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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. Why are Christmas items being sold in the Gem Store during the middle of summer? Are people actually buying them? Is it targeted towards people who claim Christmas is under attack? The people who keep their decorations up for months after the holiday just to say "kitten you"? I just feel like we could be getting actually requested items returning to the store instead of Christmas fodder in July and August.
  2. Yes, skyscale was not implemented from the beginning, but it has reused assets and an absurd grind. Launch content (i.e., "beginning" content) is the most important. Also, "first look" doesn't mean they haven't announced all the features: it means it's a first look at all the features. Now they're just going to elaborate on them, such as which elite specs we're getting.
  3. That was their big reveal, despite the playerbase's "it's just the 'first look'" excuse. Enjoy it for now, there won't be more for a while.
  4. Lol HoT and PoF barely even supplied weapon and armor skins that aren’t outfits.
  5. Of course I am including “outfits” and armor that isn’t a “full set.” This isn’t the first time you play stupid to keep from losing an argument.
  6. I’m not delusional enough to think that they *will* add new races, I’m responding to you reply to a comment that they *should*. All great MMOs do it. Saying, “Well, GW2 is a great MMO and it doesn’t” is playing stupid to get out of admitting you’re wrong.
  7. You’re paying for the expansion, so the expansion should include most of the armor. Instead, they give you two pieces per class that are ugly on purpose so you can pay for the gem store armors.
  8. Hello? It added new races as playable in the franchise. Not that difficult to comprehend. 😂
  9. How do you conclude that a game that added new races won’t introduce even more new races?
  10. And how many of those have to do with the expansions and not just to cash in on ‘events’ and holidays?
  11. Lol! They gave like 4 armors per class in HoT and mostly the same but uglier in PoF.
  12. “Get over it” — Wow, such an enlightening, informative and helpful response!
  13. It may be the "End of Dragons", but Aurene isn't going anywhere. ANet wouldn't have made Aurene-themed legendaries and Aurene statues irl if they planned on killing her off this expansion. Worst case scenario, she will live on as a spirit inside of us.
  14. Who cares about clipping, it’s a video game. It’s like getting upset over graphics not looking like real life.
  15. Grinding for legendary gear in GW2 sucks more than any regular “gear treadmill.”
  16. Cute quaggan meme is old, it’s all about choyas now.
  17. Steam deck is gonna flop, just look at Vita: great games, but it wasn’t Nintendo.
  18. Why would you play Fashion Wars in first person? Don’t you want to stare at your sexy toon’s behind all day?
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