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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Dont waste your time with him, not to be mean but I dont think he read quote. Once Iv past about an hour explaining why I feel the animation is ugly and the gun feel laggy to him, but he still shoot the same answer. At this point I just completly ignore all his comment. Maybe hes a bot dont know. That said back to topic, the gun aint fun to play, and it does feel laggy, anet pls fix and bring back the 3x burst XD
  2. Gun still feel laggy and awefull to play. Anet fix your mess, bring back the 3x burst.
  3. Anyway dont care about the number, the gun feel laggy and its ugly to look at. Revert anet. Brimg back the 3x burst!
  4. Its anet fault did you saw those epic machine gun turret the chaar use? Did you see the epic golem the asura use, and now the jade mech with all their laser? And we engineer are suppose to keep use low tech flintlock weaponery? Are you kidding me?
  5. So because pistol auto suck, rifle auto need to suck? You know guys we only have 3 core weapons... 1 of them already suck... now a second is falling straight to its side... Dont listen to the hater anet, they only gonna make the game worst for everyone. Revert the change and give us the 3x burst.
  6. Patch day, engi rifle still feel garbage, anet fix it! Bring back the 3x burst or hipshot if youre boring.
  7. Intresting idea, not perfect, but that could lead to some intresting gameplay. As as Im concern, I just completly ignore mechanical genius.
  8. Last time I heard, they had like 200 dev. So I dont think they really miss programmer. That said making game is hard and tedious, I dont expect a change that soon. Just want to keep the preasure so they dont forgot. I dont think the game is on live support, EoD was their best selling expac ever. Would be a miss opportunity to not keep devlopping this game.
  9. Agree with what youve said, anet is balancing engi by listening to people that have no clue how engi work. Power mech is the only easy build and in exchange it has the worst benchmark of pure DPS build. But people still complain, that why we got this stupid infamous november 29 patch.
  10. I also have a solution just remove the dump auto cast on f1/f2/f3 -___- That was literaly the most stupid idea anet ever had for balance... Pressing button in your game is good design anet...
  11. The 3x burst was so cool! But either shotgun or hipshot would work. They literaly took the worst option for me. The 3x burst made it sound like the Halo Battle Rifle, it was super cool! Now it feel like a scuff laggy warrior rifle.
  12. Just want to comment to brimg this up so anet know they kitten up with the animation destroction. Pls anet bring back the 3x burst!
  13. It never ever did 33k full afk, stop with the wolf crying thing. 33k was with the full rotation. Yes the rotation was simple, but it was not afk kitten.
  14. I think they are salty because their class didnt get the coolest espec, and they just want to suck the fun out for engineer. Wich as been playing piano class for 10 years. Now that we have finally something easy and relax to play. Nooooooooo engi must not be allow to have a simple playstyle build. I think its just pure jelousy.
  15. Each time engineer got something cool/good a flock of hater attack us. I have the feeling tbat gw2 community just hate the engineer. Happen with scrapper, happen with Holo, now mech... At least for holo and ascrapper, they didnt destroy one of our poor core weapon...
  16. Typicall anet, just before holiday break, do a balance patch that completly kitten a lot of player. Than silence for month. Rifle suck now, its feel bad, I hate it now.
  17. As title say, since november 29, the engi rifle feel awefull to play, I dont even want to use it. Feel bad, its a slow, clunky, feel like granpa old pea gun. Revert the change or make something that is actually fun to play, not this kitten. Minimum bring back the 3x burst animation. Anet you cant be tjat bad designing and animating a rifle, are you?
  18. Rework the whole social experience. Proximity voice chat, casual content like housing, etc. This game really feal lonly to play yet the fun content is gated behind playing with 9 other person that train with you. Im tired of pugging is so unfun, I dont want to command squad anymore, people just leave, trash talk, they act like jerk and you need to sit thru all this kitten to get centent down. The new CM olc is so unfun to try to form a pug squad. Oh and I would stop cmc and roy from doing any further damage to the balance. Theyre killing the combat system and homoginesing it to a point of boringness. If only community existed inside the game and not ouside.
  19. What did you excpect, anet want hardcore content for hardcore audience, it excatly tge type of game that breed toxicity. At this point end game is just not fun, its only enjoyable for a fraction of a fraction of the community. Theirs no game ever that focus on gardcore content that have not an ultra toxic community. And to make matter worst, they seem to balance the game for them and listen to them for new end game. So yeah at this point the game is just not fun.
  20. I just want my 3x burst rifle back. I dont care about those winning number nerd. I want a good looking animation, not this slowmotion scuff warrior rifle one.
  21. Nerf are fine and welcome but hadding clunkiness and bad animation and using balance as an excuse is just sad. To be fair I just ignore completly the changs they did on mech, but rufle man its sad... just feel amd look awefull, did they ever watch a real firarm before animating it?
  22. Still no revert on those 2 bad descisions. Rifle still unfun, mech still clunky.
  23. Adding auto cast on mech skill was soooooo dump in the first place. In no world this can be a good idea. Anet is stacking bad design to fix bad design.
  24. I hope the machine-gun-aa rifle will be making it back into the game, for me it was such a nice thematic for a weapon.
  25. Seem like they want to balance the game around a gamemode that most of the community dont care. Yo anet, pvp aint fun because of balance, its not fun fun because of cc spam and condi bomb. Oh also zone control get old reallllly quick, why no team death match, capture the flag, vip, etc?
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