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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. IM SO FREAKING HYPE!!! I main engi for 8 years now. And seen the day 1 we learn of espec, back in pre HoT, I wanted a Golem/Mech espec. I was sad when they give up on gyro. Now gyro are just kind of boring... Yes they are good but nyan, still prefer the og version. But back to Mechanist... OH YAY!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I play the game for 8 years and since day one we learn espec was a thing, during the pre HoT period. All I ever wanted for my main engineer was a golemancer. And I was sa dwhen they rework gyro into basically no skill animation generic well. So if I got a mech base spec, Ill be more than happy. And yes I do wvw a little tiny bit of pvp and all the pve content except raid. Youre point does not stand, YOU dont want IA, YOU think they are bad. Stop prejecting yourself everywhere. Not because you dont enjoy something, that you meed to bash it, can you let other enjoy their stuff too. As forplaying without IA, engineer is well cover, scrapper are pretty good support in wvw, and Holo are god in pvp.
  3. Some people do want IA base spec, some love to play with them. We already have 2 goos espec thats dont use IA. Can we have at least one. I was sad when they change the scrapper gyro, now they are just generic. So please stop bashing them about IA, its a common fantasy in engineer to want a mech/golem buddy to play with... and no racial skill does not count cause they are god awefull.
  4. I really hope they merge us with necro, we get a shroud (golem/mech suit) and we get summon (mini robot army). Focus either on support or condi dps. But to be honest I would mind either a support power... power is just more fun to play... me like big number and big robot go boom XD
  5. Sir, still repporting daily clipping. The number of casualty due to arm trying to merge with the shield are risimg each day.
  6. The skill 4 could make your golem leap at location (ground target) and the skill 5 could block damage in a AoE (for ally), or heal/buff something more support.
  7. Please back to OP. Its not a warrior treat, its an engineer one. Thanks! 😄 As for engi, hmm, what about a mace offhand that have the same kind of skill as ranger f1/f3, if you want to micro manage your golem, you use it. But if you dont want to deal with the IA, gou can build around perk/skill that let you pilot it. Could be support with some condi.
  8. If they only give us a mace... in offhand... Ill will be quite desapointed... So Mace can only be wield with our bad undertumed pistol... I hope Im wrong or that the rest of the spec is turning around awesome mech/Golem. But green... what? Its weird...
  9. Oh Yes I want minion or pet or summon, but I do t want them passive. I want them active a bit like the rev tablet but more IA involvement. I want IA but I want to control it like a rts kind of.
  10. A spin-off game I always wanted for Guild wars, is a RTS like age of empire or warcraft. Each race is a different army. Some troop cool be inspire by racial skill/art and they cpuld even throw some classe as Hero.
  11. Still no fix... Are you really gonna let our shield broken? Really..?
  12. Sad but I do agree, The least anet could do, is aknowledge the bug... Please fix it...
  13. Come on Anet! Hlw many pages this discussion need before you fix it?
  14. I main engi and yeah we have a tradeoff: Both Holo and scrapper loose acces to the elite toolbelt "F5" scarpper loose about 200 vitality and his class mechanic dpes not work with condi. Holo, can remove 50% of his HP if the player make a mistake in heat management wich is a huge tradeoff.
  15. Come on Anet, it cannot be difficult to fix for god sake... Its popbably just a basic change in the position or rotation of the game object.... Fix it please...
  16. Is a good thing that playing game aren't needed to live a life. You see, thats stupid to think like this. Yeah you dont care about skin, but for some people its important in a game. Cheap skin should have been in the loot table, yu want to know why? Because when you are fully gear up, the only real progression is fashion, but when youre armor style is perfect, you dont care about any new skin, and when people dont care about the reward, they generaly leave. Mount skin was a opportunity for anet to add, a new "kind of" progression, but alas.
  17. Its only a 100 condi damage. It wont change anything that much, anet nerf all the similar party buff a while back. Where would you put it in Tool? Which trait would you delete for this one?
  18. Yea they are expensive and the cheap one should have been part of the PoF in game loot table...
  19. Yeah I know it exist and honestly I wpuld play with it in open world for fun. But the 240 sec cooldown for a 40 sec transform that suck performance wise is just sad. Dont get me wrong, I would rather have a good espec, but I would love a Golemancer.
  20. Anet please, do your job and fix it. DONTS RELEASSE EOD BEFORE FIXING IT...
  21. We loose our F4 as a tradeoff? We choose wich ability we dont want the toolbelt but we keep the f5. I hope its a Golem full on pet, with the ability to ride it like in Titanfall. Maybee custom iy via ours masters traits?
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