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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Go play mechanisit and tell HOW FUN and HOW ENGAGING is to play around a disfonctinnal mechanic and a weird bugged looking animation. Its nice that anet listen to people that dont play engi to know how engi should be balance.
  2. Yeah mech is now awefull to play, well down hater for making the game worst for other. Engineer rifle 1 animation is now the worst weapon animation of the entire game well down anet for listening to cry baby. Making engineer worst to play since 2019 aint a good way to balance your game. Anet gold of draining the fun out is killing my will to play. Wont log in till you bring back the 3x burst animation and unkitten mechanist. And before some stupid kid comment, I dont care about number, nerf the number if you must, but dont give me crap animation and crap mechanic.
  3. Hipshot was also better animated than this "my first 3D animation student project" that is this weird 2x shot. Reverted the change, bring back the 3x burst animation!
  4. Getting from a kitten animation to the worst weapon animation from the entire game didnt help either.
  5. Why was it bad that the ENGINEER had a machine gun, it was unique, epic and fun using it? Oh yeah you want all class to be excatly the same, a boring grey goo. Nerf the damage number, dont give me a crap animation. Whats unhealthy for this game is killing the uniquness of all class. Dont care if mech is good or not, I care if its clunky and is its animate professionnaly, not like this amateur 3D animation, even a student would do better.
  6. Mesmer should have a debuff when they dont have 3 clones up. Warrior should loose vitality when stamine aint full. Necro should not have acces to weapons skill when their life force is at 100% so they can force the player to go into shroud. What are you guys not having fun?
  7. Guess after 8 years the (in) competence of anet drove me away. Guess they dont want to make a fun game anymore. If for the sake of balancing they need to destroy the fun of the game. Maybe your balance aint worth it anet. Guess Ill take my time and money elswhere. Ill be back if you decide to fix your stupid change anet. Before some stupid kid comment, no It not the first time anet kitten up, theyve destroy so many cool thing on the engineer over the last 5 years. They dump down the gameplay and the build craft to a point. Theirs no fun build craft anymore it so simple and straight forward, nothing as hidden synergie, everything is just boring and simple, next thing they remove will be aim assit rocket Im sure, one of the last fun trait on engi. Anet you should learn history, so many mmo before you did this, scraping the gameplay for sake of balance, and every single one of them have shutdown for this reason.
  8. I disagree, at least hipshot had impact. The 2x burst should look stupid. It just give the feeling that the character is waving the weapons randomly and some time bullet come out of it. It look stupid, have no weight, no impact. I can belive thats the kind of amateur animation they want in their game.
  9. Its was my quit moment. And Im playing since 8 years now. Not gonna log in till they bring back the 3x burst animation and remove the badly design new cluncky mechanic of mechanist.
  10. If anet you want to keep the badly design clunky mechanic of mechanist that is mechanic genius. Can you at least take someone that actully know how to do 3D animation, redo the rifle 1 animation, or better just bring back the 3x burst animation, it was a good one.
  11. If you want to nerf rifle do it, but can we at least got the 3x burst animation back. Its sad that we have the most ugly rifle animation of the whole game now because of "balance"... Look like someone that never did 3D animation was ask to do it. Its so ugly and impact less.
  12. Mechanist is now in the same tier as scrapper. The scuff tier. Can anet please stop to reck our elite spec Im bored of playing Holo over and over.
  13. They were 0 reason to touch on engi rifle this patch, the damage was fine, the fun factor was there, it was cool burst rifle shot, sound was great and everything was fine. Now its just a worst version of what it was before. This patch did nothing right for engi. Oh yeah they overbuff holo by a stupid amount, now its broken wow. Delete this patch, revert the change its suck.
  14. Its clear anet dont know how engi is played. The worst part is that we gonna have to wait months till they fix this stupid mess. Guess since they buff holo to the point of broken ness, no choice to play this spec... again... like the last 4 kittening years...
  15. The balance team is incompetent. For engi, mechanist is now even more clunky to play, and in the same time reduce the skill celling?!?! Scrapper is still useless (even more since they remove quickness in pvp because bad design). And they buff Holo to the point of brokenness, holo was already fine, just a fiew buff here and there, dont shoot for the moon. Oh and remember the change they did to rifle to had impact, gone now its just a slow pea gun as it was before. Not gonna lie this is for my class a bad patch day, not gonna spend money in gem till they revert their this stupid patch as far a engi is concern. Roy and cmc balance the game for pvp, a DEAD game mode, the reason nobody play pvp, its because its aint fun to be condi bomb and cc spam, oh and playing capture the zone for ever and ever get old fast.
  16. Yeah try going afk on support mech and see if your group still survive. Power mechanist is a mostly afk build yeah. Sipport mechanist... not even close, go and play support mechanist in raid and then comeback talking about how afk you where. -_-
  17. Druid can! Rifle is just removing something cool for something less cool. Dont care about the number for. Only care about the fun factor. And the mech change does not seem fun at all, not how clunky the mech is, we already need to be sure hes close enought to the party. 😞
  18. Druid can! Rifle is just removing something cool for something less cool. Dont care about the number for. Only care about the fun factor. And the mech change does not seem fun at all, not how clunky the mech is, we already need to be sure hes close enought to the party. 😞
  19. It also punish the support player in end game content. I cpuld keep him near the squad to heal and support while I run of squad to help with mechanic or a player with bad positionning. Now with the hug thingy I wont be able to play like this. Im gonna cobstantly have to press f7/f6, if I dont do my heal/barrier will have a massive nerf. They are nerfing the flavor of the rifle auto attack and add clunkyness to my favorite build... its a sad patch day for me.
  20. Anet want to make mech unplayable and clunky as kitten and the make rest of engi simple to the point of boringness, got you.
  21. Only read the engi part, dont really care for the rest. Im just affarid to see what they remove each time. Also they had cool thing. I dont care that much about number, I care more about fun factor.
  22. Anet is killing the fun, not so long ago, you could fire rocket aswell as the mech at the same time, rocking the battle rifle from Halo! Thats was awesome! Now only you shoot rocket and your rifle gonna be a lame 2 shots. Thats honestly pretty sad. You also kill the explosive thing on ememy over 50% health, drop munition or something? ps. The mortar skin is STILL the basic in game rifle... like come on its been placeholder since before HoT release. Dont merf the rifle auto, at least not like that, kill the number I dont care.
  23. Also a nerf to mechanist support via the range thing? Like why? Its already not easy to manage the mech, you making it unfun to play at this point. Support mechanist is not low intensity you kittening need to juggle between 3 kit.
  24. Dont care about nerf, Im speaking of fun factor and visual vfx. Removing one bullet make it less intresting. Rifle auto was boring before and now they slowly reverting the fun change they did.
  25. Anet want to make mech skillfull? Remove the dump idea to make f1/f2/f3 auto cast, here you go, this change was soooooooo dump. Dont remove 1 bullet of the auto rifle pls. You just made rifle fun, dont revert it back to the kitten it was come on. And stop listening to the none engineer player for balancing engi. Mech support was already kind of hard to play, now you just making it tedious.
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