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Everything posted by Zzik.5873

  1. They even want you out of superspeed by adding lot of support option on the trait below lol.
  2. Honestly with the new shortbow coming, have lost faith in anet ability to make fun build out of engi. I dont expect nothing to change or get better. Only thing I expect is for engi gameplay to keep getting simplier and simplier. Anet kill my love of engi when they remove the golem and drop the shortbow trailer.
  3. Agree that were lacking range option, but were also lacking gameplay option at this point. Grenade kit, mortar kit, shortbow, at a certain point even bomb kit. They all play similiair. I rather have a beam weapon like mesmer/druid than another god kitten 5 skill aoe kit...
  4. No, the one in the enxt expansion. But yeah shortbow is mortar 2.0 XD
  5. Im calling it first, engi new weapons will be another one that play excatly like the mortar kit... So a mortar kit 3.0... And probably the removal of some sigil effect... Are my expectation enough low anet?
  6. After what I saw with the engi shortbow and the removal of so many cool rune effect. Im not holding my breath. For soto I didnt expect much for my class new weapons, but it seem expecting something else than a mortar 2.0 was still too much... So yeah 😕 As for relic... yeah it is what it is...
  7. Scrapper is just not a real espec. Its does not have any newmechanic compare to other espec, function gyro does not really count as a espec mechanic lets be real. So yeah scrapper is more like core engi but with gyro and group superspeed + quickness wirch is kinda dump and does not fit at all with the descriltion of this "espec".
  8. Dont remember if I already comment on this post or not. Probably, but in case, they didnt give us the Golem yet. So yeah, bring back the golem from the golemancer rune.
  9. Really asking for the only none aoe skill to be replace by an aoe? Are you enjoying mortar gameplay so much that you really really want another mortar kit?
  10. Except hardlight arena for prot holo, what is support about holo? The switftness of holo skill 2? Guess youre running mace+shield, buts that our support weapons set so thats does not count for holo. I struggle to see in witch world support holo is a real thing, even in wvw.
  11. Holo support wtf? And for the bow, if it does not change, its useless for any kind of serious support. As for scrapper condi, yeah scrapper should defintly have a condi variant.
  12. I use everytime I play the jade bot deltaplane "jump" tier 3, its amazing
  13. Not saying they dont have the right, but Im pretty sure that anet as a business, is more worrying with client satisfaction than anything else. Since when did client start defending compagny? Thats so weird, its not the client job to rationnalise a business decision. The client job is to buy what it want and complain when he does not like the product. I thing as a client and pretty sure I have the last word on where my money go lol. So Im just saying, anet you want my money yes? Put back the golem. Simple, I dont care about the why they remove it or if they want it in the game or no. If golem != true: AnetGettingMyMoney = false Else: AnetGettingMyMoney = true
  14. As a client Im saying what I want. Now its on anet to decide if they still want my money or no.
  15. Same, I hope with the next content drop they give us back some og rune effect. Specially the golem :3
  16. In open world everything work, sure the shortbow maybe able to kill easy enemy... but that the lowest bar possible... If it dont work in wvw, pvp and end game pve, you cant say in good faith that the weapon is well design and usefull. I mean, you can kill open world enemy with elixir gun auto... Heck you can kill open world enemy with the environnemental branch that drop from oakheart...
  17. What playstyle?! Spaming aoe?! It play excatly like mortar kit, grenade kit, bomb kit... but with extra step? It does not interact with explosion, nor alchemy?! All it want to be is like another layer of combo zone witch engi already use a lot... As an engi main I agree with op, the shortbow provide nothing new nor usefull. And gameplay wise... lol... theirs also nothing new... The chain mechanic is nothing but a clunkier combo zone mechanic you know right? Also its a support weapon, youll probably just spam them at your feet... like mortar kit... The theme of using other class skill is kinda whatever (not playimg emgi to have other class skill lol). But the gameplay ouuuuf its boring. I mean how can you find it new? Never use necro staff? Never used mortar kit? Never use grenade kit? The chain mechanic does not save it from being 4 skills copy past... Bonus point since its gonna be a balance nightmare... either the base skill suck and you MUST chain reaction them, or the base skill are alright and the chain reaction is useless... Stop ruinning engi class for does that dont play engi...
  18. Ive seen all of the soto relic and none seem fun nor work well with my build. "Number go up" kinda of thing is just boring. The only one I kinda enjoy is the lyr one. The only one Im using on my engi is the citadel because its a big explosion but yeah and monk because I play healer in end game...
  19. What gap those the engi shortbow cover? Stat stick? Clunky kit? Also they didnt spoke about my golem 3,: The pve endgame comment was intresting, wing 8 maybe?
  20. Just to put my 2 cents... everyone probably guess it... BRING BACK THE SUMMONABLE GOLEM! MY NAME AS GOLEMANER IN IT FOR A REASON. :3 Ps. Love you anet, and I will buy gem if you give me back my golem.
  21. I think sword would be better as a pure power DPS. Probably just dps increase would help it. Mace is our melee condi weapon main hand.
  22. Well... actually... No, I have 0 arguments... I think your right! XD
  23. Dont get me wromg I like the base concept of relic (decoupling rune bonus effet and stat). But yeah the excution was really hmm... noobly done? Even rune are now a badly design system, we have soooo many rune set that does the excat samething but with a different name now... Honeslty I wish they kept the rune like they where and just slap relic on top. I dont really care about power creep at this point, just make the new zone tougher I guess lol. As for wvw, a bit of power creep could spice up the stale game mode I guess? Not a wvw, dont really care honestly, I find it boring. XD
  24. Dont take this trait, its bad, take gyroscopic acceleration with the trait that heal on swiftness and super speed instead. You can share the heal via the master in invention, medical dispertion field. Its way better. System shocker is a noob trap imo for pve. Also heal scrapper aint that great in pve. Better to play qDPS and run with another healer. But if you insist on making heal scrapper work, yeah dont take system shocker.
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