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Everything posted by Warlord.9082

  1. I would like to see a reduced effort in skins and up the effort in actual content. Especially in open world content. There is very little content in the open world that is actually interesting to repeat. Mostly because rewards are absolutely worthless. It is a better idea to just gather the hell out of maps and sell that and buy it off the trading post as that is infinitely faster than to actually play the game. As for an example of what open world content I would like to see: solo instances made up out of jumpiiing puzzles WITH combat and an end boss to beat the hell out off. Should be hard, should reward WELL. Not this 2 uncommons items 3 silver and 4 junk items nonsense you do even for world bosses. That is not worth replaying.
  2. I personally don't care where it is, I just want it to be faster. Takes forever. And for those who are about to claim that other games are less streamlined, progresses slower or whatever else you are about to throw up as a hail mary: That is not true. GW2 is not the fastest crafting game. I'll grant it is not particularly slow but that is all you are getting.I am not talking about other games nor am I even remotely interested in how it functions in other games.If you are actually fine with it (although I am going to assume that you do not craft a lot if at all) then great! Good for you. I am not. Crafting pace needs to be sped up.
  3. They tend to be around when spring starts and near the end of summer.
  4. Well, get a mount then. Why do you complain about active choices you made?
  5. Yeah I am experiencing the same, bought 50 keys the other day and got absolutely nothing. It is ridiculous how low the yields are. Now personally, I like gambling but at the currrent rate I am better off playing roulette in a casino. At least those odds aren't this atrocious.
  6. Totally agree on the garden plots! I want a third for aesthetics as much as for crafting more primers! :lol:Regarding making home instance nodes rich... considering how much each costs on its own, I think any upgrade would have to be very expensive for each one. Hahaha, same here, more an aesthetics thing than anything else, my BLGPs are currerntly not even producing primer mats hahaha. I don't think it would have to be expensive. It could just be a gem store item that you can purchase that allows you to upgrade one particular node in your home instance to a rich version. Could be a nice way for ANet to generate some extra income :) Obviously, you would have to be able to purchase enough of them to I would LOVE shared gathering tool slots! Multiple glyphs on gathering tools could potentially be OP, no? Bounty combined with Reaping or any glyph that grants extra materials? I just would like to be able to use all the glyphs that I have collected at the same time. I don't see how it could be OP as overpowered indicates that it would be too powerful compared to something else and I don't really see what that something else would be. In case you mean compared to other players, I don't think that would count as they can put in the effort to collect them as well. Equality is found in possibilities, not in outcome. So I don't really see how this would be unfair in any way, shape or form. Definitely agree on needing more than 2000 for material storage. I think upping straight to 10000 would be excessive though. Also definitely need storage for bubbles and baubles.Personally, I want to see boosters go into an item like a combination of the novelties tab and the finisher tab of the hero window. I also want to see foods and utilities go into that panel and allow for the player to select which ones are used. Yes, that is an even better idea! I would love to see multiple glyphs per tool but follow the same idea as weapon sigils in limiting stacking of types. Oh yeah, obviously limit it to 1 or perhaps 2 of every type of glyph at most!
  7. I use the Griffon and the Skyscale very differently. I use the Griffon for travelling very quickly to certain locations if there's a jump-off spot high enough, that is. Skyscale is nice for places where you need to gain altitude. If anything, the Skycale surpassed the Springer mount (but that being said, I like the Springer's attack much better!). The Raptor is imho still a great mount for where the Griffon can't help. Personally I find the Roller Beetle useless in that regard. Too often I find the controls to be too inprecise to use it optimally.
  8. And the binoculars for bitterfrost! And that one thing for Lake Doric! Am I forgetting one? What a stupid comment. What I am talking about isn't in-game... Right now you lose so many SIS due to space they take up rather than say season 3 or 4 books which allow you to store all the teleports in a book. I don't see why this hasn't been implemented yet...
  9. Portals: Item that allows you to bind all the passes (like for example Royal Terrace Pass andd Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey) into a single item like the Season 3 and 4 Portal Tomes doExtendable item that allows you to create your own places that you can portal to. You'd first have to visit the spot and then you can commit it to the item and give the spot a name. Then you can travel to them like you would with the Season 3/4 Portal TomesExtension of Home Portal Stone to allow selection of which Home Instance you go toHome Instance: 3rd home instance Black Lion Gardening Spot (there's 3 spots in every Home Instance and you are only giving us 2? Why?)Item that allows you to upgrade all your Home Instance nodes to Rich versions (including trees, plants, map currency, etc)Access pass that I can give out to friends that allows them to enter my home instance (great idea by phs.6089)More Black Lion Hunters Board teamsStorage: New Shared Inventory cap of 40New Bank Tab cap of 25New Material Storage cap of 10000Bauble Bubbles and Baubles should get their own Material Storage spotsMaterial Storage for Gem Store Boosters (Heroic Boosters for example), the Expresses (like Merchant Express) and Experience ScrollsGathering Tools: Shared Gathering Tool Slot so you dont constantly have to go through the hassle of swapping them overAllowing for multiple glyphs to be used on gathering tools
  10. First I want a book that allows my to bind all the passes so they fit into a singular Shared Inventory Slot, then I'll see about new passes.
  11. Never going to happen. Been asked for for years and it seems they just don't want to give us something that basic.
  12. Ironically enough: my "God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals" title.
  13. Nope. I'm not interested either. On the subject of why people want it: no idea. Rather see an entirely new creation.
  14. Athleticism - This trait improves running and jumping. Divide it up into 25 stages and is improved by completing jumping puzzles. Each stage improves your running speed and the distance you jump by 1%. There's 55 of them so there's enough to divide. Add a new collection with a one time item gotten from the end chest for progress tracking. Should be cool.
  15. That is because you didn't. It wasn't difficult at all, it just took annoyingly long due to the time gates. Which explains the lack of feeling like you achieved something.
  16. Yeah, that totally works when you have to Mystic Forge / use bank / craft / etc. Yes, it does, go to a different one.
  17. To one up from mounts there's only one thing: Heroes like in GW1.
  18. We could have both! Do the Griffon as Mothra and the Skyscale as King Ghidorah!
  19. I mean let's be honest here. Most VR games on steam look worst than GW2. And they play just fine. So no idea what you mean by that. What makes you think that I am not being honest? Why do I have to agree with you on this? Also: What other games are or are not is not an argument for anything.
  20. I think that the devs have made a lot of poor decisions lately: The ridiculous amounts of time gates for the SkyscaleBeing kicked out of the map Dragonfall every timeI don't like the story of Dragonfall, so many tropes, it feels so cheap (well, I ate a lich so therefor I can come back from the dead)Following Kralk and all you get to do is go left and right a couple of times (just make it a cutscene for crying out loud)Taimi is still alive (her demeanor sucks, her role sucks, her voice sucks, she has no redeeming qualities and needs to go... Let Gorrik take over plz)Don't get me wrong, there's plenty that I like but this is my least favorite living season chapter so far. Those things mentioned above just suck the fun right out of what could've been great because I see the potential but the execution is horrible.
  21. I like to use AyinMaiden's guides, they are very nice and very clear and to be quite honest I feel they are better than Dulfy's. Check out her YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AyinMaiden
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