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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. They dont have time to make the jade mech go underwater, they are too busy making it clunky and destroying core weapon like rifle.
  2. Animation clean up? Dont they have any professionnal animator that work there? I mean the new animation look laughtly bad. Iv seen student project with waaaaaaay better animation than this. It look like "my first 3D animation project".
  3. This patch was an anti fun patch for engi. We now have the ugliest weapon skill animation of the whole game (rifle 1) and the mechanist feel soooooo clunky now. What a bunch of unfun and kitten change.
  4. This patch was an anti fun patch for engi. We now have the ugliest weapon skill animation of the whole game (rifle 1) and the mechanist feel soooooo clunky now. What a bunch of unfun and kitten change.
  5. This patch was an anti fun patch for engi. We now have the ugliest weapon skill animation of the whole game (rifle 1) and the mechanist feel soooooo clunky now. What a bunch of unfun and kitten change.
  6. I indeed think its a misunderstand, I really hope. Our discussion was really not enjoyable. But please dont try to dismiss my comment anymore. If you dont like it, at least dont attack me, please. Anyway like I said Im only making my peace with leaving the game. Wish you all the love you need.
  7. Wow youre a toxic person to talk too. I get it you dont like people whos opinion are different than yours. Only think I said was that I think the assault rifle was fun and fit the game perfectly, I think the new mechanic of mechanist is clunky and unfun. I dont think its a good idea that anet take out many fun trait for sake of balance. Thats it end of the road, no need to attack me anymore. kitten
  8. I did reread it live, and you still dont answer my comment, you still dont explain why it does not fit the game. And its does not explain why you said I lie. You just deconstruct the firearm traitline, wich is fine but does not answer any of my issue? If you dont want to have descussion at least dont just dismiss people opinion because they are different than your? Just so you no, no Im not an english person so yeah my post may not have the best construction ever, Ill give you that. But its does not change the fact that I think the change are not healthy nor good one for the game.
  9. Ok can you explain what lie I did? And can you explain why it does not fit the game? -____-
  10. Still didnt answer anything. Still just dismiss my comment... 😞
  11. You still didnt amswer anything writen in my comment, your still just dismiss my comment.
  12. I see that you are unable to understand what I write, so instead of taking time to answer well and trying to proove your point. Your just gonna dismiss and try to diminish any opinion you cant argue, without backing you own. I see, thank.
  13. Would you play gw2 if it was only color cube? Both are needed, only focusing on one at the expense of other is not a good idea. I dont derive my fun from animation, but bad animation sure those take some fun away. If you read my previous comment, youll find out that Im not only speaking about the bad animation. Anyway last comment for me, time to move away.
  14. Just a quick correction for you, gameplay and animation are extremly tie togheter. Bad code with good animation is really not fun, but you get the same feelimg with good code and bad animation. Both need to be extremly good if you want fluid and fun gameplay. Just a little fact for you before I leave for good 😉
  15. I know, I dont get why people enjoy/have fun when class they dont play get uglier and clunkier, but if its their fun, Im not here to judge. The game aint fun for me anymore, Im probably not the only one. I just wish more people like the game how it is now and not how it was before. I really whis the best for anet, been playing for 8 years. Its not just 1 animation, it a cumulation of redeaign for worst, streamline, and removal of fun interaction in the gameplay, build craft. This patch was the last straw for me. In the last 4 years anet have remove and simplify soooo many cool thing. The gameplay is really not what it use to be. Its way spamier and has way less synergie in its trait system.
  16. Fun should be their focus. But look like we dont have the same description of fun anymore. Ill stop here, no more complain, no more waste of time. I wish for you that anet dont made more people quit. Good luck. Thank anet, sad I wasted my time.
  17. I still dont understand why we can have a assault rifle on engineer? Why make the engineer rifle the same as warrior? Why take something unique and make it more generic and uglier? I hate mesmer, I find their fx to be ridiculous, all that princess purple stuff. You dont see me complain about it, why engi can have a machine gun? Its not like it does not fit in the game, we have robot, laser, explosion, missile... I mean an assault rifle is the less weird thing here. Anyway, not point aeguing, youve already won, anet did destroy rifle 1 animation and rifle 5 animation, they even take out the self cc. Im just making my peace with leaving Tyria once and for all. I dont like anet way of balancing stuff. They balance in a destructive way and Iv seen many mmo die because of excat same reason.
  18. I was not only complaing about this patch more the direction the game is going. My main complain for this patch is taking a cool looking animation and making it way less intresting and to my taste waaaaaay more uglier and adding a clunky mechanic that make you play in a really specific playstyle of f7 and f6 spamming, not fun. Why they didnt remove the auto cast on f1, f2, f3 if they wanted a more engaging gameplay? And as a whole the gameplay is getting simplier, a lot of flip skill have been remove, a lot of trait that added skill has been remove and replace with more number. Take barrel cake, it was cool dodging and droping a bomb, now you only have a small explosion on target when you do, you dont need to think about it anymore, they even kill a fun trait that let you place 3 mine on dodge for what? For a buff that happen without you needing to think about it that give you what? Againt more number. Mortar skill use to be unique, now it has the excat same gameplay as grenade kit. They take away the self cc on rifle, it was fun, now its just another push. Nothing alone is that huge but it the cumulation of every little thing theyve taken away. Even munition drop was more intresting then having, againt more number. Its boring. Is it more balance? Yes. Is it more fun? Absolutly no. Visual is suffering, gameplay is suffering, build craft is suffering. They take away more than they add, they didnt even add any new sigil or rune in this expac... Even mech was added not long ago, it uae to have synergie with aim assit rocket, not anymore, Im even sure there going to remove it for another trait that just give more number. I dont care about number, I care about fun.
  19. Should I make you a list of everything anet as taking out or simplifier during the last 5 years? It was not fine 2 weeks ago, during the last 5 years thing have gotten from good to worst, the last patch was the last straw for me. This game is GETTING generic, slowly but surely. Every class are starting slowly but surely to all feel the same, every skill start to be use/play the same. Its all start to go down hill when they decide to remove unique modifier on class and synergie between trait. Go on the wiki check at everthing they remove during the years. If you love the game, more power to you. But this aint the Gw2 I use to love, it a shell of what it use to be. Youve win, you ll have a competivly balance boring game.
  20. Did you know that video game are a visual medium? If you dont care about art in video game, you know you can play card game or boardgame, they even have online site for this. Like it or not, art in video game is way more important than you think, probably even more important than silly stuff like balance in pve. (For pvp is more important true) Before you do your smart kitten, yes balance is impkrtant, but not a the cost of art and gameplay, wich this last patch was blance at cost of art and gameplay. Thus why people complain. But hey if you want to encourage anet at making their mmo uglier clunkier and less fun, go ahead.
  21. Engi theme is too, we even have a line saying master of firearm... So yeah... engi is not a scuff warrior, its an engineer. So a machine gun aint a caricature. Not more than shourd is a caricature. Just to be sure I dont want them to remoce shroud it would be stupid beyond. Was just saying that your argument againt a machine gun on engi aint good.
  22. Ill be back if anet wake up and decide to make a fun game over a balance game. If they keep with their direction, I guess good bye Tyria. Anet is becoming the void. If I would like a good and balance pvp game, I would not play gw2. More power to you if you like for every clase to feal the same. I guess people leaving your mmo because anet are taking the fun away, is a good thing for you. Its silly talking of caricature in a fantasy mmo. Like warrior is a caricature of a warrior, nobody in real life fight like. Necro aint a caricature of the eggie knight. Ele aint a caricature of a mage, etc. Im sad, gw2 use to be great now its becoming just another generic mmo. It use to have engaging and fun build craft, now its just basic and simple. If anet want to focus on balancing pvp while making sure pve is boring and simple. I guess, this is not the game for me anymore. After 8 years. Sad...
  23. Oky can we get rid of shroud on necro, this is a ridiculous death knight caricature. See were this is going or would you prefer that we have no class and fight with stick instead?
  24. Because all week peeps said the samething over and over a bit like you did. I dont mind the nerf, I mind ugly animation wich sorry it is, and I mind bad mechanic. Relaying on a broken feature of your game, wich IA are, for balancing aint excatly giid design. Im just sad that guild wars 2 walk the same path as all the other dead mmo. No mmo in history survive by destroing the fun gameplay of their sandbox for the sake of balance, none. Guild wars 2 build craft was at it best 5 years ago(not balance, build craft). Befire they decide that unique effect, trait, and animation was not a thing they want in their game. The gameplay is so less intresting and much more simplier than before. Im mad because I see my mmo dying before my own eyes. Like I said it aint the first time that sandbox rework (specialy when the rework are simplier and streamline mechanic) kill a mmo. Its not the first time I feel frustrated by the bad decision anet did. The game will only be balance when each class will loose its flavor and unique gameplay. Everything is becoming a grey goo in this game. Sad.
  25. Something tell me youre not a good animator if you think the rifle 1 animation look ok now, it does not even look like the bullet are fired from the gun. It feal like my character is waving the gun back and for like an idiot and some time bullet come out of it. It has no impact, no weight, it look amateur. Ive seen student project looking way better than this. And yes mechanist new mechanic is clunky. But hey if you like it more power to you, I guess I just keep not logging in, but youre probably the type of person that will say it does not matter if people dont play your mmo. Surely less traffic and and thus less money in anet pocket is good for your mmo. Anet kitten up on this patch, most of the engi player agree on it. Before some stupid kid comment, yes POWER mechanist needed a nerf, not a middle finger.
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