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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. They don't care about the 30-year-old oldschool players. They're trying to get the next generation of gamers to play their game... which means polishing their old game for Steam is top priority.
  2. LW is still not bundled with the expansions. Expect negative Steam reviews until you change this. Gamers are not stupid.
  3. Hope they don't overreach and turn World Bosses into Drakkar-like damage sponges.
  4. I want to upload images into my signatures and avatars. Enough with this low budget stuff already. You still have the core look as the website's theme.
  5. You're the one who still plays this gaem.
  6. What do they need to update you about that hasn't been said already: they're giving us LW1 and are working on Steam release.
  7. The coffee people would be in an uproar about wanting equal treatment.
  8. Not really. EoD masteries are pointless since you'll leave EoD once you get them.
  9. Masteries are just another ego boost number next to your character’s name. Like achievement points. Not mandatory.
  10. The gw major selling point has always been “sub-free.” You’re asking to change the menu at the risk of losing all the loyal customers you’ve accumulated throughout the year.
  11. But the ley energy conversion variances!
  12. I would say EDM, because of all the pink and sparkly lights. Definitely dance music.
  13. I guess I just haven't gotten to the jumping puzzles yet. Nor will I ever, as this mini-game gating is ridiculous.
  14. Stopped going for Skyscale because of it, which made me quit the game (again). I tried looking up YouTube guides, but they are 30 min long. No thanks, a certain asian MMO lets me just walk from A to B with GOOD STORYTELLING being the motivation, WITHOUT stupid mini-games.
  15. Silly question.. It's 2022, why are people still playing a 2013 MMO?
  16. By all means give us something to work for. But make that something cosmetic-only. Isn't that what people wanted?
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