play some classe heavely played on aoe target , allies or enemy , move precisely , be right on spot using skill with a controller ... yeah show me footage about some dude wandering in queensdale ripping of lvl8 moas i can do that too by rolling my face on the keyboard or trying play with my noose or feets ... Nah , show me someone who is efficient and end up the hardest content of the game with an xbox controller ... gl finding.... gw2 is not controller friendly , you can play , i do on a steamdeck , but hell it is ankward ! No more market place for hard games you say : me looking at Elden Ring and Baldur gate 3 complexity and pondering .... there will always be a marketplace for hard content or skilled games , just look at how many ppl looked at elden rings speed runs or whatsoever , i think your own preference is tuneling vision yourself into thinking what is good for a game company... Ncsoft are the people who want arenanet to focus onbly on gw 2 , why do you think ? you think the game is a finacial disaster , not it's not , not the most played mmo , but is competing in the 10th finalist , thats not nothing.
  3. Me finding the process of 78 times 2x clic tomes of knowledge , put the tome screen right atop where the button "yes consume" pops and clic it , too long. But serioulsy , today the game literally hurl xp at you , you land lvl 2 in the open world tip /dance and win 1/2 xp bar , game is certainly not greedy by allowing you fast levels , maybe you xp your character without efficiency , so it's not a game issue... I don't see how the use of keyboard is niche .... another "i want to play gw2 with my xbox controller" , can you devellop this for me plz , kind of confused here. I agree the graphics are old , but game kind of wash that up with good level design/art , also you see gw 2 engine is not suited for very detailed areas like wizard tower or amnytas . I would say the graphics have some kind of disparity , when i look at mounts animation and graphics i found them pretty well done , but as any Mmorpg out there , the old area from vanilla feel ofc very outdated, but as those areas are just so unpopulated and uninteresting when you know the end of the game , that would be kind of a waste of time making them up to standarts in term of graphics. better things to use money and time on on my opinion.
  4. Just make a character called A B C , pull all the trash in his inventory and delete it afterwards. It's just like garbage collector. Yes i know, A B C is already taken ...
  5. This is gonna be funny as catalyst , manage your energy , your EE stacks , your sweaty rotation and the "ammo" from pistol... i really wanted a full oreinted support mainhand , dagger and sword have very narrow utility as support due to elementalist "so great" versatility. Wasn't expecting anything from pistol , so i am really not that pondering.
  6. Signets of Suffering rework was really bad , like necro need more boon removal that he already has ... it was not a great dps option but could fit in with very low intensity build playing with signet of vampirism , spite and undeath , for some great life force management and increased power even in shroud. It was not busted at all , ppl played it in some solo content or just to chill as reaper.
  7. I will say your description of the ele is on the spot, it get the job done, but has too have all those weaknesses for no specific reason , the example of alacrity trough overloads is one of the best example , you have literally no other class who have to got trough so many 4 (2.8sec with quick) sec cast time for maintaining alacrity, and that is a huge weakness, you aren't allowed to dodge or cancel the cast of the overload or else you will severly impact boon , especially alacrity , uptime , other classes don't have that kind of weakness, it's too sad for a game who is considered fast paced combat for an Mmo. Some will say it makes the ele unique , true , but if your uniqueness is to be punished on any missteps well i rather be mainstream than unique.
  8. I answer hidden insults by true insults i don't mind you are welcome !
  9. Sorry my bad a bit of wrong sentence construction here , what i ment is public taking more time is normal but has a big chance to fail , out of the 4 public attempts i have done i had 3 fails , mostly because ppl don't understand you need to bring back orbs to heal zojja, it is ofc normal organized squad were the com take the time to make sure everybody ahs boon coverage take less time. The problem isn't really the content , the problem is the people going in with 0 understanding of what must be done.
  10. That was true at the start , now it is +- fixed and if you runaway not far enougb you pratically down the whole ppl near the boss.
  11. This content has pretty much the same problem as soo won in open world on release , the big % of the game players are open world casual and semi casual who encounter barely any precise mechanic , a blatant exemple is one of the kryptis boss doing the green circle and you have 75% of the time ppl running away with it or not stacking resulting in a wipe or huge damage to all ppl around the boss. The mechanics are simple enough but you can't ask causal ppl who haven't encountered any singular mechanic trough their whole run to suddenly deal with it. Remember Mabon and Lyhr event failing just because ppl kill champs with too much disparity , many ppl don't even read the chat . Problem with this content also is the big difference with an organized squad and a public non organized squad , the organized squad is gonna clear the whole thing in 10-12 minutes while the public event ressemble more of a big chicken courtyard with 2-3 foxes running ammock inside.
  12. That's true (not the buying lol) , ele has his versatility going well for wvw and pvp and is hardly enough for open world , but is not well equipped enough as comparison for other classes in endgame pve. I paid 28 kaineng overlook cm , how many mystic coins does it ? 😆 ty for softening the mood btw.
  13. https://killproof.me/proof/b8RE I don't really like to bolster up or throw myself flowers on but here is the data , the character i've played the most is my ele about the +11000 hours played almost the half is on my ele , at some state i didn't care much about pve open world and only do endgame content , and i considered what you say about blind being just usefull for adds , but being an endgame enjoyer battling with adds come to me as rare occasion so i don't really see the use of it as adds are quickly dispatched by cleave and the only one sturdy enough to stay alive have a breakbar so not affected quite effectively by blind , and do trash mobs damages justify the use of a 40 sec cd skill ? being honest here if i play catalyst i would greatly appreciate more glyph of storms in air for multi hit energy loader faster. I don't know what you have for exp. (maybe you are with an alt on this forum , can't really tell) but you haven't done the hardest part of endgame content by the data of your current account , i don't count xjj cm and aether hideout as "hard" part of the game, neither i consider my own kill on the hardest content of the game very effective , have to be honest : my static was 3 times a bit of lucky. So you can judge me , but by data proof i have more exp. on the game than you , again i don't judge here you maybe on an alt on the forum , as say my moto text : i only trust what i see. and no i didn't pay for it 3times.... I have ppl who enjoy playing ele as support tempest mainly , but they agree too the class has many weaknesses other classes don't have to deal with and we have to adapt for some of those weaknesses but i agree on one point : the ele is fun and well designed (in theory) the element switch feels like a real elementalist and not a only specialized in fire or whatsoever . Don't tell me tempest can cover as much aegis and stab than firebrand can ... I only play it on dhumm cm for bomb ignoring mech while greater deathmark occurs and on sabir for ignoring tornado once on a 2 launch. The class is too punishing and have complexity for no real reward behind , for me it feels like a glass canon , but the canon is sort of a regular canon who doesnt deal much more damage than non glass classes, ofc it is sufficiant in most of the content of the game , but i cannot get off with the idea that ele at the state how it is now is lacking a lot of things for no real purpose, the reason it is not played isn't only it is complicated or because ppl are afraid of it , it is a pretty simple question : why do i take an ele for ? do i get more damage trough his complexity ? are somewhat the heals and boon application more effective ? what justify the lowest hp and armor of this class ? You will say i complain a lot without bringing solution , that's true , but i've done a fully rework on my own on doc.text(for fun) but i am too lazy to traduce from fernch to english and i was one of those ppl who asked for a rework for Empowered Empowerment , the thoughts were stacks being +100% more effective with a 6 or 7 treshold instead of 10 , so you don't have a trait who is actively efficient 50% of the time , you will ofc say it can be done 100% of the time , and i say : on the raid golem training. Kind of happy with the rework of 50% more efficient and 100% at 10 but again we will have new weapons in few months and ele with the weird pistol and another complexity added to the class is not gonna shine , while mesmer rifle , warrior staff, scepter for rev are gonna add some next extend to already existing support and open new ones , the tempest with no rework whatsoever is gonna be left behind even more than it is now. All i want is ele having just one single e-spec who is not punishing and justify the low hp/armor or a support who brings something to the table that other classes don't have , i kind of miss the old tempest 10 man healing it has his unique ways of being efficient , the alac/quick meta for support has a bit ruined the elementalist for me. And low intellectual level my a** ! if you want the peepee comparison i gave you proof of my own knowledge , now you can give me yours.... gonna see who is the slow brain...
  14. Berserker include his healing in his rotation for f1 skill reload who is 5 sec of 33% damage done converted into healing , bad choice for your example i just don't go trough all classes , but if you want. Harbringer looses health but conversion when he looses stacks blight heals him trough the whole rotation spellbreaker has a block who deals damage if blocked successfull mirage has an insane amount of téléportation in his meta kit. Chrono has f5 who can rewind him in his previous state. Ele as catalyst has built in defense too but weaver and catalyst not ( tempest has -7% damage taken indeed from prot. but that's far from enough to a class cursed with such long cast time) It's your right to not believe me , but trust me i've tried every class in the game and while some of them don't appeal to me i can recognize the + they bring , as for ele i don't see any , just my point of view and as you stated somebody has too have the lowest armor and lowest hp , but why both ? also why is it the class with loest armor and hp who has to be one of the most complicated , ele coukld really be at same hp as mesmer has today , won't hurt the class even a bit. Your point of view again So you telling me weaver going water with sword doesnt loose any damage .... c'mon water sword skills hit like a wet noodle... , same for catalyst if you play alac/dps you either don't go air if condi or either don't go earth if power, if the class has big complication to be played well it should stand up in the meta as highest damage pumper , that's the acse on the non moving raid training golem , i've done enough pugs and static to know why ppl don't play it , but i can tell tempest has one , only one thing going well for him and that's rebound , rebound is maybe the only thing that would make me play tempest, a bit sad that for me it has only this value. Like the 8 other classes .... And if ppl tell you to not speak with me they can tell it here and state the reason why they feel i don't have the right to be talked too , i don't feel like cowards private message texting has any value , maybe they just lack b * l l s are afraid for a report, or those ppl have no valid points to make , i am open to discussion and i am happy to write with ppl having different opinions and take on this class i despise , those ppl don't have to worry i am not the kind of guy who report everyone for a little pinch of salt or even insults. Don't missundertand me , i am happy to write and take on criticism with ppl like you who seemingly play ele and enjoy it , i would say good for you i am just dissapointed the ele is the only class i cannot get with , maybe it's me , but deeply inside i feel personnaly the ele lack a lot of things.
  15. Because he felt you were lecturing him maybe , you cannot say behind a message if it is open criticism , just kind advice, or mockery. if the com don't know what is needed to one of the easiest wing , well he is not experienced too, anyway don't get upset for such a feeble reason, chances are the squad don't even passed Cairn , so i would take the kick positively : you got yousrelf rid off a huge ammount of time waste or maybe you'll have also loss the opportunity for a good laugh , seing ppl run everywhere with agony and get bumped like a ragdoll trough the whoele arena on Cairn is a thrill !
  16. Reaper has shroud 3 (-66% damage taken , not stopping anythink in the rotation and build in defensive skill). Bladesworn has aegis from many skills used in the rotation. scourge has barrier (even it's pretty low without healing) and a free condi cleanse who doesn't interrupt your rotation , also built in. Vindicator has a block , with good use of it it can increase your deeps. Virtuoso has (apart distorsion you already mentionned) built in 3% condi damage turn into hp . And counting any class having more hp or a bigger armor than the ele -> 8 classes.... that's also inbuild defnsiv ability. Just tell me why today ele has to have the lowest hp pool with the lowest armor ? i coul understand that while the game was young and ele was one of teh few spec who could heal efficiently whtout counting on the healing skill. Ele isn't defensless of course , but having to be defensiv cost you something , reinforced armor give you +5% armor and +5% health , benefitting more on big armor classes and on big hp pool classes , so those are two things ele benefit surely , but again ANY other class has those bonus too but with higher value. All the skills you mentionned are used either on the support heal tempest or are completely off whole ele rotation , dagger/dagger is used in pvp and wvw , not in pve , Staff is underused as a dps weapon and even as a support weapon , focus is used on mainly condi builds , so no air rotation (nothing inflict conditions in air), sword is used as dps , going into water and using riptide is again punishing you in some way ,the only part i can agree with you is about hammer who is for me largely the most well designed weapon , having the ability to have one sole purpose to be damage dealer with great inbuild defense and non stopping rotation pretty powerfull defensiv skills , i cannot deny -15% condi and strike damage taken mostly of the time on this build , but that's the only weapon who can use his full potential in every attunement , all the other you stated have most of their skills not used or be paying a price could it either be damage or support. All of you can play ele how you want , but i largely disagree with you , the ele is the class with the least threatening or usefull utility skills (only shouts are somewhat up to date design ), all those skills have very narrow uses, especially conjured weapons (wish version of engi kits , huge cooldown, pratically nothing to offer and very scuffed mechanic), for me the reason behind this low playrate is not up to the forum spitting on ele (maybe justa bit) , cause at some point we saw tempest at the bright dawn of raids being very powerfull (even playing with staff) , cause it could deeps a lot and give some might , now a lot of classes can spit out might like no tomorrown and very more efficiently than ele , remind you without warhorn your tempest only has 180 aoe might share, nobody was spitting on ele at that time , and now suddenly for many years we see only complains ... we don't see the same rate of complains about other classes (maybe warrior), a film could have a great design and plot , if nobody goes seeing it , well it's a failure , ele is the least played class in instanced content and was for a long time , so his design in those regards are a failure. And it's not because some of you play it even in fractals that his design is good , again you are the low% playing it and data proves it , what ele can accopmplish other class can do it too with more efficiency. If a new players enters the game and ask for your enlightements are you franckly gonna say he should play ele as an advice ? And i can even go on on very useless traits and weird rait that are stucked in 2014... Conjurer ouh yeah.. fire aura whenever you summon a conjure weapon , this one take the cake of being the most useless trait of the whole game. Pyromancer's Puissance okay a trait that give you personal decent might uptime , but whenever you go off fire or overload you loose 10 stacks ... what is this trait a support trait a dps trait ? yes a uselss weirdly designed trait. Elemental Shielding 3 freaking seconds of prot. whenever u "aura" an ally ... that trait should have given barrier for a long time now... Soothing Ice c'mon régénération and frost aura on yourself when you get hit ... this trait should be a 360 also apply to allies. Soothing Disruption was great when it decrease cantrips cd , but it needs a complete redesign for a long time now. Arcane Prowess and Elemental Attunement shoudld give an increased ammount of might and the first one should also be given to allies or even change to fury , cause franckly 1 stack of might when you go fire or switch an attunement .... 1 freaking stack ... Sorry if i go bombastick on the ele , but at some points i played every class every possible way in the game (at least 1e-spec from every class) i just personnaly don't see the good points of ele today. And i am not the kind of person who has bias towards not personnaly entertaining classes by my own perspective , i used to play druid a lot as support , now with the alacrity rework on astral skills i really don't like it and don't play it anymore but icannot deny it's efficiency.
  17. We both know the answer , syg + f3 tome skill 5 can do the job pretty well with full boon duration either you are with axe , mace , shield or staff , there is no comparison possible , ele has a lot of options for support heal , but all those option are better covered by other specs: donwed ppl rez : necro stab and aegis : firebrand / herald wtith a 15 secs cd aegis on shield heal from afar : druid and next rifle mesmer Barrier : scourge and next specter herald boons from afar : scourge and mechanist Ele has a bunch of these option but less effective and sometimes with downside , playing staff allow good long range healing but you will have to rely on a herald to share might cause you ain't doing *** with fire overload tiny 180 aoe , rez ability ? you need to play staff to get the full chunk of this trait , if you take arcane there is no fury share (even if some builds give fury), barrier ? none , boons from afar ? none (only one ability can provide decent boons from afar is heat sync and you need to have yousrelf a lot of might and decent fury time for this skill to be effective). You are right we could take one def skills as dps , but why does ele need to do so while they are other class who has built in survivability ? Also i don't see how glyph of storms is a defensive ability , you cast it in earth to blind trash mobs ? what about a boss with a cc bar ? and saying magnetic aura is a great def skills , it shines in pvp cause you can surprise yoru target with it , but with all the refflect and projectiels destroyer we have today magnetic aura is the worst of them , it only works on single traget projectiles not even on aoe ones. there is no reason today to have Ele with such low hp , no reason for it to be so complicated ... alac is on 4 sec cast time (2.8 with quick) and let's not talk of the way ele gives quickness .... i agree that all quickness sharer look kind of crap against a herald atm.
  18. No , pugs don't care what you play and that's not the discussion here , strong points of the tempest still waiting , tell me another class who is in the need of overloading for 4 - 2.8 with quick to give boons , if you got hit or interrupted , well alac and might and even prot. uptime will suffer , you seem indeed to kind of master the class ... godd for you , but you are an exception , don't forget that , a new player try the ele , then goes on ANY other class will have a blast adn will always question how does it come ele feel like it is while other class have more hp , more armor , are more easy to play and "goes on blablabla" Keep you fairly points about ele strenght , play how you want , but stop denying ele is good at it is , even teapot says tempest support doesnt bring anything to the table. heck one thing that pisses me off about tempest heal is staff being reworked but not use at all because you need to be stacked thightly for overload f1 boon microscopic share 180 aoe.... for the record : Sometimes i don't agree with him , but you can deny he has a very solid vision of the game meta , ps : all the build under A tier aren't even builds ...those are more of a meme thing , so ele is the nearest meta healer to be a meme. It's sufficiant in most content with skilled player , but you don't take an ele with trainees for example ... As i am not convincing you , neither will you convince me , i am stubborn about it , cause i think i have waisted my time investing more than 5000 hours in my ele.
  19. I guess the firebrand has some stab in his build to compensate your stab lack ? you would have been more efficient as firebrand , your group could have tanked hits with aegis and be more efficient, but you play what you want happy for you to have a static who allows a tempest in fractals. also talk about his own great strenght , what are those ? rez power ? you play with staff ? if not and don't see how a pulsing water field rezzing faster while you already are rezzing helps ... healscourge does that by bringing back ppl from afar. Also where are the "dps" eles in your reports ? And sorry to say so , but you are maybe the 0,01% of ppl playing htemp in fracs. I personnaly don't want to play with a htemp , especially in fractals were is know if i don't dodge i will be throw around like a freaking volley ball. You have your points , if you enjoy it , well good for you , but undersatnd that a lot of ppl don't enjoy it for a good reason , and not solely because a lot of us in forum puke on the ele.
  20. So if the mains players say it's dog**** well as someone who was a main ele , our take is more valuable , you don't see anybody complaining about reaper being weak do you , or complaing about herald being a godlike pumping boon machine ? or neither anybody complained about the scourge nerf. What i want to see is YOU playing it , prove you take on some godamn content , not on a freakish pinata , YOU being number one dps , YOU saving a whole 7 ppl down a pumping 25 might alacrity and whatsoever 'Alone' , no herald allowed , thats too easy ... Just take what tempest support has in the current meta ? druid has an absurd long range healing (i don't like the current way it gives alac , but i can't deny it's efficiency) firebrand still the god of aegis and stab , herald just near the firebrand in term of stab and now aegis even more , scourge who can rez by blinking an eye a whole group and give amazing ammount of barrier, and the list goes on ... I know this build abusing the fire hit share on arcanes utilitys ... this build is rubbish and very frustrating to play , you have like +25% damage for 7 sec each 14 secs by overloading f1 , and i don't see why ele has only 14000 hp and it also use the less effective heal skill of the game ... very good on a class in light armor with only 14000 hp , i hope you have a good supp with this one or else you gonna be part of the joke : hey ele don't forget to do your rota once in downstate "chuckles", also hope your target doesnt move an inch or lese you gonna cry. Anyway if it was so efficient more people would play it , ppl play what is efficient for the most , so a large % of gw 2 community pve think ele is not efficient , and i am part of it, especially the support part , i don't get what tempest can bring as support except "rebound" who is used on very few encounters as a mechanic skip, but that alone isn't enough to be unique. And let's talk about the elemental glyph ... you think your squad is gonna wait for your 3 elementals to spawn ? i know it's for "simulating" other player for the arcane fire hit share but that's another weakness of the ele , thos elementals sux , can't even mount in open world and take them alive ....
  21. 1. Might is essential , if you play support you have overload fire who is already a combo field who give 20 stacks on a tiny 180 aoe , what else you gonna use for might ? lava font ? meteor sprinkles ? you don't have any blast finisher in fire staff anyway (and switching is again forcing to have skills you don't peculiarly want at that moment , while other support can basically camp a weapon and switch whenever it's needed , firebrand staff / healscourge who basically don't even need a weapon to be efficient / druid using staff only for healing / ...)... while fire staff 4 is great when you don't have any holes on the arena , would say i greatly prefer a blink , a flesh wurm or a shift signet , where you can land where you want and not 600-650 wherever and not targeting any foes on the path to stop it, yes those are utility skills and ? not like besides shouts ele has great utility skills ... they all are stuck in 2015... there is a shout who only purpose is to give 5 stacks of might , give a fire aura (useless aura) and give your foes a little solar burn , cause the damage is ridiculous , just compare utility the ele has for support againsta ny other supprt , it's really sad..... 2.It's an evade skill who is in water , being locked 4 secs in water with a sword is really bad if you play dps, evading is roughtly 3/4 sec loss , going water is 4 sec dps loss ... 3. your take is good in pvp and wvw , in pve endgame it's a hidden weakness , nobody will ask a dps weaver to go water for some healing , neither will ask a tempest support to go air for some damage... we play specific roles , no room for some half baked dps/healer/support , sometimes you take something like a reflect or some stab if it is lacking but ele really sux at those two things , anything else isn't asked , you not gonna bolster yourself after a fight saying you have healed your group for 1500 hp just once upon a time and your deeps is near the healer treshold ... specific roles are asked , no strange hybrid with healing .You don't give any alac or quickness ? you do damage this is the meta since mid Hot. 4. as many ppl point out in this forum , this dps is doable on the golem , why you think you barely see any ele in endgame content , and either in open world ? cause the class is very punishing for no reason , does it hit harder than any other class ? if that was so you'll see more ppl playing it , but that's not the case , we can prove via data https://gw2wingman.nevermindcreations.de/popularity Why is it ele is the only one where we can even see an icon of the class , you gonna tell me : "it's not because something isn't played at all that it means it is bad " well i answer if a game is judged being great and very original , but nobody plays it , well ppl who said it is great are hypocrites, that mean the game is not fun , and so as a game definition is fun : well the game is bad , same goes for ele , there are reasons nobody plays it at high end content, it does not apply to pvp and wvw though , but i ma not experimented enough in those game modes to argue about it, but anyway don't forget the biggest content of this game is pve open world , so we have indeed a problem with ele design for pve, i can understand not everything can be balanced , balancing 27 e-specs is impossible , but we should at least have 1 e-spec from each class bieng popular. Your take was maybe more focused on the pvp side of the game ,were i can't deny your points , having integrated heal in your basic skills is great in those content , but i focus more on endgame and casual pve content , who nobody can deny is the core of the game sadly enough for wvw and pvp enjoyers. Ele is forced to be hybrid , it should be a choice , like playing with thougness/vitality or not.
  22. Ele is a quite complicated thing to balance , you will have on one side ppl who cannot play it correctly (like me) and think it is too high investement for what it brings , that's the most high % of ele players , and on the other side ppl who master it and think it is pefectly fine like it is , those represent an absurdly low % of ele players. First of all , can someone explain me why does ele have the ultra light armor (make a bit of sense as it is like this for all caster like class) but why this freaking low 11500 hp pool ? Second , because you have 2x more skills than anyone (except engi if many kits are used) all the skills need to be "tuned down" because some ppl (the low %) will abuse it. Then you have the weapons ... there isn't any weapon who is fully oriented in a specific role (hammer is the only exception here) so that means if you play let's say tempest support staff , what's the point going in fire ? blasting combo fields for 3 stacks of might ? what's the point going water with a sword as dps ? you hit like a wet noodle and skill 2 make you fly away from your target ... and that's for all weapons . So it's nice to have 20 skills to use , but when you end up using only half of those skills because you have a specific role it feels bad and you don't understand the tune down. And then something really horrible to deal with is the cc accessibility , ele can have great cc , but they are too often hidden behind an attunement ... who is either on cd while you need the cc or it's an attunement you don't wanna go cause it doesnt benefit your role , especially on weaver cause you have the 4sec cd on all attunements. Ele rely to much on other to be effective in too many cases , if you have alacrity holes your rotation is kittened up while others have minimal changes to apply. You cannot switch weapon so if you are based melee , well goodbye dps while you can't melee , engi can still go grenades and throw the auto to minimalize the dps loss, ele can't and don't tell me conjured weapons ! And as many other said , even in open world you have classes were you can go full zerk , like spellbreaker, reaper, virtuoso , etc , but gl going full zerk ele with your 11500 hp ...
  23. Yes i guess a lacking attention kiddo ! it's not even fun , make it too obvious and spotted 100 miles afar.
  24. héhé i wonder in what situation you got your buffs ? 23 k hp , 100% crit. chance , 600 healing power , 3k condi , 85% all condi duration , +400 thougness , 55% + boon duration ... i bet snowcrow want your build , can you just expend the image plz 😏, this is a build who hit 50k no ? upkeep might , prot , alacrity , heal 2000 hp /sec and tank ? i smell hard trolling... eod story last boss godlike buff is not everywhere in the game you know. but nice try fooling around. I think you took the time to cut your image for a good reason , why not give us all the image ... And for your information phantasmal blades are used for 3 reasons: -high hit damage after each phantasm , even on a condi build . -the blade throw after a phantasm inflict bleedin. -the bleed proc adds up more blades . So no , sharpening sorrow is for people who lack expertise , or for open world fury proc. And it's not hard to reach 100% with rune of krait +50 and aristocracy relic +15 , makes bleed +65% , and bleed is the only condi you should care about as torment and confusion are too low to be taken in high consideration. But anyway ppl can play how they want , if sharpening stone suits well be it , i will certainly not change it , i clearly see a diff in dps when using one or the other.
  25. That's the problem Phantasmal Blades is super strong it is played as power and as condi , looking at some arcdps build this trait alone is n1 damage dealer as power and is missclaculated for condi cause it procs bleeding on phantasme going into an ammo blade, on the other side what was supposed be the condi to go trait Sharpening Sorrow is not used at all , that's a bit of a problem design , in power you take the bleeding proc after 5 stacks restore 1 blade and on the other side you take what is obviously a power trait as a condi damage. So for me the mid trait is super strong only alone with phantasmal blades (they should make sharpening sorrow a bit more interesting to use , not only for fury proc on solo) , the problem comes from the lack of blade ammo as power being half of the time very low and infinite forge feeling more of a "convenient" trait than an active impactfull trait.
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