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Carcharoth Lucian.1378

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Everything posted by Carcharoth Lucian.1378

  1. In addition : (https://massivelyop.com/2021/04/20/guild-wars-2-judgment-episode-is-unleashed-april-27-heres-the-new-trailer/)
  2. @Martnor.1746 and @"Dairak.3658" The description must be a bit confusing since there were a lot of posts about this when they first released it. They even made a video to explain how their "templates" work (imagine A-net made an actual tuto video ^^) -> As for the "expensive" part, well, that depends on you. For example, some will think that the 10k golds infusions are expensive while some others will find it cheap. To add some facts, here what we have : (i will just quote myself from another post^^ -> lazy)
  3. @"Tony.8659" We have Anet's answer on this matter :https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/124881/replaying-icebrood-saga-champions-chapters#latest Ahah (-_-)
  4. It is from below (in water), there is one path/crack in ice near the "roof" of one hut.
  5. There is really no need to insert ill will or any motivation to it besides players who know they are good at the content with a way to prove it weighing a decision of, do I want to do this content in 30 minutes, have fun and get it done, or do I want to gamble on a very high probability of wiping for 3h (which is time I may not even have), have a frustrating time with people getting toxic, leaving, regrouping - all to no fault of my own, and at the end walk away frustrated, having done and gaining nothing. Bc unfortunately, that is generally the difference between making/joining a KP group and one without requirements, unless the no requirement group happens to consist of mostly proficient players with KP, who happened to take that gamble at the same time. That is the unfortunate reality of GW2 and it's massive skill gap, and no amount of blaming proficient players, who are in the minority, will change that.Either some people will have a terrible time in hard content while other's who put in the work thrive, or everybody will have a terrible time in the content. If you want (mostly) everybody to have a good time, you need to elevate those at the bottom of the skill floor, not punish those who elevated themselves. You can't expect proficient players to carry the burden everywhere and all the time, especially not to cater to players who literally do not want to improve and be helped.And if someone does not want to improve and be helped from the level of the average player, they simply can not do content such as Strikes, Raids and Fractal CM's. Not due to gating, but due to their literal lack of ability to do so - without being entirely carried by others that is. I don't entirely understand. Ok , none loves each other .Then try to create a thread in Reddit for "Raid Enhanced" (30 euros base game + 10 for the addition , for 6 raids in a year) and you can choose any dificulty .If its Wing 5 , most likely you will say that the dificulty is really pumped up and the casual cant do it .If its Wing 7 , then neither casuals-not raiders loves it :P That's doesn't make any sense. At this point it seems (to me) that you have not even read what @Asum.4960 wrote :(
  6. As you edited you post after i answered i'll add that :Since you're on NA, maybe you should try the "Guild Wars 2 Raid Academy" (discord.gg/gw2ra).I ll just copy paste their guild message : Did you read my initial post on the front page? : XI did join the raid academy, went through all their HOOPS of the api key, posted an introduction, and kept getting pinged all night for exp runs..and honestly just went to bed then.Yes i read it and you just talk about a discord, but you never said which one. So i couln't guess.
  7. As you edited you post after i answered i'll add that :Since you're on NA, maybe you should try the "Guild Wars 2 Raid Academy" (discord.gg/gw2ra).I ll just copy paste their guild message :
  8. And you can still do any of that in gw2. Anyone can put an LFG, join/create a static or join existing LFG (as long the requirements listed are met), so i'm not sure what you are trying to say...
  9. To be precise, you don't even need a commander tag. Anyone can create a raid squad (10 ppl) and enter the content.But it is better to have a tag if want to organize it (and put markers for example).My bad. Every time I want to use special forces to hit the DPS Golem it makes me tag up until the instance is created. I naturally assumed this was the case with raid instances.The more you know...Yep, if you already have a tag, it will use it ^^
  10. To be precise, you don't even need a commander tag. Anyone can create a raid squad (10 ppl) and enter the content (works for raids and strikes).But it is better to have a tag if want to organize it (and put markers for example).
  11. Like @"Cuks.8241" said, i never see ppl asking for specific builds for strikes (and even raids). You have often some role asked like heal, boon dealer, and dps (power or condi). As long as you perform your role, nobody will look at your build.But yes, if someone do less damage than the healer as a "dps", maybe they can ask for it..
  12. For those who don't want to search for it : Tengu were annonced since the beginning of "champions" as allied faction, but don't expect new map.
  13. As @maddoctor.2738 said, there was a party leader before but some ppl abused it so Anet changed that.
  14. don't even need to use scapper spec, holo can give superspeed too
  15. It's not really a wave. It is just the lava aoe which continue to do damage 1 or 2 seconds after it "disappeared".
  16. Btw DRM lfg are put in "Champions" lfg not in strike one... So, maybe look at the right place?
  17. You answered yourself in your own post : Maybe you're a good player, maybe not (9 old kp is really low) : we can't know as a lot of players think they're good but in fact not really. If you never have done the 100cm you need to do some training before wanting to join exp parties.
  18. It is a dps report : go on https://dps.report where you can upload the logs from arcdps addon But you won't be able to see these specific fights if you don't have the logs.
  19. No, he only talked about LI and "gear" barrier. He never said raid was the only high end content. People find fun where they want. If this is only in raids, that's fine, if this is in open world, that's fine either. No need to add barrier.
  20. And nobody here said raid was the only high end content (fashion wars 2 :p ). It just don't make any sense to block this content behind AP...But YOU can use it for your lfg ^^
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