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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. You’re not supposed to do “quests.” Just run around and explore the map, occasionally an event will pop up, renown hearts are optional. And leveling is only fast in the beginning, it slows down as you gain levels.
  2. Douchebros have taken over gaming, you have to act guyish or you're out.
  3. Sorry, but this kind of puerile humor has no place in an adult gaming community.
  4. 4 months later, I stand by what I said: Skyscale should be handed to us... but once again, evil capitalist naysayers are ruining the potential utopia.
  5. That’s not PvE. There is no versus an NPC involved in zoning into 20 diff places to collect dragonpoop.
  6. It’s sad that people are posting Fashion Wars 2 (like 90% of the armor is old and outdated or bought with money) and PvP (eSports is dead, conquest is old). The only thing worth doing is Open World PvE, but you’ll get 30 fps and your dps won’t matter. Just spam ‘1’.
  7. So this is the sort of white knighting reply that dodges ”confused” reactions.. Every game needs revamps. The problem with Guild Wars 2 is that they’re passing them off as new content, even taking place of new content, to the point where we’ve not gotten *actual* new content in years. Unless you count EoD, but you told us to ignore that slight misstep. 😉
  8. Everything new since Drizzlewood, or arguably the end of S4, has been poor. It’s all riding on older content for newer players to get into. IbS gave us grindy achievements requiring you to play the same content 100 times. Then we got filler response missions for half a year. Then we got revisit LW - in other words, do old content again. We got the same, rehashed festivals, with what? A single cape skin? Then we got EoD, with reused assets, defeating the purpose of releasing an xpac over LS. We got Steam release, which is once again irrelevant for existing players. We got poor rewards for Prime before, poor rewards for Prime now. A booster? Only relevant for newer players. A Christmas finisher? How cheap can you be?! Poor birthday reward. List goes on. Everything people love about this game is old design philosophy the newer content is built on. The horizontal progression, the fractals, the wardrobe, etc. This game is now for newer players, who are clueless to the original design philosophy, rushing to get 80 and then their ascended gear, for stats alone (lol).
  9. Wow, some of these ideas are really juicy. I forgot how good the story was before we got the rushed IbS-EOD dilemma.
  10. I hear of people’s children playing around here, so more power to them.
  11. Well, actual hats are out of the picture cuz no hairz.
  12. So 10th anni and Steam released happened.. now there’s a lull in the activities.. until we get more promised content!
  13. Other MMOs charge you box price for only the boost. Be grateful for what you have.
  14. They're not differences in aesthetical taste, since I enjoy the core skins too... I just use the newer ones more often, as the legacy ones are pixelated and badly need a remaster.
  15. They all look good to me. Why do MMO players usually hate their MMOs' design options? Oh well, guess I'm having more fun than you.
  16. I don’t see any outright lies, just misinformation. People think that what they are saying is actually true.
  17. Oh boo hoo, Scrooge! You already have all legendary armors do they should give everyone something else. How selfish. Just salvage the kitten things.
  18. Thank you! The first time I saw it, my schizophrenia made me think it was a dev spying on me. 😂
  19. So, I always park my Chat Wars 2 character in LA’s most remote areas, away from other players. (I have anxiety.) Well, on really rare occassions - I’ve only seen it happen 2-3 times, actually - a spectral figure emerges in these obscure places, for a brief moment, and then disappears. Can anyone explain these ‘Ghosts of LA’?
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