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Witch of Doom.5739

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Everything posted by Witch of Doom.5739

  1. As some others have said, it depends. Sometimes I'll see a weapon set such as Equinox and think, ooh, could make a beautiful black & white theme from that. Or I'll randomly get a weapon skin and build a look from its colors or elements (leaves, flames, etc.) Sometimes it's an armor piece that inspires me, sometimes it's someone in my guild who has a Star Wars look or other cool theme.
  2. This isn't what you were asking, but if I was starting over, I wouldn't even bother to get the Griffon. Since I got the Skyscale I never use the Griffon. Of course, if you are a completionist or otherwise really, really want the Griffon, more power to you. Be sure to do the daily achievements (2 g per day). Don't sell Mystic Coins if you think you might want to make a Legendary Weapon or other item requiring lots of coins in the future. Selling T6 mats is a fairly painless way to make a little gold, but again, they are needed for Legendaries. People talk about farming the Silverwastes for gold but I've never found that useful for how I like to spend my time in the game. Finally, if you want to spend real-world money, buy gems in the gem store and convert them to gold. Do NOT buy gems through third-party sites. Good luck!
  3. PLEASE let us "dismiss" achievements that are almost completed. Not delete the actual achievement, just its listing in the main Achievements window. The top one on my list is, as far as I know, something I won't be able to complete for months & months because of an event, and I'd rather see "do-able" ones. Thank you.
  4. I LOVE this skin and hope ANet makes more like it for other weapons. I get the draw of Legendaries, and the effects, sounds, and footfalls are awesome, but I made my first and probably only Leg last year and hated it. Hated the process, the time, the cost, and the final result -- no one's fault but my own, of course; it's just not for me, and I fully recognize that many people love the challenge and that's great.
  5. I tend to play solo most of the time and find my Necro and Ranger the easiest for solo PvE. Necro because of minions and Ranger because of pet + ranged attacks. Good luck and have fun!
  6. I have the feeling that Asura would consider that "sexy lingerie."
  7. Hallelujah! I've gotten very bored with GW2 in the last six months or so, but a third expansion will bring me back. Thanks for listening to us!
  8. Too much junk in all drops. I'm getting so burned out on this game. Veteran since beta, too. sigh
  9. Do you enjoy with impossible achievements? It's not impossible. It's just put of most people's reach. Which is what most achievements SHOULD be. Wow, most achievements totally out of my reach. Yeah, that's why I play a game - to have things dangled in front of me that I'll never get. Isn't that why everyone plays? (Sarcasm font off) It's too bad this is literally the only achievement they ever added to the game and there isn't a spectrum of achievements across the game of a variety of difficulties. What part of "sarcasm" is not clear? But I will say that there are many achievements via collections that are impossible for me, also ones that require a certain amount of dexterity because my hands sometimes shake. Yes, I know I can't have every game achievement quickly and easily, but it is discouraging to know that so many are literally impossible. Not wasting sleep (or money) over it, though.
  10. Do you enjoy with impossible achievements? It's not impossible. It's just put of most people's reach. Which is what most achievements SHOULD be.Wow, most achievements totally out of my reach. Yeah, that's why I play a game - to have things dangled in front of me that I'll never get. Isn't that why everyone plays? (Sarcasm font off)
  11. I have never, ever seen the appeal of spending gems on chairs, but other players obviously do, so I'm glad they enjoy them and they're supporting the game. I like outfits and know some people loathe them and refuse to buy them. | shrug |
  12. Very good summary. I loved the map and liked the story, but find that I have very little interest in returning after playing there for a few days. The rewards are so underwhelming that it's not worth the time. More garbage unidentified gear, anyone? Sheesh.
  13. If you find songs on YT, there are browser add-ons that will let you download the video. Then you can use an audio extractor program (I like AoA Audio Extractor) and save it as a sound file.
  14. Yes, I figure there are a lot more tickets than usual because of the new LW episode/prologue, just because anything new seems to lead to issues. My ticket is only about a SUE (Stupid User Error) so I can wait. Thanks for responding.
  15. Are others seeing delayed response time to a ticket too? I submitted one 4 days ago and have not heard back. It's about an accidentally deleted item, not anything vital like "unable to access account," so I understand, but I'm still impatient.
  16. I agree with many of the posts -- the map is beautiful but the rewards are garbage. I liked the story but cannot see myself coming back to this map much.
  17. Upcoming competition? Please tell me more. A new game, or an expansion for an existing one? Anyway, I think it would be crazy for the GW2 devs to not tell us that they're working on an expansion. Give us some hope.
  18. Looks great! I'll wait a while to see if they come up with new CAC options for Charr (and Norn... and Sylvari... and ... and...). Thanks for the replies, very helpful.
  19. As a "witch," I just had to give you a thumbs-up on this.... =)
  20. I wish we could exclude one or two categories from our wardrobe unlocks. I have no interest in finishers and almost none in minis. But yeah, random is random.
  21. The sequence changes, presumably every day at reset.
  22. Thanks. Also of note is that the sequence changes, presumably every day at reset.
  23. Reddit says something about four symbols you have to activate in the correct order. Found one, pulling my hair out looking for the other three. Uff da.
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