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Everything posted by montecristo.1324

  1. I have some issues with the willbender flames. To me seems that they designed the idea of the new stances then realized they needed something to help trigger the virtue stances and added last minute something to help. Again I hope it will get better it seems a cool spec and as guard main I want to shine
  2. I really really think catalyst is just bad design. It's clear that the devs just worked on hammer and then realized they forgot a mechanic and added last minute that F5. First of all that F5 could have been the little thing that could have saved core ele. Give it to core ele and maybe it is not total garbage. All people saying that hammer is amazing, I can understand that, but why build an entire mechanic on the hammer 3??? Use that thing as class mechanic!!! It's just stupid to put so much effort on a weapon that maybe it will not even be used if it's not balanced enough... I just think that the entire design is flawed
  3. I also believe that not only the new specs are not original enough, my issue with the new specs is that they are overlapping with old espec from the same profession. Guard in HoT got DH, then he got FB and the two specs are based on two different designs. Now willbender is DH 2.0 or a downgrade from DH depending on the balance, but it's not something guard needed. Same with ele, it has weaver for melee and now he got catalyst. Also the design of catalyst is so bad... That F5 button should go on core ele, and the hammer 3 design should be catalyst mechanic in my opinion. Necro the same, they already have reaper for burst power damage and now they got daredevil Necro. All this plus the fact that the main feature is fishing... I think this expac is a fishing attempt
  4. Is it enough? I mean FB is way better than this, if you want to do istanced PvE you have weaver
  5. Just wanted to discuss about this. Willbender seems to tackle one of the guardian problem, mobility, and reinvent the class removing the support part of virtues. Virtuoso the same seems to focus on remove some issue Mesmer have in wvw, even tho projectiles in wvw are not so nice I just don't get some ideas from anet. For example willbender and DH seems to have similar role, virtuoso and Chrono the same. New ele brings nothing new to the table, ele have a lot of combo fields, has a more than viable melee spec and tempest being boons. Etc. My question is, are these new espec designed to improve classes or are just designed because it sound cool to give ele a magic sphere etc?
  6. I was wondering if all the new six new especs will be playable in the next beta or if only rev war and ele will be available. I missed the first beta and I would like to try willbender!
  7. I have to be honest I don't understand this spec. Ele got a new field on demand, we have plenty of fields, ok it spam a single boon, but is it enough? Also the UI is pathetic, what is that small energy bar? Why don't put a energy bar similar to druid? Last, this spec is melee. The point that you have to stand on those fields means that or you ignore the enemies or you stand on them. I guess it will be another expac with dagger focus for ele, maybe thanks to the block on utilities we might play DD
  8. As main ele switched to guard long time ago I'm really glad that soon New World go live
  9. I believe that the design will be something like rev hammer so ranged. They will find a way to differentiate from staff, maybe less combo/blast game, more burst maybe? I really hope for some game changing mechanic, like different attunements, like instead of fire maybe magma, instead of water ice ecc. Just in order to get rid of the hybrid nature of the class and have a pure DPS spec
  10. I love this idea. I always wanted this implemented in the game. Either this or allow team queue in ranked
  11. I read a lot about GS, isn't rev supposed to get focus? Also to me the image is crearli wielding a focus and with he fact that probably it will be something like rev it make more sense. Now we got spirits with renegade, maybe we get some kind of spirit weapons like gw1?
  12. Fun fact, ultima online was a more complete game when released than gw2 after 3 exp... Fishing and boats as main feature is quite bad
  13. I already can see bunker decapper guard in pvp. The fact that you can not die + the improved self heal + all the core stuff from guard it will turn out in the first bunker capable to move from side to mid, help the tf with minor heals, combo fields, cleansing and cc, and be able to follow the thief back to the node and be super tanky
  14. I didn't like it too. Ok it was a first look, but that little that they showed wasn't convincing for me. I remember when they showed PoF I was shocked, the hype was real and I was one of the few against mounts, but the show was so great I immediately pre ordered it. Another minor thing is the espec reveal, no lore, no emphasis, just showing the skills, which is great but it was so bland... I really liked the little teaser we got in PoF reveal! I'm a bit disappointed I hope I'm wrong and we get a really good expac, I love this game and I wish it can be better!
  15. Don't know I usually play it in pvp with int sigil because the point of the build is to have few solid spikes and missing one is quite bad. You can try without it and see how it goes
  16. It seems to me he was playing a simple radiant hammer, it's a really famous and old build. You can probably find it on metabattle. The only couple of changes I would make to your version are: virtues go with middle or top trait on the first column, remove purging flames and take smite condition. For the equipment you can run both berserker/marauder with fighter runes or Valkyrie but you will need intelligence sigil on your hammer. The basic combos are hammer 2 while judgement intervention or hammer 5 while judgement intervention. Personally I also prefer run scepter focus over sword shield but it doesn't change a lot, that is supposed to be the defensive set. I prefer running focus over shield because you get another blast finisher good for cleanses. Last but not least, changing the second column of virtues to top trait you can also play GS instead of hammer, and that is the radiant GS.
  17. Hello I was thinking about a simple think that can be added to core ele for buffing it and for the famous tradeoff thing. Similar to core rev we should get a F5 skill that when used will cast a spell based on your current attunement. The simplest idea is to copy the evasive arcana trait to it, so you can potentially dodge + F5 to have double proc. If it's feels too weak you can add an aura too, but it risk to be op then. Let me know what you think about this, who knows maybe someone from anet appreciate the idea 😄
  18. I have most of my button binded on my left hand, I suggest you to set up most of the skills around your movement keys (for example I use a lot QERTZXC and alt + all those keys). Another thing that might interest you is the action camera (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Action_Camera_Mode) which is a setting that let you play in a FPS style, so you don't have to hold right mouse button to run etc. You can enable and disable ti from the settings, see if it help you 😉 Last thing, the auto attack functionality let you select the automatic skill to repeat, it can be useful too (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Auto-attack#:~:text=DescriptionEdit,attack on any other skill.) edit: I forgot to mention, if you check on sites like metabattle there are some Low Intensity builds like this: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Guardian_-_LI_Clerics_Core
  19. Just wanted to say that I love the new look, good job anet 😁
  20. Can you explain what the point of Water 1 ability is for staff? How would this help me in combat? I get what you are saying but currently Its, meh. I would like it to have more diversity with the elements trait you equip making that attunement more useful, hence I can have the attunements of my choosing as my primary or secondary at least. IMO the healing skills on staff are useless at long range, I would rather they be on scepter and staff get more chill and vulnra or defensive abilities or even mobility to help us keep at a distance. I want to do damage with Air/Water and Earth if I choose too and not use it as simple tool to cycle back to fire again as it makes the number 1 abilities on all attunements practically worthless if I am cycling back to default fire for better damage. I feel like this class has potential for more diversity with combat. You have to understand not everyone enjoys playing a Pyromancer or Melee as a cloth class with 0 mobility and abilities that can easily get canceled. If I wanted a healer/support or melee class I would have picked Guardian or Warrior. First of all we are talking about elementalist not pyromancer. Ele is supposed to cycle through elements and camping one element is out of discussion in every competitive scenario. Second of all there are plenty of good water traits and skills to use if you prefer to play around it. There is a entire trait designed on DPS on enemies with vulnerability and water attunement. Plus you have also conjure frostbow which have some good DPS. I don't know how long do you play else, I'm playing it since the release and I feel that the point of the class is the cycling on elements, it is his strength and used correctly every attunement is really strong. There are one shot builds based on earth, and competitive builds based on water. Of course for the nature of this class when you play some hybrid build it shines, the old cele else, or the more modern auromancer, but as you said, if you want to play only with one attunement then you can play another class because you are not using the full strength of the class
  21. I think you are missing the point. The strenght of ele was and is the field play. If you remove the fields from his staff you are killing the class. What ele bring to a zerg is that, one dps that can quickly switch to water drop down staff 5 wich is op and go back to dps with fire. Or goes to earth and cc enemies.Every attunment has is strenghts, it's not only dps or only heal. this is the design of ele, like it or not, it's also his strenght.
  22. Hello, after the lates patch of 13 Oct 2020 I can't log in on my character in LA === UPDATE === after rebooting it worked
  23. Off hand sword it's cool, but it would be also nice to have warhorn.Dual pistols it's also nice if you think about some kind of demon hunter. Anyway some duelist spec would be nice
  24. Hello, Just wanted to share a couple of ideas I was thinking for guardian and I'd like to hear your opinions about it! Symbols consuming.I like how guardians plays with symbols and how they feels like a hollowed ground where you get buff and disable enemies. One thing I would like to see are skills that detonate the symbols and have a different effects based on the symbol detonated, of course the symbol is consumes afterwards. Virtues chains.I really like the way on DH you have two F1, I would like to see it more often, maybe with some delay similar to tempest overload, so you click F1 and it unlocks after X seconds a second stronger chain skill. Pulsing virtuesThis is for core guardian, I really like the idea of having a trade-off when you use the virtues, so it would be fun to have stronger virtues, one thing I would like to see is some kind of effect around the guardian similar to the elite signet, on F1 can pulse dmg or condi, on F2 boons and on F3 something like retaliation or reflect projectiles I don't know. Again these are just ideas I don't think they are perfectly balanced nor goods, are just some random thoughts I had and wanted to share.
  25. Can't wait for the new expansion!!! I love this game, even if sometimes I need a break because of some frustration, I think it has the best combat system and PvP around
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