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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. I dont like the nerf to scrapper at all. But the mech is really not that clunky, use the f4 to repositioned the mech and always keep track of his position. Not use to play ranger maybe? For me the mechanist spec is awesome!!!
  2. My only question is why? 5% is harsh, should have been 10%. But even there, was scrapper that op that you needed to ultra nerf is only real sustain?
  3. Oh my god!!! The shield of Asura is fix!!! Best expansion ever!!! {>•.•<}
  4. Anet you could actually boost my hype for EoD if you would annouce a fix for the asura shield {>u_u<}
  5. Still no fix... I'll keep this post alive till you fix it ANET!!!
  6. Also while youre at it, the asura pistol mainhand also clip to position during the transition from run cycle to idle cycle
  7. Still no fix, just commenting to bring back the discussion. I refusr to let this fall in the crack... Anet I beg you... Im an Asura engi main... Im the class with the less weapons and one of them is bugged....
  8. Still no fix in sight.... did anet give up on us, asura engi main... sniff... 🤕
  9. Please dont nerf a quirky casual build. This is far from being broken, if you loose to a mechanist camping flamethrower, I suggest you to check your build and level up youre personnal skill.
  10. Honestly, yes! This would fix my problem I have with the mech stats!
  11. Am I the only one that have interet in the new gameplay possibility that the mech offer? I mean its fresh, its different and its kind of wild, so yeah pretty excited to build craft and play it!
  12. Who are we? Asura player! What do we want? Asura shield to be fix! When do we want? As soon as possible!
  13. Hoe much money do you need anet to fix asuran shield please, for the love of the eternal alchemist...
  14. You dont know, med kit is our only healing skill in the game. If only engineer got like a totem or some kind of... dunno... turret that could splash water around it... Sadly I dont think we have anything like this.
  15. This would be boring behong believe. The spec have problemes in its design, but removing the AI aspect would just make it boring and generic.
  16. People 8n general are so bad in positionnig and they rather complain instead of tryimg to get better. Only issue with ranger pet is that they are weak HP wise. But the golem seem to be god in this side so Im not too worry... even more with the pusle aoe barrier o.o seem so op
  17. I must agree with you on all points. Its gonne be really different, Im sure in pvp it can be fun in the good end, I did see a couple thing that could be kind of op. I find my real issue is the lack of condi clean and stability.
  18. Full range power dps with aim-assit could be pretty fun. He got a freaking break bar!!!
  19. It does look like a stromg support. I think Anet is indeed going the way of "harsh trade off = op spec" Its intresting, they even add break bar to the golem/mech.
  20. Look intresting. And weird/different to play wich is not a bad thing. But I really hope the mech is kimd of op, for the cost of removing our toolbelt...
  21. Its quite harsh indeed lossimg our toolbelt... Also I wonder if tool kit auto will also heal the mech.
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