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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. The event should still be winnable with people fishing on the map since they deaign the map to be played witbout doing the meta. I still belive that the timer is too tight
  2. kitten thank for the tip!!! What a kitten move to tp you out of youre rare victory map
  3. The time is a bit too tide for open world meta. I try it countless time. Commanding, explaining making sure everyone is prep and ready, squad full all side at high everyone following instriction... And still failed, because prople dont know how to do a DPS build with good gear. Or they wipe to simple mechanic due to the lack of tutoriel in the game 😛 locking side mission behind is kind of sad... I cant finish Marjory side quest becauses I need to kill the deep sea dragon, wich I did once (I have my turtle). My victory rate to date is a sad sad... 1/20
  4. You need to axjust youre pc setting to match the visual quality of you TV. Not the in game setting but youre graphkc card setting. Because right out from the box yeah its does look ugly. But after ajustement its like any other pc monitor.
  5. They are just all fine. The game os fairly balance overall. Perfect? No of course not, we have our fiew over power build here and there. Honestly the forum are use mainly by the community to let out our bad emotion, thats how we can be the friendliest community in the game XD. Meme aside play whater ever flavor you love the most. All class are good and can do anything. But! Some class are harder/complex than other wich is fine. You easy tanky class? Go necro cant go wrong there. Engineer tho! Is the best class in the world!!!
  6. Yeah even in pve too I rarely activate it. I run it for the juicy 10% extra damage and rarely on huge CC bar, wich even their is meh
  7. Love mechanist a lot!!! But underwater is just a sorry state... Its like Stx said, a core engi level 65 😛
  8. I hope anet dont butcher it. For once engi is needed kitten support in end game. And for the rrcord I do all my strike on mechanist and Im not a casual noob 😛 I ENJOY active pet playstyle... Not all pet playstyle are just Mechanist is pretty fun dont ask for butchering of it pls...
  9. The rig is still broken commrnting to bring it up... Also main hand pistol snap in position between run and idle. Not smooth at all.
  10. Commemting to bring it up again. I want my little Golem to be fix 😞
  11. If I recall each armor type use a different rig, with different anchor point. It does not make it impossible, but each skin would need to be manully port and ajust to each rig, wich is an insane amount of work. Thus said I dont work at anet and I dont know what the back end look like.
  12. Ok thanks for the shield fix on Asura but now... the rig look like it want to die XD First, mace mainhand as an offset from the hand... The mace handle is cliping threw the arm just a little bit over the hand. Second, speech bubble and commander tag are at the Asura fert not over his head, wich is really really weird and somewhat breaking as some strike/raid mechanic need you to see the symbole over your head to warn you about mechanic. Also bonus meme... My rune, the most valuable rune ever as a huge bug... the rune of the golemancer seem broken, the golem does not do his whirling assault skill anymore. Like the fix you did for the shield I will buy gem when those bug are gonna get patch... 😞 but all in all, keep up the good work and thanks for this AMAZING expac!!!
  13. Yeah it does seem bug. It still do the Whirling Assault, but only once in a blue moon even with perma alac. I would be so happy if they fix it... Also giving it back its ancient spawn animation would be awesome!!! The Golem use to fall from the sky like the mech. Like I did with the shield fix for Asura, Anet if you fix it, I'll buy a bunch of Gem even if I want notging on the Gemstore right now XD.
  14. Probably impossible due to engine limitation. Spawning a new solid collision hitbox, wich is choosen by the player, can be very challenging and easly breakable specially for a mmo. Im already suprise that ot work that well.
  15. Yes please!!! I often missclick my f3 for my f4 its soooo annoying...
  16. What about diviner mechanist? With firearm and explosion?
  17. I have an idea!!! They could lock a new playable race behind it! Like the tengu! XD But seriously yeah... the turtle was kind of the reward of the meta, add something so people would farm it.
  18. From my exlerience specter support is way harder to play for a smaller payoff. Mechanist is just a monster in support role. Good healing, good barrier gen, good boon uptime, a better regen and a better prot
  19. Yeah even worst since anet is moving more and more on the 1 shot side of thing it seem.
  20. Its funny... or sad... that the best pet e-spec is not on ranger.
  21. The meta is overtuned. Its undoable because of the stupid RNG... even there... the timer is so tight.
  22. Im happy with the change yourre targeting to do. Dont nerf it, instead push player to do the mechanic wich it seem thats the way you want to move!
  23. Just commenting to bring it up. I agree with you! I want more rune and sigil, strange one at that!
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