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Everything posted by JustTrogdor.7892

  1. You can submit a support ticket here: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  2. As I posted earlier, have you done with or doing this part of the story from A Crack in the Ice? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elixir_Recipe You need to do it to get the suet to drop. Either have it active in your story journal and working on that part of the story or have already completed it.
  3. Have you completed the Elixir Recipe story mission? They won't drop until you do that. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Clump_of_Frostbitten_Suet
  4. Anet switched to a different payment processor a few weeks ago. More info in the links below. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/104771-change-in-guild-wars-2-payment-processor/?tab=comments#comment-1513734 https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409409725075
  5. Anet has never officially approved it (they usually never officially approve 3rd party tools) . However it is just an overlay that uses the official API and does not interact with the client. Anet has even promoted videos using it on their Guild Wars 2 Twitter account. So while they have never officially approved it, they seem to be fine with it. It is a very popular tool and I've never heard of anyone getting suspended or banned for using it. I've been using it for years with no problem. You can read some info from the creator on this topic here under FAQ: http://www.gw2taco.com/2015/12/faq-and-troubleshooter.html
  6. Here is a quote from 2017 in the old forum archive from Gaile Gray where someone asked about commissions: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/creations/WTB-art-commission-D/page/1#post6548573 But that was about all I could find. Of course things may have changed since then. There was a case recently involving free server transfers and a quote from Gaile stating the method to do so was acceptable. But then support told the person it wasn't and it was an exploit. So who knows now? 🤷‍♂️ Also for reference here is Anet's policy page on RMT. It doesn't mention art commissions: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933
  7. My guess is on launch there will be people using it all over the place for the novelty. Then as time goes by it won't be used by many aside from probably some metas in EoD which may call for it. So it will just be a mount at first people use because it is new then fade into little use outside of situations where Anet sort of forces people to use it. They put all the effort into making it so I'm sure there will be cases where it is more or less required. Other than that in most maps people will still be using Skyscale and other mounts most of the time. That's one reason I wasn't really excited for this mount.
  8. Well it gives NCSoft funds. Anet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCSoft. With that said, while the money goes to NCSoft funds earned from the games they own will most likely help them determine the development budgets for those games going forward. As for prepruchase I don't care if others do so or don't. Everyone has their reasons and it's their money. As for me, this is the first GW2 expansion I have not prepurchased and I won't. I prepurchased the last two and realized that I almost never use the items given for prepurchasing so the perks this time don't appeal to me. I was also not happy with the way IBS turned out. Lastly, I have not been impressed with what I have seen and know about EoD so far. I never played the orginal Guild Wars so I don't have the attachment to Cantha many seem to have. I don't care about fishing, skiffs or siege turtles and beta testing the new elite specs didn't impress me much. That's just my opinion though. So I'm not going to give them my money early this time. Yes $30 isn't much at all and I imagine if and when I buy EoD I'll easily get my $30 worth in play time. I'm just "voting " with my wallet on this one, even though in the larger picture I know my vote is insignificant.
  9. When buying the Ultimate gems can take up to 72 hours from the time of purchase. If after 72 hours you do not receive them you can submit a support ticket.
  10. I don't think Amazon or other retailers have the ability to generate keys for GW2. I think that Anet probably supplies Amazon and their other authorized retailers with a number of keys. Once those keys are all sold then Anet will need to give them more. That's just my guess.
  11. My mistake, it was the PoF Deluxe version that showed as available, standard is not available when I look.
  12. I just looked and is shows as available and 50% off. Correction, what I saw available half off was PoF Deluxe not standard.
  13. Canadian Maple syrup sure. But according to this map from Wikipedia I guess it would not matter as there seems to be plenty south of the border. 😜 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_syrup#/media/File:Maple_syrup_production.svg
  14. Your display name is a bug that happens to some people. You will need to submit a support ticket and they will help you change it.
  15. They send them out from time to time. Not everyone gets them. If you are unsure if it is legitimate you can contact support. As I recall the one I got some time ago did not ask for any login information to complete it. I'm sure I would not have continued if it had asked for my login credentials. Edit: I went through my old emails and the one I received and completed in 2019 came from guildwars2@ncsoft.com
  16. IMO first bank tabs because the game spams you with stuff you want to keep in your bank. Then Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic. to quickly clean out that bag inventory and deposit the results. After that unlimited harvesting tools. Next you will probably want a few shared inventory slots to hold the salvage tool and also quickly swap harvesting tools. Following that probably material storage expansion because when you use those salvage tools you'll want a place for all those materials to go. After that unlimited pass with priority Mistlock Sanctuary because it offers access to so many things plus the ability to return to where you were on a map. The Royal Terrace Pass also isn't bad because everything is close together but lacks features Mistlock and other passes have. I have both and use them depending on what I am doing. But if the Mistlock pass had been a thing before I bought the Royal Terrace I would have only bought Mistlock . IMO anything after that is nice to have but not something super important. Note several of the things mentioned above like salvage tools and harvesting tools are more convenience items. Their cost takes a very long time before they actually pay for themselves. But if you don't want to fool around making sure you always have the limited tools available then IMO they are worth it. Edit: And don't buy black lion keys unless you enjoy the gambling aspect of it and are ready for a steaming hot cup of disappointment.
  17. Prior to the legendary armory you could bind Sunrise and Twilight, unlock the skins then forge them into an unbound Eternity. With the update if you bind them you get a memory of Sunrise and Twilight. An Eternity crafted with one or both of those memories will be account bound. If you do not bind Sunrise and Twilight you can craft an unbound Eternity but you will not get the skins for any of them unless you bind Eternity. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Eternity
  18. As I posted in this thread earlier and according to a former Anet employee it is not true. Here is the link to my earlier post with quotes from the Anet employee: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/104687-question-about-so-called-luck-accounts/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-1512603
  19. Or just stop worrying about what silly emoji shows up on your posts. It's really is nothing to even spend time getting bent out of shape over. Give me 1,000 confused emojis or whatever in a post I make and I could not care less. Say what you want to say in a post and if a small image shows up by it so what? Also it seems like they are here to stay according to this post. So maybe time to get used it it. 🙂
  20. Do you have a source for that? Just curious because as I read they just don't do it anymore? More digging I did found a complaint on the BBB website dated 1 Sept 2021 where Anet responded to the customer also saying they no longer restore deleted characters. Here is what they said:
  21. Anet did restore deleted characters for awhile. Then they stopped doing it again for some reason. I don't know if they stated why they discontinued the service: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010181213-Restoring-a-Deleted-Character Edit: According to the Wayback Machine the page linked above changed from how to request a deleted character be restored to they no longer offer it as a service sometime between April of this year and June of this year.
  22. I linked to earlier posts by John Smith to answer the original question and I see more discussion now relating to RNG. Here is a thread started by him back in 2014. Note it is more a community discussion. But since so many seem interested in the topic I thought I would link it. 22 pages, happy reading: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/RNG-as-a-concept-Discuss Edit: Interesting to see some people in that thread I have not seen post for awhile.
  23. I also think the friend/follower system could use improvement. I've never really been harassed in game. I've had a few weirdos follow me around on a map constantly standing in front of me and minor things like that. No big deal. But I think when a player blocks someone it should remove the person blocked as a follower and make it so they are unable to follow again as long as they are blocked. I can't speak to how easy that would be for Anet to implement but it does seem like blocking someone should do so. I can't see any negatives for such a system.
  24. Here are some quotes in the archived old forum from John Smith, the former Head of Analytics and game economy manager: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/please-delete-14/page/15#post4487357 https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Do-accounts-have-luck-and-is-it-right/page/2#post6017963
  25. I don't think it has ever been available during Wintersday as a reward. You can currently buy it for 25 laurels and 15 gold: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Krait_Obelisk_Shard_(item)#Sold_by
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