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Grim West.3194

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Everything posted by Grim West.3194

  1. Almost couldn't log into this site the server issues are so bad. Log in server has been bad for months, but this is intolerable. Fix it.
  2. Lol. I couldn't even log into this site. Took 3 ties before it wasn't timed out. Your log in server is garbage. Has been for months, but lately the game is unplayable at times. Using the auction house is a waste of time. Fix your stuff or people will be moving on. This is unacceptable.
  3. Linking is supposed to make the mode competitive. If done properly then it would and you would see different servers in T1 every week.. But the way ANET does linking actually makes the mode less competitive. The same bad actors are rewarded for their behavior over and over again. And have been for years. Anet doesn't have a clue what it is doing with links. It's just milking the mode for server transfer money.
  4. Like everything, WvW does get boring after a while. But then I go play other games. But unlike other games that don't have WvW, I return to GW2 again and again. Mainly for WvW.
  5. Going through the story of the latest expansion on multiple characters is torture. Still only finished it on one toon. Gave up on the others, mainly because I can't skip those mediocre cut scenes. Even if I liked the story, would only want to watch it once. Forcing us to watch mediocre garbage over and over and over just kills my desire to play.
  6. The rewards were too good for repairing. Really good for the ease of the activity. But they should have just nerfed the rewards, not eliminate them. Bit of an over reaction imo.
  7. /old man voice "Back in my day we were in a queue for 8 hours and LIKED it!". Going to be long queues on most servers again, at least for a while, but that's a good thing. New people, fresh blood, etc. I hope alliances are coming soon though, because the server / link system is a massive failure. Too many servers / guilds abused transfers and tanking to make it ever workable again. Blow up the old system and start over.
  8. This alliance run has been fun. Didn't have much time to play but enjoyed it. Tons of people playing, lots of action, even during mid week. In a small guild so we are in an alliance with guilds I've never heard of. Thought I knew most of the major guilds since I've been playing off and on since launch and never transferred. Apparently not. It's cool to see all of the new players too. Once the shiny wears off, alliances will have their own issues. But for now it's been a great experience.
  9. Option 5: Banners are deleted from the game. The world rejoices.
  10. /agree I also have never used banners and have mained warrior since launch. I think they have nothing to offer a weapon specialist class in an action game.
  11. Start with getting rid of banners. They were always stupid mechanic, especially in an action game / pvp / wvw. Warriors are about weapons, not flags.
  12. Get rid of banners. They are a stupid mechanic, always have been. Doesn't fit the class in any way. Have hated them since launch, and have never used them. I refuse to be a banner slave.
  13. Delete all other races and change everyone to Skritt. Everyone wins.
  14. Map is screwed up in 3 screen mode (Nvidia Surround). Zoomed in so much you can't locate anything or port anywhere except to local wps. And 3 screen character select screen is also zoomed in so all you see is the character's belly button. Not game breaking like the map issue though. Haven't tried DX11 for a while so maybe they fixed it. I only play gw2 in 3 screen mode, so this is a big deal for me. Not a problem for most people. DX11 otherwise worked great. Looking forward to being able to use it.
  15. Stacking will happen, that's just what players and people do. But the new system, if they design it correctly, should allow them to minimize the effects. The easiest solution is to minimize the size of alliances so that no single alliance can dominate with overwhelming numbers of hardcore players. If hardcore players are forced to choose between a number of alliances then parity of a kind can be achieved. The NFL does a very good job of keeping the game competitive. Stacking can occur there too, like when talent followed Brady to Tampa. But even that doesn't guarantee success.
  16. Some of the best content in the game by far, imo. I do it every year and way more times than I should. Something about the Wintersday Jumping puzzle just works for me, I can run it endlessly and have fun. Even during years the awards sucked I still logged in and tried to get better at it. Racing other people who are good at it really gets my adrenaline flowing. My Christmas Wish would be to have more puzzles like the Wintersday puzzle. I like the Clocktower, but it doesn't keep me coming back like the Wintersday puzzle. A true masterpiece.
  17. It would be great if spying actually made any difference, but atm what is the point? The only tactic that matters is coverage and spies can't change that.
  18. Just want to thank the devs for communicating on this issue. I would encourage you to also give us updates on alliances.
  19. Lol, typical comment from a BG player that helped kill the game, and drive most players away. If you enjoy BG's place (in a deserted game) because of it's cheating ways then you are a part of the problem. And that is the crux of the problem with WvW as a whole. It encourages cheaters and bad players to believe they have skill, when all they have is coverage in a broken game mode designed by the inept. If your server truly cared about WvW the players would leave BG instead of gaming the system to make the imbalances worse. But you don't and you won't. If alliances ever are created (doubtful) then RvR players with skill may come back to the game. They left this garbage game years ago. Only the inept are left. Until then enjoy your empty 3 legged dog race. Oh, and just a reminder to all. BG was a garbage server that nobody cared about for the first fiew years when the game was populated HoD for a few months and then JQ (for years) were the servers to beat. BG only started winning when they broke the transfer system and the game mode (with ANET's misguided help). But by that time most serious RvR players had already left the game. BG never won with skill, only by gaming the system. Well if nothing else, one has to admire your stamina in beating this "BG is evil" drum since 2013. ? It's not hard to imagine that when this game eventually shuts shop and the last one left is asked to turn off the lights on the way out, you'll still be here whining how this is all BG's fault ! :p Lol, 2013? BG wasn't even a part of the competitive servers back then. They were garbage tier, nobody cared about them. BG didn't start winning until they broke the transfer system a few years ago (long after most serious RvR players had already left the game). That is when people realized what a bunch of garbage BG is full of. In their defense, BG couldn't exist if ANET were competent. WvW is game mode that negates skill and only cares about coverage. WvW is a monument to incompetence. Such a shame too. WvW could have been epic.
  20. You can't have vision when you are blind to the most basic flaws in the game. Flaws that have existed since GW2 launched. ANET's only vision is of a dark empty room.
  21. Lol, typical comment from a BG player that helped kill the game, and drive most players away. If you enjoy BG's place (in a deserted game) because of it's cheating ways then you are a part of the problem. And that is the crux of the problem with WvW as a whole. It encourages cheaters and bad players to believe they have skill, when all they have is coverage in a broken game mode designed by the inept. If your server truly cared about WvW the players would leave BG instead of gaming the system to make the imbalances worse. But you don't and you won't. If alliances ever are created (doubtful) then RvR players with skill may come back to the game. They left this garbage game years ago. Until then enjoy your empty 3 legged dog race. Oh, and just a reminder to all. BG was a garbage server that nobody cared about for the first fiew years when the game was populated HoD for a few months and then JQ (for years) were the servers to beat. BG only started winning when they broke the transfer system and the game mode (with ANET's misguided help). But by that time most serious RvR players had already left the game. BG never won with skill, only by gaming the system.
  22. Until they implement Alliances, most of us that have left will not be returning.
  23. WvW has always had the same basic problem. Winning the match doesn't require any skill, just coverage. WvW might be the most pathetic version of RvR ever created. And even worse is that ANET never had the competence or inclination to fix it. They just mouth pathetic BS to keep the transfer idiots hooked.
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