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Everything posted by Rhyse.8179

  1. I want the old 10/10/10/10/30 Elementalist back. Being able to fight in all attunements equally was amazing, and it's been impossible for years.
  2. "Shut your talk-hole, bookah. Every time you open it, you drip stupid all over my floor." -Zojja I have a soft spot for biting insults.
  3. GW1 was a slow paced tactical rpg. GW2 is a fast paced action platformer with an RPG skin. As a result, I had a lot of trouble getting into GW1 when it came out and spent more time in WOW. Now that I'm older though, I'm more drawn to the complex strategy then the action, which has gotten REALLY repetitive over the years. GW1 only gets better as it ages, while GW2 is just getting stale. When are MMO makers going to figure out that there are 15 million former WOW players who are now adults and are longing for a deep, challenging game? We have disposable incomes now... cmon... make one already. We are an untapped market.
  4. I heard a while back that some of them aren't done for Asura because the outfits are very sexualized and Asura vaguely resemble pre-teens so they don't want to go there. Dunno if true. Charr I think they don't do because it would look ridiculous. ALthough I don't know why that would stop. coughThe Dreamercough
  5. Condi/Power > Vit/Prec Would be great for my condi necro. Need the Vit to compensate for the POF reaper shroud nerf, but can't get it without a massive DPS loss.
  6. No. I was there. I remember what it was really like, and without the rose glasses. It was, by far, the worst content period in the history of the game. It was disruptive, had stupid writing (yes, not just bad writing, but stupid writing), had terrible and repetitive content design. I literally quit the game because it was so bad. Seriously, the entire thing was Faction X + Faction Y invade zone Z, drop Yet Another Currency $, and you farm them for two mindless weeks for the privilege of trading Currency $ for miniatures. Do that for a year. Yawn. If you want to play the Marrionette fight today, go play Vinewrath in silverwastes. It's mechanics are identical, except there's 3 lanes instead of 5. It's literally the same fight, just the baddies are green instead of metal. Also, people show up for it. Why does everyone forget that Marrionette was a depopulated boneyard after the first weekend? Nobody at the time care enough to do it; if you didn't get the kill achieve in the first two days you never did. Which leaves the invasion of LA as the only thing worth mentioning. Make a fractal out of it. Done.
  7. Class balance not an option? IMO I'd rather have GW3. Gw2 is a hot mess of legacy tactical mechanics mixed with modern ARPG gameplay, visual noise and a scattered design that tries to do too many things and ends up doing none of them well. Only a new game could fix it all. That said, I'm not sure Anet are the ones I'd want to make it. Every patch they keep going in the opposite direction of fixing it :( If it wasn't free I'd have quit a long time ago; at least it's still good for hanging out with friends.
  8. The Wizard spawns during the defense event and has for some time. Unless he was taken out recently or is glitched. I know for sure the last time I was there (perhaps a month or two ago) that he spawned during the defense event. He should walk out of the gate as soon as the event starts; maybe you're missing him because you're getting there after he's dead?
  9. It has no possible use. The passive LF generation is trivial, and the active is completely outclassed by Blood traits. Blood already offers 3 full revive* skills (WoB, Lesser WoB, and Transfusion), and all of them are on MUCH lower cooldowns. I can't imagine any situation where I would need it's support function but wouldn't also be running Blood anyway, so it offers nothing. *-yes, they fully revive targets, and do so reliably, as long as you get to them quickly before they've lost too much health.
  10. At least it's only 20 mins. It could have been Dragon Stand....
  11. Larger? I want them smaller! They are so distracting. Just make all damage floaters fully customizable please. You know, like every other game in existence.
  12. A lot of core weapons are underpowered. The game got a LOT of power creep with POF and all the older stuff is pretty weak in comparison. Personally I'd rather see a game-wide nerf to elite specs to bring them down a bit and tone down the massive creep. That said, a lot of the core weapons were crap even before that and War Rifle was one of them, it could definately use some looking at.
  13. Most of them are basically unimplemented features at this point. There's a choice for the lvl 10 story chain, the lvl 20 story chain, which NPC appears in your home instance, and a bunch of stuff that isn't implemented anymore (like dignity etc). Ghosts of a content patch long past...
  14. If they are too hard for some players, that should be fine. In fact, it should be the intended design goal. Isn't this supposed to be a social game? A hard boss is just incentive to bring a friend or two.
  15. What I would do is make the pet fully controllable. Move to location, guard ally, jump of a cliff, whatever. I want to be able to have my pet and I working on different things at different positions on the battlefield. As it is now (and forever) he's just a DOT with a hitbox.
  16. Remove a constant reminder that there are things you could be buying? You do not know Anet. (+1 though, but it's a pipe dream)
  17. So you'd basically be completely eliminating one of the key aspects of the game design, without rebalancing the game or adjusting in any way. Um. No.
  18. Customizable UI. edit for clarity: I mean placeable and resizeable windows, not third party addons. Background and transparency settings for those windows would be great too. example: conditions/buffs on target would appear in their own window, that we could place where we want so it's easily visible. Same for conditions/buffs on self. example 2: floating damage numbers size and placement. currently, they appear directly over the target and obscure it so we can't read it's animations and react. I would kill for the ability to offset them above or to the side so I can see the target properly and react to what it's doing.
  19. The same could be said for greatswords themselves. IRL, they are used more like polearms. In GW2 (and most fantasy settings for that matter) they are used like a woodcutters axe. So, realism already being damned, bring on the scythe skins. Where were greatswords used like polearms?Just shorthand to imply it was used an agile weapon with an emphasis on reach, aka, me being lazy. Regardless, it's absolutely NOT the heavy chopping dead weight it's always depicted as. Here's some real GS moves derived from historical combat manuals.
  20. The same could be said for greatswords themselves. IRL, they are used more like polearms. In GW2 (and most fantasy settings for that matter) they are used like a woodcutters axe. So, realism already being damned, bring on the scythe skins.
  21. Depends on how you define panic. It gives steady moderate LF gain and doesn't need a cooldown. Good to offset a low LF weapon like Sceptre, but if you need a lot of LF like RIGHT NOW then other skills like Axe 2, Spectral armor, or Warhorn 5 build it up faster.
  22. I wouldn't call it great, but it's certainly above average. Compared to the toxic cesspit in places like WOW, it's night and day, but that's a low bar to clear to be honest. GW2 still has a lot of elitism and jerks, but if you stay out of PVP and Raids you never need to deal with them.
  23. How about option to disable content guide completely? 5 years, no change, still can't use 30% of my screen...
  24. OP didn't say which ones they were talking about, but I'm guessing we have very different opinions of what "ugly" is. To me, almost all of the post-release armors are an eye-bleeding mess of over-the-top ridiculousness, while all my favorite armors have been in the game from release (eg, primeval armor, norn racials are my tops). For heaven's sake, I still sometimes use the "Embroidered Pants" that I unlocked at level 10 on my very first character because there are literally no other pants for female light armor.
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