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Everything posted by SlayerXX.7138

  1. It scales not only with BD, but also with quickness. Quickness does more then double the output off alac right now. That means it does punish a non-perfect set-up. The coming buff of 0.25 will increase alac application in a perfect set up by almost 1.5 alac per second in CA, which is a lot. Without quickness and 80% Boon duration it will increase the alac per second in CA by less then 0.9. Reliance on quickness to provide alac is a design flaw.
  2. It does. Many things make a difference between normal encounter and perfect golem set up. That is why snowcrow numbers should always be taken with a grain of salt. Especially power deadeye. Food does give 100/75 in stats. Ascended Viper/ritualist gear gives 81/81/41/41 over exotic viper/ritualist in stats. In case of Ritualist gear, Food is clearly more Powerful, for damage then upgrading your whole gear to ascended. Utility is also an extra 100 condition damage.
  3. Instabilities are fine in general. Some fractals should maybe blacklist certain instabilities.
  4. Yeah visual clarity is a nightmare in general in this game. Someone did tell me once what I have to change to make the game playable. Still afraid I will one day click the default button on the graphic settings. I'm 99% sure the dev don't have the standard settings on when the develop the game. If you have default setting, instanced content is incomprehensible.
  5. Exactly. I don't get the people here. What elitist brain rot does people compel to gatekeep a T1 fractal. They don't even do them.
  6. What does that mean? If you just want to provide alac, you click 1 like a maniac. Weapon mastery is coming, every ranger gets a staff. That mean it needs to be a trait in druid, which brings similar problems like right now.
  7. That not a conundrum. Some minor rank issue is so irrelevant for the health of the game it is funny how much people here care about that. The whole PvP community prioritizes themselves as individuals over the health of the game. Anet delivers. That is why PvP is dying.
  8. I don't think it needs to be that complicated. A simple damage buff on unload would do wonders. Something about: 0.4->0.47. So it does more then double tab, but less then triple burst. So double Pistol is the ini cheap mobile alternative to Rifle. Headshot and smoke field are enough to let double pistol stand out. Pistol dagger is just nerfed because they don't want people backporting in Instanced content. Don't think you can fix that without changing the dual attack.
  9. It is not about effort. My thief quick dps in full ascended does 20k+ dps. My OW build, who has more defensive stats and traits on the same thief does 12k+ dps. On a dps build with someone pumping boons it is probably easy 30k+ on a world boss. All with the same effort. I have Professions I rarely play in sub optimal exotics, that probably do a little more then 5k if I would bench them on the golem without extra buffs. The meta trait/weapons just eclipse then non-meta traits/weapons. On top of that full buffs double your dps, they also increase the gap between optimal and sub optimal setup. Thanks to that, OW encounters are very volatile depending on who shows up on what.
  10. @Efar.8153Try again, when you get the time. I think they broke down scaling over the Beta weekend. I'm not 100% sure but i could swear my stats in kessex hill were lower yesterday. Speaking of stats. 1 Starcake is worth 80% of my gear, which is a little silly.
  11. Yes if we talk about PvE. De doesn't have powerful sustain in it self, but it does have stealth. Shadow arts has leeching venoms. There we go. This is what I have cooked up. Very fun build. If you want to camp rifle you maybe want to shuffle some traits in DE. Double dagger does go more frequently in stealth and has some initiative to use death blossom as an extra dodge, so that is a good defensive option. Free utility is a cantrip of your choice to keep quickness up. If you do something hard you have two options for Protection.
  12. Neat fail saves, but they will be broken in a week tops. Such systems don't work, when implemented with manpower behind them, it won't work with a Anet dev getting 2 weekdays to implement it. Also PvP is dying, wasting energy on some minor rank point issue seems ridiculous to me. Especially when the rank point problem is tied to a bigger problem: The too wide ranking range the matchmaker allows.
  13. Did Harvest temple normal mode today. The commander needed to sort out who doesn't get to play boon dps, as almost everyone was willing and able to provide the boons. I see that as a win.
  14. Have fun with self healing duelist running it down far. And games without support being full of people who take bad rezz situation for the top stat.
  15. Yeah true, but that is kind of true for the whole game. It was designed to be dynamic and small scale. Weapon swap is not meant to be a dps tool. You don't have these big WvW maps, to then gather 80% of your team in a 1meter radius circle to face of against the other circle. Healing other people was never indented. GW 2 is not supposed to have quest, but a lot of achievement are just quests in disguise. Metas have taken over the game, whole maps are designed around them. Those meta need to constantly split people because the game is not build for that. Boons are meant to be a temporary boon. Events are meant to be dynamic not farmed in a train(which is a gw2 only term). You can bend an engine only so much. The whole game is a mutated mess. If you played a little PvP and didn't get the match ruined by something over tuned or whatever, you should know what I mean. The whole system clicks. Boons, weapon swap, utilities, movement, Dodges everything just feels right. They designed a PvP game and changed their mind before releasing it.
  16. The Benchmark is 36.937. Swapping a whole legend is a little different then swapping a single utility.
  17. It is a dps that can give aegis or stability, i would expect that it "under performs" on the dps axis. They did try that out, was pretty hated as far as I remember.
  18. That is because reaper has a lot of free crit chance in the traits. If you want to go over the top "solo OW" celestial is the best gear in 99% of the cases. Power builds need 3 stats to do damage: Power, Precision and ferocity. Condition builds need 2 stats to damage: Condition damage and expertise. These stats increase the damage by multiplication not addition.That is why if you want to solo stuff you are not supposed to do solo, condition build over perform. Only relying on 2 stats for damage means, you can relocate more stats without losing to much damage. For example trailblazer. The other variable in these over the top builds is they keep as many buffs up on themselves as possible. So concentration is very useful to keep up boons in a solo scenario. So you want to invest in your 2(condition) or 3(power) damage stats to do decent damage, invest in toughness and Vitality to not die and invest in concentration to keep up boons to buff yourself. Turn out celestial is the best stat combination to do that. Reaper with a lot of crit chance in the traits doesn't need Precision so Reaper needs only 2 stats to do Power damage. Virtuoso is a condition build that needs 100% crit chance to reliable apply conditions, so that is a condition build that does need 3 stats. But that are exceptions to the rule. If you play the game normally Berserker, Marauder, Viper, Trailblazer and celestial are all fine. Tldr: Your statement is correct, the video you watched is someone breaking the game.
  19. Time is gold. Gold is time. Regalia is relative quick. On release the resource cost of the PvP Amulet was pretty high. Don't remember but probably 1500+ gold. Doing Regalia was probably the most profitable farm I ever did. On top of the saved gold, doing Regalia gives gold and other stuff too.
  20. You can't give rifle easy stealth access, stealth is to powerful. If you want to stealth you can use deaths advance or use bound in the smoke field of rifle 4. Or use an utility. If you are hell-bent to repeatable press Judgment just play deadeye. You are probably right, but would be nice. They also could just buff auto a little so dps doesn't drop off a cliff. I think that is a good thing. If rifle becomes double Pistol+ we gained 0 weapons with the mastery. Playing a lot Staff/rifle it was quiet fun to drain ini with rifle, then switch to AA with stuff.
  21. PvE Amulet is a little bit to cheap in comparison and "quick" to do. PvP Amulet needs a lot of resources. So if you play PvP you probably better of doing the PvE Amulet, because you save so much Gold. On release Mystic coins where still 2g. So that alone was 500g saved. I did the PvE amulet too because it made economic sense. Still have my Vial of Salt lying around. Not the end of the world and with prices coming down less severe then it was on release.
  22. Funny how many people get confused about that. They probably should change log in rewards to more account bound stuff, that can't be liquidized.
  23. Only death Judgment or do I miss something? Rifle as Initiative hungry double pistol analog seems fine? Death Judgment damage needs to be adjusted, probably around 2.5 power coefficient for non-deadeyes in PvE. As cost effective Stealth is bound to Dagger OH and deadeye, maybe they could add a unleashed ranger like effect on dodge. So if you dodge, your next Auto Attack becomes Judgment without putting you in stealth. Just put the damage of judgment low enough in competitive to not cause a Riot. I guess vulnerability on the autos is a thing they need decide on if they want to give 2/3 or 1/2 for hitting unmarked targets and remove the tooltip.
  24. World bosses are as crowded as Metas and they don't give much value. While a subsection does value Gold/hour it is not that dire. Storms of Winter is run pretty often, another OW thing that isn't that much value. People still chase treasure shrooms for the enormous 11 silver it does provide. Raids still have the ultra armor, if that is not enough Raids aren't good enough.
  25. Increase Poison duration by 25% per stack. The trick is to enter combat without aggro, with mark for example, then stealth. Stealth with shadow refugee to read in peace. They probably should add "Stealth" as a weapon category.
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