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Thron Stal.9367

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Everything posted by Thron Stal.9367

  1. It seems many changes they incorporated include how they play vice everyone else, and with a screw everyone else attitude. IMHO It is to late, they didn't listen and even incorporated an entire EXPANSION to these changes we all hate to the doom of this game. They do NOT care.
  2. Is it me or are the Skyscale "I already have it through method 1 or 2" the whiniest drama induced people? ha-ha
  3. EoD was great until they had to throw in the kitten scene stuff...why? I have friends of all types and never felt this type of unbalanced bologna. Love them all except your pollitical purpose.
  4. No one wants to play one now thanks to ANET who keeps making them worsse and worse.
  5. Thanks again Bro. Pretty much as you stated. 30+ members all experiencing Ques but different UI Lock issues on reset night. Some have locks, some don't, some get in by the UI and some get in via LA. I am unlucky and cannot get passed the locks on the UI screen. By the time I reset it and get a clear UI screen, Q up again, I am at least number 20+... very frustrating. Last reset, thos that did get in and had enormous skill lag attempting to fight the other zerg. I bet both sides had this issue, finally our quild of 30+ gave up and quit.
  6. Falling asleep listening to the whining and wondering where my cheese is.
  7. Happens all the time with us, Anet moves us according to the Wind. no matter the results.
  8. They will release it, offer new classes then NERF them all in HELL. LOL
  9. It seems most of these people only exist on certain servers. I wish they were gone too.
  10. Good question, we don't belong in their little chat club where they get these crazy ideas as if they are common. And wreck everyone else.
  11. Improved Kill Participation for Support Players Calling all support-role players in WvW: it’s time to fill your bags…with Heavy Loot Bags! We’ve adjusted how kill participation credit is awarded to support players, which should bring their rewards more in line with damage-role players.
  12. Merry Christmas, all my toons are ruined. Ty Anet FB, Nerfed - carpet tunnel Mech Nerfed - Mech goes where it wants Scapper Nerfed - 1 sec invis.. HAHAHA BS anet What else? Are you going to do a 4 to 1 and take off for Christmas in WVW? and then laugh at us?
  13. My Mech pet does what he/she wants. IN passive mode WTF Since you nerfed me and I must be near it, I am dead. Thanks Fix it pls
  14. I've got 7 stacks of stab and get stripped and pulled in .5 secs.... then Anet nerfs me. WTF
  15. Didn't need to read it, GET Rid of them both. Ty
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