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Everything posted by Brother.1504

  1. Honestly I’m finding the opposite. Meeting many newer players and see people returning from breaks.
  2. Personal experience. I have observed the same trend. Met and in some way helped lots of new people in open world pve and Wvw. The bonus events seem to be popular.
  3. It’s called a bandwagon. This streamer guy is jumping on it. He wants to grow his business. He sees WoW Classic as an opportunity. Simple as that.
  4. Best roaming build. Warclaw mastery. What ever profession you are best fighting 1v2-3.
  5. Everything I stated is true. Leveling is trivial when you can literally roll a new alt and be in a raid with max gear in under 30 minutes. You can’t do that in Warcraft. As far as playing the way you want in Warcraft, you’ll always be limited by the gear treadmill. Or resign yourself to being subpar in item level and left behind the curb. It’s just the facts of that game. I’m not dissing WoW, loads of people like that game. I’m just of the opinion that gw2 is a very different experience and definitely not a wow clone.
  6. Chrono just needs to build up the 1.21 Jigawatts to get back to the future.
  7. What happens in the platform house above Charrgate Haven waypoint stays in the platform house above Charrgate Haven waypoint.
  8. The reasons gw2 is different then Warcraft have been stated so many times over the years. I’ll humour you with a few differences that pop into mind. Gw2 doesn’t lock you out of your characters if you don’t pay your sub or gold equivalent. Wow does. Gw2 has never increased the level cap. Wow does every expansion and now they even need to squish levels due to issues. As a player of gw2 since beta leveling is trivial. I make a new alt, click some tomes and bang I’m max level. Open a few stored boxes and I’m max geared. Warcraft the leveling experience is a feature of their content but everyone’s goal is to rush through it quickly because let’s face it, leveling sucks. Game play style. Gw2 people play as they want. I’ve been in guilds that focus on wvw, or spvp, or world boss trains, social guilds, musical guilds focusing on the instrument toys, casual PvX guilds, exploration guilds, raiding guilds, for profit guilds that people pay in game currency to get a carry, etc, etc. Warcraft you level then you raid. Or you don’t progress your character. I could go on but hopefully you get the point.
  9. Pretty sure it's 3k range I have been able to fire it from the top of SMC to siege on the outer walls. It's "out of range" but it looks like the "projectile" follows in a straight line after and can still hit. That or the range indicator on the skill doesn't match the correct range.If that is true. I need to do it!!!! Special Weapons And Tactics.
  10. Teapot didnt monetise wow classic or present it as a gw2 killer, all he did was get fed up with the slow cadence and asocial design that gw2 has been pushing and is looking for actual mmo experience. It’s ok to just tell the raw truth. He sees more opportunities for his stream business in classic wow. He wants his customers to follow him. That’s fine. And just for the record, anything a streamer tells you is about monetization of a message. Don’t look at the man behind the green curtain.
  11. Bless online was the gw2 killer. Then it was released. How did that work out? Social media and streamers try to monetize the idea that the sky is falling.
  12. If character slots went on sale this week I would buy 10 slots. Money speaks..
  13. I’m ok with some “filler” content releases. Gives me time to catch up on achievement hunting.
  14. Druid warhorn is some great regen. I can solo heal Jormag through all the dots and fears.
  15. Needlessly negative. Gw2 is a game. Lots don’t like it for whatever reason. Lots love it for whatever reason. Find some enjoyment somewhere else. Learn to bowling or something. It’s ok to say to yourself this isn’t for me without feeling the need to try and be the class downer person.
  16. Every new game is the every current game killer if you believe the internet.
  17. I think the Emergency Waypoint needs an additional 30 seconds up time to account for lag and load times.
  18. Wake up one morning as part of the balance team. Beeline right for that fancy breakfast kitchen anet has setup. Taste all the things. Balance takes time <chomp, chomp>Looking into that<chomp,chomp>Mesmers are fine<chomp,chomp>Oooh waffles!!!!!
  19. We need quick balance updates directly after the regular balance updates. Been playing since beta. Anet doesn’t seem to do comprehensive play testing to the changes they go live with. Especially with the competitive game modes.
  20. The character selection screen is boring. It’s long past due to add weapons, backpacks, legendary trinket effects, and Infusions to it. I think it would be more impactful to the gw2 experience then people realize.
  21. Can Mesmers finally get some love in the next balance patch? Make the pink things stronger.
  22. Yeah...that's the reason they are preferred.... Not sure if serious. EDIT: Meme added 'cause for me today is Friday: Yea, you trying to meme that this is about some damage competition rather than about how many targets they do damage to (aka AoE pressure) really discounted what I said. /sarcasm lol, ok, sorry for not being direct. Let's try this approach: Scourges are brought to a zerg for boon strip and corrupt. Full stop. Not because of damage.Not because of the amount of targets they hit. Boon strip. Boon corrupt. k?This person knows how the game works.
  23. Needlessly negative in my opinion. Gw2 is a great game. And in a market where most MMOs are dead in their first 2 years Anet has overall done a good job with this game. Guild wars 2 is a mature game but there are still stories to be told before the natural progression to a Gw3.
  24. I’m ok with rangers because being powerful if it gets them back them back into the meta. Besides it’s not as bad as people whine about. In the last month of wvw resets I have only been 100-0 by a ranger a few times, same with the thief. Loads of times by Condi Mesmers, rampage warriors, and stealthed Holosmiths.
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