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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. PvP/WvW Druid doesn't need to be buffed. It's the 2nd least interactive class to fight in the entire game and incredibly unfun to fight. You're either dazed, immobed or they're stealthed. WvW players complain about druid in it's current "weak" state because when there's no nodes to fight over the completely broken aspects of the entire class comes out.So what's anet do? They give it more immob...uh......?

    Remove ALL entangle effects and make it just normal immob. Remove all the CC off celestial avatar and make it an actual healer stance that sucks at healing yourself so you can't be an invincible bunker. Nerf pet damage on druid even further(ranger pets do more damage than most players). Make druid able to compete with tempest and firebrand as a support in PvP/WvW instead of being this incredibly unfun 1v1er that no one wants to fight.

    PvE druid needs to be buffed back to it's HoT level imo, condi druid was fun, unique damage buff was fun. I wish this wasn't a raid only class for PvE. Druid shouldn't be forced into harrier gear and need healing power to heal efficiently - hybrid healers are much more fun and interesting, and PURE supports don't fit this games combat or content. It fits raids, but raids are incredibly niche content nearly no one does, so classes shouldn't be ONLY for them.

    PvP/WvW/PvE soulbeast: Sic'em needed to be nerfed, and it wasn't. No comment on condi soulbeast because I've never seen one in fractals(condi is nearly useless there due to phasing with good players) and mirage is better on any condi spec fight that I've done in raids.

    PvP ranger: Protect me barrier removed entirely, bring the taunt back. 4k on 24s CD is almost as strong as some classes 30 second cool-down healing spell. This is an absurd utility skill.

  2. "Hey here comes a holo-...oh my entire team is already dead to grenade barrage."

    I'm really bored of it at this point, and I, and many others, absolutely will not wait for another patch weeks, if not months, down the line to fix this spec.

  3. Hi, I main thief and stealth is out of control. Shadow arts tree is too strong and it's too easy to run around perma stealthed in SPvP. I thought the entire point of stealth in GW2 was that it was in-combat and limited? As in you could stealth a few times, but NEVER sit in stealth forever. However, now you can due to all the changes over the years and the buffs to the SA tree making it a good tree for damage(better than deadly arts and crit strikes because...???). Trickery is also more DPS than our DPS trees. At this point, you might as well make stealth only usable out of combat like other MMORPGS since it's basically perma AND you can use it in combat, making it the strongest stealth I've ever seen in a MMORPG.

    You really needed to nerf stealth uptime on thief, damage on the shadow arts tree, and holosmith in general(especially grenades).

    "oops my entire teams dead to a grenade barrage" is boring at this point.

  4. Holo needs to be a glass cannon DPS. Right now it's a cannon but without the glass. I think nerfing kits for holo and buffing them for base eng is a fantastic idea, because imo holo shouldn't even get kits due to it having photon forge, f1-f4 skills and a good mainhand weapon.

  5. Cool, thanks for taking the time to prove me wrong. Nice to know swords not THAT bad.

    I said suggested over staff because people bring up using staff and only autoing for new players or players who want an easy build.

    Now if they could make pistol whip, lac strike and tactical strike being worth using over autoing so sword could do 33-35k dps.

    ...They are a dps loss over autoing, right?

  6. @Noah Salazar.5430 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578"This game needs LESS superspeed. It's already given out like candy for absolutely no reason, we absolutely do not need more in the game. Do NOT add this to the game.

    lower cd on hammer https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rocket_Charge and https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jump_Shot by 3-4s than or at last add personal super speed on Flame Blast https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flame_Blast as compensation

    No compensation needed, scrapper needs zero superspeed.

  7. More superspeed, when we need less.More immob on druid, when it already perma-immobs you.No nerfs to actual things that need to be nerfed, instead BUFFS to holo(hello? am I living in the same dimension?)Buffs to scourge in WvW that no one wants.No removal of flamethrower from the game(perma stab + high dps literally autoattacking)

    I don't understand this ""update"". More like downdate.

  8. @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

    Speed of Synergy: This trait has been reworked. It will now grant superspeed for 5 seconds to allies in a radius of 240 around the engineer when using a healing skill. Using a healing tool-belt skill grants the engineer 7 seconds of superspeed.

    pls don't :/after that change 70% of class will dash or run from you with not posibility to catch in pvp/wvw

    also pls give party quickness to scrappers


    Buff it from 3s->4s (in pvp/wvw it still can be 3s)Add : Number of Target 5 (so your team get that boon as well)interval 10s->8s

    so that sup profesion can be played in fractals/raids more often

    This game needs LESS superspeed. It's already given out like candy for absolutely no reason, we absolutely do not need more in the game. Do NOT add this to the game.

  9. @lodjur.1284 said:

    @RisenHowl.2419 said:What gets me is they don't know what builds are popularly abused. Immobeast has been up on metabattle for months. Stepping foot into wvw during prime time just for a night would be enough to learn it's broken @.@

    Here I do agree with you fully.

    Immob ranger (both SB and druid tbh) not even being, known about, is baffling.

    Also saying the destroyable roots aren't a problem is the words of someone whose never tried actually destroying them.

    During the stream they even get immob-spammed twice by a druid, moments after talking about it.

    Druid does not need any buffs to immobilize. I don't understand why it's being buffed. Entangle/root need to be completely removed from the game and changed into normal immobilize, they are buggy and do not function. Fighting a druid as a melee is so non-interactive and unfun, the only thing less fun is a perma stealth rifle deadeye. No idea why you'd want to buff things that are ZERO fun to fight?

  10. @"Widmo.3186" said:Let me show you in one picture whats wrong with the patchFdjTITz.jpgThey noticed that soulbeasts deal too much damage. So what they do? They nerf it by50 (!)power (!)in PvE (!)

    This company is a joke. If I showed this picture to any1 from Bli$$ard "balance team" they would roll on the floor laughing.And as you already noticed, rest of the "balances" are random, unneeded or barely touching the topic. So lets wait another half year for...another 50 power nerf?

    "Blizzard balancing" is often referred to as "Horrible balancing" - do not ever refer to them as a better more competent developer for balancing a video game.

  11. You said 36 second cooldown, which is lower than 40. It's true the base cooldown is only 5 higher than blinding powder, but every single eng build takes alchemy a HGH does it not? Not every thief build takes SA - and if it does, 5 seconds is still far too close for "jack of all trades" considering it's also on your must-take invul utility.

    Your class doesn't deserve to have access to stealth at all outside of smoke fields.

  12. @hugo.4705 said:What is freecmc ?!!!!

    Allowing him to balance the game again, since these patch notes show he very clearly did not participate in these balance changes as they are a complete 180 of the past 3+ months of changes and even revert a lot of his good changes. People are unhappy with the direction these changes are taking the game and much vastly prefer CMC's direction.

  13. This change was completely uncalled for. I never see anyone on weaver at all, even though the fractal site says its "mandatory in fractals", you don't see it there either.

    Why does Anet gut Elementalist all the time? This isn't fair treatment of the class at all. First staff, now condi weaver? For what reason? How does this make the game better? How does this make the game more fun for anyone?

    I could understand if everyone was playing condi weaver and they were DESTROYING the raiding and fractal scene, but this class is nearly non-existent in any form of PvE I've ever participated in. Stop picking favorites and nerfing classes you don't "like" and actually "balance" things.

  14. Why should anyone play this class? Shock aura(when shared) and res glyph(no res skills should be in the game at all in PvP anymore) were the issues. Why would you nerf mist form and focus 5 which nerfs other already weak elementalist builds and lowers its build diversity even further?

    This class has a single good spec, pure support. You nerfed it in the wrong ways that also nerf the base spec. Why?

    Not even going to get into the random nerfs to a class that sees almost no PvE presence and the build you decided to nerf is incredibly hard to play and thus not even popular. You didn't even make it easier to play, you just made something have a lower reward: effort ratio for no reason. Again I ask, why?

    There's no reason for this class to be CONSTANTLY butchered in every single game mode since the Vanilla version of this game.

  15. I don't see why anyone would play this class. Anytime it has a build that's playable it gets nerfs to things unrelated to that build gutting non-bunker/support builds and build variety in general for ele.

    Shock aura(when shared) and res signet were the problem. Res utils shouldn't even exist with how slow paced PvP is now(on average, mesmer 1 shots grenade barrage 1 shots condi thief burst etc still exist but aren't the average kill speed).

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