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Posts posted by Shiyo.3578

  1. Yeah dude maybe in 6 more months they'll nerf the things that people have been talking about for weeks now...

    Why did condi thief and owl pet get nerfed so quickly but engineer and protect me(ranger sustain in general) are being completely ignored?

  2. @"Kuma.1503" said:Build diversity is bad because people keep advocating for options to be taken away. Naturally, Anet is more than happy to do it.

    "Remove sigils. Remove amulets. Remove weapon swap. Remove traits."

    When you remove something, you remove options. When you remove options, you lower build diversity. If we want greater diversity, we need to start adding things back and giving out more buffs to E-specs that are not doing their job as well as they should. Namely: Scrapper, Chrono, Mirage, and Druid. `

    Anet needs to remove a lot of things from this game from PvP because there's actually things that should absolutely not exist in a PvP game. The dude who wants to run around as a minion mancer while he afks and his pets solo players for him shouldn't be able to do that, for a example.

  3. The barrier 100% needs to go away and is too strong. It's a 24 second cooldown 4k barrier when most heal skills heal for 6k. On top of rangers already superior healing(9k troll urgent is one of the strongest heals in the game, and their other heals are powerful as well), you have a crazy tanky class with too much sustain.

    Please remove the barrier and probably nerf rangers healing skills as well.

  4. No nerf to holosmith damage, instead buffs to condi.No nerfs to holosmith sustain.No nerfs to protect me/ranger sustain(mainly protect me's barrier needs to go)No actual nerfs to condi thief.No nerfs to condi rev resistance uptime.Buffs to scourge and druid, which no one wants to fight in PvP.

    This patch doesn't fix any problem and instead adds more. Can we opt out of updating to it?

  5. Not releasing this patch would keep this game in a better state than releasing it. This patch is a downgrade from the current version of GW2 PvP. It's not nerfing the strong and zero fun to fight things(condi rev, grenade holosmith, condi thief, protect me 4k barrier) while also ADDING more zero fun imbalanced things like buffing druid and scourge.

    Can we just not release this patch? It's a downgrade in every single way.

  6. @Mor The Thief.9135 said:IMO Sword/X could use a buff in damage in PvE, for example Sword/Pistol can be an option in addition to Staff for Daredevil since it doesn't rely on stealth usually but can still use its stealth with dodging in Black Powder to get the increase from the Revealed trait, while Sword/Dagger can be an option for DE since with Dagger OH one has an easy access to stealth...

    All it needs is just some flat damage increase across all its skills... and maybe make its Stealth attack actually do decent damage as well...

    Yeah, it's really easy to fix and only requires numerical changes. I'm not sure why they haven't buffed it, I find sword thief really fun but it's very weak as it's DPS is so far below anything else.

    Tactical strike could do 4x the damage, autos 2x the damage, pistol whip 2x the damage, lacern strike 2x the damage and sword would be pretty ok in PvE but still not top tier.

  7. I know they don't have f5. You should tell chronomancers how miserable your life is not having your toolbelt elite skill as a trade off so they can laugh.

    The issue with engineer in general is that it has too much. Ele has to pick between sustain or damage. if it picks one, it loses out ENTIRELY on the other. Eng, on the other hand, gets everything at all times no matter the choices it makes. Eng goes against the entire design philosophy of the Feb mega patch and needs to be re-examined and hard nerfed in many ways.

  8. @Yoci.2481 said:

    @Fueki.4753 said:It's just my experience, but Warriors and Mesmers are, at least in PvP, the least seen ones.For instanced PvE, it's Thieves.

    Sadly there's zero reason to play a class that doesn't even do the most DPS while having 11k hp and zero utility in instanced PvE.

    Mesmer 1 shot spec or inspiration mirage are fine in PvP(one shot is overpowered and needs to go away forever). Warrior is weak, though.

    The story of the perma stealthing Mesmer who keeps one shotting you for 20k is debunked. Someone was hacking or you made it up.

    Don't think they're hacking, and 100% not made up. People play it in platinum games and it one shots 20645 HP medium armor thieves from stealth before you can even react.

  9. Sword/pistol could be buffed in PvE and be competitive for PvE without doing anything in any other modes since it's a relatively underused weapon combination now. Sword auto's are good cleave, blind powder is super nice for staying alive, headshot is good break, and pistol whip should be good DPS but is a loss over autoing(why??).

  10. @UNOwen.7132 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:Superspeed, high sustain, stealth, invul, blocks, reflects, ranged damage, melee damage, burst damage at either range or melee, converts condis to boons.

    Almost all of those are things core Engineer has. Actually, scratch that.
    of those are things Engineer has. The thing is, thats not inherently an issue. Also, "High sustain" is honestly a stretch, Holos sustain isnt anything special, its just that damage right now is so low any healing at all amounts to high sustain. Bring back damage to the game, and that gets fixed.Does base engi have superspeed?

    Also, you just explained the EXACT issue. Picking an elite spec is supposed to have a trade off - when Holosmith has everything base eng has AND THEN MORE the class is bloated and needs to be brought down back to earth.

    I also routinely watch holo's full heal from 10%, if that isn't insane sustain then I don't know what is.

    Jack of all trades master of all does not belong in a PvP game.

  11. @Yoci.2481 said:

    @"Shiyo.3578" said:If you want to buff mesmer in any capacity you absolutely NEED to delete 1 shot perma stealth mesmer. I just got out of a game where the mesmer was perma stealthed and INSTANTLY killing me on thief with 20645 HP from stealth. This was in a platinum level game, not low tier clown fiestas. There was no avoiding it - no dodging, no predicting it, the dude would burst you from stealth and you were INSTANTLY dead the second he hit you unless you were lucky and randomly dodging someone else. This is 20645 HP and 2029 armor - pretty absurd if you ask me.

    Imo, please make chrono an actual "support" and completely revamp wells to follow you around like facets with actives or something. Chrono could be really cool and fun but in it's current form it's either a bunker sitting with wells or just...useless.

    Mesmer doesn't have perma stealth. Torch stealth is 3 seconds at a cool down of 30 seconds, 2 seconds from signet (35 second cool down) and 6 seconds from mass invis (75 second cool down, 60 traited) for a total duration of 11 seconds (16.5 with PU trait). If you add Decoy (3 second stealth, 45 second cool down) you lose the daze mantra. One shots are rare but yes, Thief is one of the professions that actually can get one shot occasionally. Although it's not really a one shot, it's a combination of at least 5 different skills (not counting stealth) and can only be done once every 35 seconds (28 with Master of Manipulation). If you react quickly you can often just dodge the damage. Use your second dodge for Phantasmal Berserker and pressure the Mesmer, because he now has nothing left to hurt you for another 8 or so seconds.

    If what you describe really happened like that the Mesmer was hacking in some way.

    He could have been hacking, because you die to shatter + mantra + gsword 2 damage and don't even get a phantasm summoned onto you. It's instant death.

  12. Yes, it's the only one I'm slotting in my build and I don't take virtues, thus I have a single stun break.Pretty much everyone slots 2 stun breaks, and has the capacity to do so. Two stun breaks is enough to never be cced 100% to 0% by a single player(unless it's a druid immob spamming you, sometimes)

    Not sure why you're calling people liars, that isn't very nice.

  13. Ranger has way, way, WAAAY too many stun breaks. Combine this with an absurd 9k heal on a 30s CD + 4k barrier + prot on a 24s cd and you have a nearly untouchable class.

    I tried to attack a druid(not even a good class!) on s/d daredevil and I laughed. You basically can't interact with them as a melee class, you're perma cced or immobilized on top of their 570057075 stun breaks, evades, disengages, etc.

    The other versions of ranger have MUCH less CC but are still far, far, far too slippery.

  14. @Krzysztof.5973 said:

    @"Rhiannon.1726" said:Many experienced raiders do a lot to bring new players to raids. There are dedicated guilds for raid trainings and training discords.Other guilds (like Snow Crows) put a lot of work into creating the best builds (includinig guides how to play them).An EU raid training guild (RTI) made lots of raidinig PoV videos:

    When I started raiding, there were no guides, no experienced leaders and hardly anyone had ascended equipment. It took us weeks to get Vale Guardian down. Nowadays in a wing 1 training VG should be dead and Gorseval as well. A wing 4 training often ends with bosses 1-3 killed.

    What else do people want? You can get everything very fast. You just have to join a guild or discord server.

    If that is still too much: open lfg, join a strike (Grothmar, Kodan, Fraenir) without requirements, ca. 5 min later you have your kill.

    PS: Sorry if my text sounds a bit harsh. I'm just annoyed that some people call everyone who raids toxic in general, while many raiders put a lot of work into helping newbies to get started.

    Those training guilds are literally why the raiding player base is so small and constantly shrinking, by the way. Stop bringing it up.

    I'll take a hit.
    This is why raiding player base is so small on NA.
    Respectable raiders ran from NA servers to EU where players are not as "laid back" to put it lightly and can actually enjoy the content :)I've raided on both and I'm simply sorry for NA players who want to raid regularly.And literally spitting in the face of brigade of people who help create raid training communities and ignoring most prominent reasons on why raiding scene is how it is. Your Shiyo <3

    I've been in training guilds discords, they make raiding not fun and a job and completely ruin the experience. They have many, many, MANY ranks/tiers for players and give them "points" depending on how "well" they did on runs. You also had to do "well"(x percentile dps, don't fail mechanics x amount of times) on lower tier bosses to be "allowed" in higher tier bosses. It's incredibly insulting to the players intelligence. It was like army training in a video game - which is flat out not fun.

    If I wanted to work a job, I'd go work a real one and get paid for it, not play a video game.

    I can't believe people STILL, to this day, will try to tell me training guilds are good for this game.

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