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Everything posted by Brother.1504

  1. Been in wvw since beta. Seems pretty long term life for a game mode to me. Anet should put its development resources for wvw on alliances.
  2. Don’t think vanquish mode is possible for open world gw2. You could probably engineer a vanquish hard mode for core dungeon paths.
  3. Do you really want the gw2 game engine making even more calculations during 3 way Zerg fights?
  4. Could we get Guild Insignia commander tags?
  5. Living Story 5 with narrative meeting Tengu and all paths lead to Cantha. Then expansion Cantha, Tengu new race, build templates, and duel spec. Then a Hall of Monuments type living story. Then GW3. What ever form that takes.
  6. I don’t think you know how the core mechanics of GW2 work.
  7. Just need a luck eater and perhaps some guild decorations that use luck.
  8. Been there done that. I recall a lot of complaining from the community about season 1. Scarlet bad this, Scarlet bad that. Content too fast, content too slow. Maybe gw2 has crossed that magic line into nostalgia. Season 1 was ok, just ok. The exception was the voice acting for Scarlet. She was charming in a Harlequin like way.
  9. My loot boxes with the moar powerful gear arrived just before reset. Thx Anet. Ps. Can you make my Mirage Cloak last a few more seconds? Thx. Luv ya!!
  10. Please add a Infusions preview and perhaps a collections tab for Infusions.
  11. Flagging system for duels is a better idea. Open world pvp is not what people bought gw2 for.
  12. I am enjoying the new Skyscale skins pack. The dye channels are subtle with the interplay between light and dark colours. So many creative combinations imo. Investment in collecting most of the dyes makes this kind of purchase really fun.
  13. I use the endless volatile magic gathering tools everywhere. Not sure how much you want to farm but I spend the stuff liberally and always have 30-50k stockpiled. That currency is basically a nonissue since getting the tools.
  14. Wow! Anet should send you a free T-shirt, coffee mug, or something.
  15. As a consumer why would you want to surrender your power to the seller? In a healthy relationship the seller should feel motivated to work for your money. It’s good for their creativity and great because you get a superior product.
  16. Knowing when to rotate and abandon the node is just as important as knowing when to hold/delay. Took me a long time to figure out who i hard countered and could 1v2 delay vs who I should just rotate away from if I didn’t have help.
  17. Matchmaking feels random at the best of times and broken most of the time. Hard to invest a competitive spirit when the mode “feels” so unfair. It’s a game after all, I want to feel like I had a chance of victory for my losses and I had the possibility to lose for my wins. Most games are blowouts. I don’t know. Ether anet is really bad at matchmaking or matchmaking itself is extremely difficult to implement.
  18. Cheap transfer cost equal more stacking and imbalance.
  19. Winna winna chicken dinna. It’s the endorphin rush of possibly winning big. Heard someone describe gw2 reward system as “ the feel good slot machine.” Those super rare infusions are very attractive to lots of people.
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