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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. Please dont remove the 3 burst from the rifle auto. Can you stop nerfing engineer flavor for once. Want less damage, nerf the number dont remove the 3 bullet visual. It made the engineer rifle sound like the Halo Battle Rifle wich was excellent! Now its just gonna be a weird 2 shots boring thing. Anet stop removing fun stuff. As for the rest its alright I guess. The mech thing is intresting if WE COULD SEE OUR MECH IN THE VISUAL CHAOS OF RAID AND STRIKE
  2. Completly false, I do love some skill to be ground targeted, I disagree with you completly.
  3. Nothing against them, but they arnt new content for 99% of the player base. So yeah they kind of dont count indeed.
  4. I like the jade bot only for the personnal "updraft". Its like a bunny jump but that can be use in combat! I love it! All in all, I find EoD mastery to be fine, I just want them to expend them in the new living world season, like more jade bot tool, more turtle skill/level, etc.
  5. Dont listen to all the doomer. They are just salty nerd. The game is perfectly fine to play, the balance disnt do as much damage as people thing. And honestly anyway, the game is as fun as before, and it still have a long life ahead, its never been that popular, the dev are in full hyper drive as long the game is concern. They fixing most of the complain people has done in the past. Im still playing it after 8 years, still enjoy it, still didnt finish 100% of the content. If you want people to play, dont be affraid to join my tag! I do raid (its a new thing for me!), strike, meta, etc. Guild wars 2 is a pretty fun game to play casual, and it have his fair share of hard content too.
  6. Well it would be more fun but the scrapper have almost 0 condi in its kit. And core condi engi is not the greatest thing in Tyria.
  7. Engineer definitly need another core mainhand ans offhand. Theirs no offhand power, only condi and supportisssshhh. Mace would have beend perfect but yeah. Maybe dual dagger... Or scepter, focus, like a telecommand or a cellphone 😛
  8. Since they nerf scrapper barrier gen, it feel so bad to play. No substain, alright damage (maybe lower than Holo honestly). The only po8nt of scrapper is being a quick bot nowday. Since the nerf to his barrier gen, I dont like playing it at all. It feel bad and so squishy for poor damage. Honestly, I use to love playing it, now I just serve to wipe the floor with myself. They scrap scrapper, once again. F5 still useless most of the time... :,(
  9. And in the long run, it will completly and ultimatly kill all dungeon except the easiest and shortest one. I really really hate this change.
  10. Thats wrong gang. You can in fact have a little bit of more stat via the jade bot core. Its only vitality, but its something.
  11. Yes and no. With new expasion, I never fully unlock my espec. I level for 1 hero point that my rule. Its fun to have something to progress here and there. But yeah ha ing over 400 sleeping does make it less fun and feal "cheap". But honestly I dont care that much so thats that.
  12. For the signets, dont forget that we lose our toolbelts and most of our stun break and condi cleanse are on our toolbelts.
  13. In pvp yeah, its mostly unusable. In wvw aint that bad if you zerg and take only long range fight. In pve is more than fine, its so fun! They should not have remove the cc bar in pvp. Now its really not fun to play with in pvp.
  14. Live our mech alone! You monster! Dont worry little jade mech nobody gonna hurt you. I'll protect you...
  15. If not dyable. At least make different part for selecting different trait. Like the arm but for the rest of the body.
  16. Honestly, I dont see the appeal of new weapons. With the systeme we have, they can pit any weapons. Want spear? Do it as a staff skin. Want wipe? Dagger skin. Want battle axe? Put it on hammer as skin. Want a scythe? We already have staff skin. Power glove? Put it on focus. Etc. Theirs no real be efit to adding new weapons. Its even worst because the said new weapons would have almlst no skin to use on it. They will never retro made old skin for new weapons.
  17. Maybee cut event, maybee not. Gw2 is full of little secret place like this. Its just fun to find one when you just explore for the sake of exploration. 🙂
  18. Control your mech. Use f6 and f7 to move hime around. Call back with f4 for a quick repos. The mech does not auto play around, you need to guide him.
  19. I main engi since core for about 8 years now. And I would be so sad and disappointed if they remove the IA or turn the mech into a turret. Some people love to play with pet. No I dont want to play necro or ranger, I always pick engineer in any game thanks. So yeah mechanist is an awesome espec!!! Honestly the mech aint cluncky at all. If youre having issue with it, maybe its youre lack of skill playing pet class.
  20. Still all this bug just want to bring it up again
  21. Its really not some troll. In strike I just up in or create a lfg, I know how to command. In raid nobody let me join and when I create a squad/gr, nobody join. Fractal have a clear entry point for new player. Just do fractal level 1 and grind to level 100. Why for raid are we expect to go outside the game to form a group? None of the other end game content need that? I always see raider complaining they dont have update, but they seem to push again new player wich let to a dying game mode and those not developped. I understand if ypure a total noob and dont know how to dodge but kitten, even veteran like myself (just new to raid or try to enter at least) dont seem really welcome.
  22. Raid lfg and raidhub map chat aint welcoming at all for new player. Nobody let me join and nobody invite... So you dont want new blood? Im not even a noob I did all icb and eod strike, I clear dragons end meta and even frac 100 cm. Yet nobody let me in... 😞 Sad... I play on NA
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