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Everything posted by Cynder.2509

  1. Despite not being a fan of engineer I have quite many of them.Two of them are charr, one is asura and the other one is a sylvari (actually concepted as a mechavari/cybervari).Theoretically, every race could be fine with the right background to the character but I'd definitely go with either charr or asura if you're not into creating entire background stories.Hope that helps!
  2. Well, that seems like a bug then. Thanks everyone for the confirmation. Let's hope there's a fix soon.
  3. I'm just sad that nobody plays games in general just for fun and enjoyment anymore. What happened to the old days when people actually enjoyed playing games and saw them as a way of relaxation? Why does everything have to be competitive these days? Why can't we all be nicer to eachother? This and a few other reasons are mainly why i like the time when the majority of games was singleplayer and the only co-op was on the couch. Even back then there were online games but nobody (or at least not everyone) was acting like an asshole towards others.Anyways, why is "casual" a bad thing? Not everyone can sink their entire life into a game. Some people still have a real life. I know plenty of people who played the game since launch and are being badly treated by "hardcore" players. Also I hate that you have to be a showoff to validate yourself these days or others might mistake you for something else despite playing for 7 years and not chose to cluster your characters with legendaries, other prestige items and infusion stacking.Just let people enjoy the game and not make assumptions about anyone based on what you see. You may never know the actual truth behind everyone. Even new players should feel "safe" and veterans should try to reach out and actually help new players instead of being rude towards them. That and many other things will lead to a healthy community which will spread outside of the game so that eventually more people will join and it will become bigger which would help Arenanet.I don't know, but I remember the community actually being much more friendly than it is nowadays. I know there were unfriendly ones even before HoT with the dungeon "elitism" and such but it was never as bad as things are today.Just let's have a nice time together.
  4. Another info: Also didn't get the daily for the Whisper boss despite doing it multiple times.
  5. Did the strike mission in the sanctum arena multiple times now and it hasn't progressed since. So I assume it's bugged. If not then what does "Kill one boss in the Sanctum Arena" mean? Also defeating both strike missions doesn't yield towards the achievement. Does it mean the story instance or the strike mission? I'm confused.
  6. I don't think locking emotes behind achievements is something clever to do. I'd like to have the rewards back that were before or perhaps the system that was used in living story season 2. But then on the other hand, you can get ascended stuff too easy already without doing achievements. A mount skin or something like that would be nice but I doubt that will ever be implemented.
  7. So far everything seems good to me. Especially the soundtrack is well done. The OST is probably my favorite thing. I love how the OST becomes better and better with each release. While everyone hates on the story (don't know, maybe because you're too hardcore and like playing "dark souls" mode and insult everyone else who doesn't agree with you) I think it's kinda nice. Yes, it's short but if you look the way how the story telling was at the game's start and how it developed over the years it's quite good. I'm someone who loves the lore of this game and soaks up every information I can get and seeing how far the game has come makes me happy. Also I like the new camera effects that are used now ever since the end sequence of the prologue. My hopes however are that we make use of the HoM again and perhaps use it like we did with the Sunspear Refuge but in a different, more efficient way. The Sun's Refuge was a good start in my opinion.The only thing I'm not happy with is the achievements. The fact that the meta achievement (and emote) is locked behind strike misions (37 are needed of which only like 30 are obtainable without strikes) is truly a bummer as I hate using lfg because no matter what you'll always end up with toxic people or people who stress you. Look, I don't contribute my entire life essence into the game. I still have a real life. Yes, I used to raid and I have experience with it but I just don't want to stress through a game when life itself is already stressful enough. I'm usually someone who gets to complete the meta achievement of each new story update within one or two days without a problem (been among the top 10 players multiple times according to effiency), just for your info.
  8. Wouldn't surprise me as both don't require any actual skill and are easy to play so that every noob plays them. Ranger might be most prominent among the "noob classes" still. Even in PvP you can just spam everything and still win with that strategy. But wait until they face oponents in higher rank tiers of a league season. Then they'll get what's coming to them and they'll eventually leave. ^^
  9. That would create issues with ownership of parties which changed many moons ago because of abuses with that process. Just because you are in a party, doesn’t mean you have either control over who comes in. If you start the party, you do not own that party. The exception to that is a squad. If you were just a random in a party or squad, that someone else has no idea of issues between you and the party you blocked, why should someone else not be able to invite them? Ah, right. Thanks for the info again. Forgot it was changed. But it's strange that people who I have blocked can still send invites etc. while I'm not able to do that to people who blocked me. I tested this many times and everyone else is able to still contact invite me when blocked while I however can't. I hope there#s an explanation for that weird anomaly. I might have mistaken this with the block function message of a different game then, I think. (ESO if I recall correctly) However parties count as communication too for me as you interact in form of using the chat when in a party in order to successfully complete the content such as dungeons/fractals. Sure you can still complete it without saying anything but that is only provided if everyone in the party knows what they're doing and about the mechanics, skips etc. Most people I've come across don't have such experience (dungeons especially) and therefore need everything explained first. But this shouldn't be the focus right now: what I'm saying is that the interaction within a party still counts as sort of communication.
  10. Well, mainly I use titles that fit to each character while on the other hand I tend to switch them periodically to show/prove other people my accomplishments just so that nobody would think anything bad of me. Kinda paranoid, I know. But for the most part as I said before I use character fitting titles or titles fitting to the role of the character. For example: my raid healer druid uses the "Combat Healer" title to signal others that I play a raid meta healing build despite the fact that I'm mostly solo.
  11. Not entirely related but a question related to blocking and parties in general (I'm sorry if that comes across as derailing): Why does one even end up with people they've blocked? It says that you should be able to block all forms of interaction with the blocked person. While that isn't the case in certain situations I didn't know that blocked people are even able to enter your party. You know, when you block someone you block them for a reason, right? For example I've blocked some very toxic people as a majority because I simply don't want to end up in a party with them again due to the behaviour they've shown previously towards me or other members in the group. Why is that even a thing then?A QoL update here would be more that these people are unable to enter your party instead of showing them different.
  12. As someone with 35+ characters (Don't know the actual count but it's somewhere around 35) I tend to use them all as I put a lot of thought and stuff into my characters (for example I develop entire backstories, universes and headcanons around them). Sadly I'm only using like 5 of them when doing dailies as this is the only thing a veteran can do these days except waiting for new content that can be completed within one hour or 1 to 2 days depending on if it's a festival or a new episode. (Festival achivements tend to take less than an hour while a new episode and its achievements take 1 or 2 days to be finished.) And since unfortunately I don't actively raid anymore there's no reason to actually do something in the game which is quite sad. Also I tend to only play characters actively that are desired classes with top tier meta builds despite being solo just out of fear people will judge me if I play certain classes or not use the top tier raid meta. I used to be highly active for a while in WvW but it became a bit boring too and there was just too much real life stuff piling up so I'm on a hiatus again. Not to mention that WvW would run terribly on my old system. I'd really love to maybe create some more characters as I've got tons of ideas and masses of tomes of knowledge and tons of 20,30 and 40 level up scrolls. The probleme is just that I would have to purchase character slots and ingame purchases have become difficult since gem cards were pulled from every store and I don't know a different way other than gold.
  13. For me it's just because I'm very shy and anxious and I tend to avoid people in general just out of fear they might might think the wrong about me. Maybe this is just my paranoia acting up. I don't know how this came to be as I was quite talktive a few years back. I rarely utter a word because I'm afraid people will judge me even more than usual and think bad of me. I feel like I have to constantly justify and proove myself to everyone and make clear that I've been playing for the same 7 years as every other veteran. Just because I don't show off all my legendary and prestige stuff and like to choose skins that actually fit the character (background story wise etc.) rather than cluster it with legendary stuff and tons of infusions and other effects. I hate that I live in constant fear of everyone. I'm afraid everyone will watch me every time and judge me based on skins, every virtual step I take or minor mistakes. I hate using LFG and I try to avoid that as most of the time because I don't want to risk ending up with toxic people. Only because I don't raid actively anymore due to one of my previous guilds abandoning this content and the game alltogether doesn't mean that I'm bad or new. I would love to get back to it but I'd rather play with laid back and friendly people than with toxics. I don't need to stress myself through a game as my life outside of that is already stressing enough.So in other words, I don't say anything out of sheer anxiety and fear of others. I know I shouldn't be playing this kind of game then, before anyone brings this up. I even keep most of the chats disabled these days as I ended up reaching my blocklist limit pretty fast every day with for example map chat enabled. I hope that answers your question.I can't speak for others of course and this is just my own perspective and reason. Just felt like sharing something of mine as an answer.
  14. I think what you saw wasn't the griffon mount but the Skyscale mount instead. The Skyscale is the only flying mount that can hover and stay in the air while the griffon can't. It is also the only mount with a "blue 2nd ability bar" which indicates the altitude it can reach. However you can also gain height pretty easily with a griffon if using the dive from a high point which makes it faster and when it's fast enough you can pull yourself up to gain more height.For more info about the Skyscale check: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/SkyscaleI hope that helps.
  15. I just recently upgraded my entire PC and I wanted to reinstall the SweetFX Reshade thing for the game again but I simply can't find it on Overwolf anymore. I had the original install still but I had to delete the Bin64 folder because GW2 would freeze on startup with the original install and so now the Reshade stuff is gone. I thought that I could get it back through Overwolf but it seems to be gone. Sadly, I don't know how to manually install it for GW2 since I'm afraid I'll break anything. Does anyone know a solution or maybe a way to help with it?I considered switching to Hook since my system could run it well but I've always found it difficult to actually configure settings well enough and I just can't seem to find the right preset too. I'm looking for something that makes the game less vibrant/flashy and darkens things such as caves but also adds a bit of sharpness. The preset I had from the SweetFX preset selector was perfect for me. (I think it was called Clearer Days and Darker Nights) Also tabbing out and in causes problems while running Hook. Changing to performance mode didn't help there as well. I don't know how it things will be on my new system, haven't tried it yet but I better not make too many changes to the game files.Anyways, does anyone know an alternative to get SweetFX working or a Hook preset that is recommendable in my case?Thanks in advance.
  16. I know, not a general discussion but I don't know where else to post this.I just want to wish everyone of the community and everyone at Arenanet a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!I hope everyone has a wonderful time spending with their close ones.
  17. Currently? It's a GTX 1050 but I'm thinking about upgrading my entire system soon and get a 1070 ti (yes, I know I could go higher but I'm on a budget) then as my current system is about 2 (almost 3 years old) and I'm not really satisfied anymore since I expanded my library a bit and most games like Monster Hunter World for example tend to run horribly. Also I'd like to have something that can last overall for a much longer time. I don't even need to play at 4K and I don't even want to play AA titles as they don't interest me at all. Only thing I'm still not certain about is which CPU pairs the best with the GPU but I'll know that soon for sure.What's very strange is that on my current setup (which is very much below average I guess) stuff like ESO for example tends to run on high settings between 80 and 100fps (not depending on population or certain maps which is weird for a mmo) while GW2 was running on highest settings between 60 and 100+fps (depending on population and certain maps of course) pre PoF. After PoF the overall performance did decrease to and average of 40 and 60 (and it doesn't matter how low I turn the settings because highest and lowest both result in the same for me) and with each new release I feel like everything drops by 5%. I heard that people with even high end stuff have the same problems since PoF. My guess is that the engine desperately needs an overhaul and some support for at least DX11. Hell, even GW1 runs better and GW2 is using a heavily modified version of the previous game's engine. It can't be hard to upgrade the engine already after 7 years... Even WoW got an engine upgrade and is much older.
  18. I guess it's safe to say this now: "Bannerslave Masterrace! Filthy casual bearbow ranger noobs dni!"
  19. First of all an engine update to support DX12 and overall better support for higher end rigs is the more mandatory thing. Before that there shouldn't be any new expansion that bloats the game even more and results in yet another fps drop for newer systems, n my opinion. I'd really like to return to Cantha but I hope that the engine will get fixed before that.
  20. Definitely too easy. Even raids with CMs are far too easy. Don't know why all the casuals keep complaining. Just git gud. /s
  21. I have a problem with this item since you can't remove it from the bank on any character. I'm talking about the version of the item you get from the restored boreal weapon collection at t5 completion. I put it into my bank about a week ago when I got it because I have no need for it and now whenever I try to remove it it's stuck in there. I evfen tried on multiple character and the item is always red when trying to move it. It's extremely annoying since it's taking up bank space now. Hopefully this will be fixed.
  22. But there’s the same hope that Anet will make them obtainable outside the gem store just like mount skins and glider skins. It's sad, I wish there were actually things like that one can obtain by actually playing the game instead of throwing money at it. And i'm talking about stuff outside of raids since not everyone actively speedclears them every week. You know? Some people want to actually ENJOY content rather than rush through it and being put under pressure. Some of us don't have reaction times of a 16 year old. Some of us have disabilities. There's so much neat stuff (and even lore) locked behind raids that the only way of obtaining something nice these days is the gemstore. Considering how rewards were in the times before HoT the last content updates over the years are disappointing. People overall were a bit nicer before HoT too despite the dungeon elitism stuff... I miss these days.
  23. Something from gw1 that is yet again... a gemstore feature... sighWasn't the build template fiasco enough already? I mean, I'm happy that we got at least a pumpkin head that we get for ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME like in gw1 but still...Yes, I know there's one you can buy from a guild trader but you can't dye it and it looks afwul in comparison. Anyways, I think I'll stick to my shiny legendary backpack as everyone only cares for showing of legendaries these days and judges people based on skin choices and calls people who go for realistic things noobs...What's next? Backpack dying feature or elite specs behind a paywall? Wtf
  24. In my opinion this feature wasn't needed since we already have CTRL (or STRG)+Alt+H to hide the UI. What bothers me more is that living story season 2 will still be displayed even after dismissing in the story panel after a map change.This HUD feature now reminds me a bit of the options that are in ESO allthough I think showing a bit more information like buffs/debuffs is good in ESO so I disabled the default hidden HUD there. I don't see why the UI is an issue in gw2 as having more informations shown (sometimes with the help of mods like ARCDPS for example) on the screen is crucial for peak performance in almost all mmos. Sure it's nice for screenshots but in functionality it's kinda contraproductive and like I said we already have a keybind for hiding everything. However I'd like to see a change/overhaul in the content guide as this season 2 thing is a bit annoying for people with 30+ alts who already completed all of the story stuff on 10+ other characters already.As for the "big" text boxes I can say that I have no problems with that and I don't have multiple screens or one of these curved ultra wide screens that all money begging Twitch streamers have. A screen with the rate of 1920x1080 seems fine actually when adjusting the ingame hud options to the smallest. I don't know 'bout y'all but have you tried these options already? I think it was under "Graphics" a bit above where DPI Scaling is shown.
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