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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. Enjoying it so far! Worst part of it (lol) is that "Bash the Dragon" is stuck in my head, probably forever. ;-)
  2. Just noticed this. I hope this helps others get their Skyscale more quickly!
  3. Since you said you're enjoying the story, I'd get the Living World episodes you don't have (maybe just a few to start with) and go through those. Bottom line: do what you enjoy, not what others enjoy or what others (including me!) tell you to do. Try different things and see what you really like spending time and perhaps gold on. I like collecting dyes, weapon skins, and outfits, but not minis. Love crafting. Love rezzing other players in difficult situations. Hate WvW and PvP. Am so-so about fractals. You get the idea -- try lots of things, and hopefully many of them will really be your cup of tea choya chowder.
  4. Like some others here, after getting used to my Skyscale, I love it and rarely use the Springer or Griffon. Thanks to the Skyscale I've been able to reach a mastery point or two that I never could before. I still say the acquisition was a boring, tedious grind (the map currency reqs, the repetitive hunts in Dragonfall) but I am glad I have the mount.
  5. I've read one that said the Skyscale Mount Skin 5-pack is coming with the Dragon Bash Festival tomorrow (6/25) and another that says 7/2. Guess we'll find out! I hope for tomorrow, as I am very impatient.
  6. As mentioned above, there are always new players and also veteran players leveling up new alts. I think starting a new character (but don't delete your first one/old one, as you can get some sweet birthday gifts on your character's anniversary) is a good idea. I'd suggest joining a guild for noobs or use the Looking for Group tool and find some others leveling up like you are. Level 80 is fun but it isn't everything. Good luck!
  7. Perhaps that's what the OP means. Lighting is definitely a factor, and there are some areas where everything looks ugly or muted or dark.
  8. The outfits I've bought look just as good if not better (Timekeeper's Outfit!!!) in the game as they do in the store. Settings?
  9. The raptor is not useless to me; it's my favorite land mount. Not a fan of the jackal unless I need a sand portal. It's OK that we have different tastes -- would be a boring old world if we all liked the same things.
  10. A fast underwater mount would make the idea more palatable, and underwater cities that don't really seem underwater yet have a watery theme would be cool, if that makes sense. I just don't want it to feel like I'm moving through molasses all the time.
  11. I'm quite excited for this, so thank you, ANet. I took a long break from GW2 years ago and have never played it. Also thank you for not making ANY of the festivals (SAB, Halloween, Wintersday, Four Winds) permanent. Rotation is great.
  12. Ewokasura -- I suppose that name is already taken in-game....
  13. Thats great, but why should your opinion stop us from having the option to play it? if you hate it so much, just don't play it! Like I said, sure let there be a seasonal event where everyone can get in for free, while the rest of the year only devote SAB players can pay to get a year round pass, people like you can completely ignore it. I don't see why something like that would even bother someone who hates it and even if somehow it makes SAB less special, wouldn't you like that because you hate it? You're right, I don't play it. And we can't "completely ignore it" since we see SAB things in the world. I completely understand that it's a festival that many players enjoy so I don't "wish them away" or anything like that, and am OK putting up with it temporarily each year with no complaints. Perhaps you missed my point -- I love Halloween and most other festivals in GW2 but if they were constant, they wouldn't be as special. That's life; you can't always have everything you want all the time. Peace & happy gaming.
  14. I'm glad you and many others like SAB but I loathe it. And while I like Halloween and Wintersday, part of what makes them special (just like in real life) is that they are seasonal and temporary.
  15. While I also agree with the "take a break" sentiment, I'd also encourage you to try a different profession. Personally I hate the Engineer and mine is only an alt that I park at gathering nodes. I much prefer playing and exploring with my Necro or Ranger. Try some others and see how you feel. Also, think of what you really enjoy in the game and concentrate on that. Just because someone else (including me) likes ____ doesn't mean you have to. Some live to craft legendaries; I find that a grind. There are many sets of exotic and ascended armor and weapons to acquire, maps to complete, crafting profs to max, and achievements to get. Good luck!
  16. People aren't complaining about the timegate per se, since ANet fixed that in a patch. However, other threads about the Skyscale keep getting merged with this one, even though they have NOTHING to do with the timegate. I think the thread title should be changed, but it ain't my party.
  17. Please don't give up. ANet has said they are looking into this issue. I think they'll change it since it's affecting too many people.
  18. I used a few when PoF was new but they never seemed worth the effort. I agree that this is another instance of the rewards not being worth the time, and in need of an overhaul if they want people to use them.
  19. Solved, somehow. It is now in my Novelties tab. I KNOW I checked that earlier and it wasn't there. Well, it is now. Thanks to everyone; your helpful suggestions kept me going and helped me find it. <3 <3 <3
  20. I had checked the Novelty Wardrobe earlier and either it wasn't there or I missed it (wasn't showing at all on GW2efficiency, anywhere on my account), but it's there now! Thank you very much.
  21. Did you check your Novelties? Good idea, but yes I checked those. Thank you for trying to help!
  22. Stuff like that happens sometimes. I have started working on crafting Astralaria and the other day after being tired from doing a ton of HoT metas I finished Dragon's Stand and saw I had enough currency to buy what I thought I needed for the legendary form the vendor at the end. I just read "used for legendary" and bought it. Well it turned out it was a Gift of the Pact for crafting legendary armor. I'll never even come close to even thinking about crafting legendary armor since I'm too old and slow to do raids. 250 of each HoT map currency blown haha. Anyway back on topic. I just logged in but I can't tell what rarity the tonic is to see if it would prompt to type an item name before deleting due to my color vision issues. So I didn't test it by trying to delete to find out. If you did end up deleting it support can probably get you another one if you submit a ticket. It seems they are running a bit behind these days so it might take a bit to get an answer from them. You rock, partly for helping me and partly for reassuring me that I'm not the only one who is, has been, and can very easily be a victim of SUE (Stupid User Error). Not calling you stupid, if you know what I mean. The wiki says the tonic is Exotic, which really makes me doubt I'd delete it, but I've done worse things in the game. Maybe I saw the icon, which looks the same as that for a real bonus box, and double-clicked it, and then.... ????
  23. Thanks for your original post and the edited one. Honestly, at this point I wonder if I was clicking too fast and accidentally deleted it before I deposited all my materials. That sounds like something stoopit I'd do in the a.m. before enough coffee. TY again.
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