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Everything posted by lezbefriends.7516

  1. The 24-slot bag is actually useful. It's this kind of reward that will generate the goodwill of your customers, not the 5 pieces of candy corn you mailed us for Halloween.
  2. Just letting you know, in case you didn't already... know.
  3. How is that design any worse than telling people to follow commander and spam auto-attack (not the mad labyrinth, but everything in the game)?
  4. It doesn't make them play "poorly", it makes them play differently. Adapting to situations is a skill.
  5. Pl People are familiar with orcs, dwarves, gnomes, etc. in a fantasy setting. I don’t know why we got these abominations in order to be more like WoW.
  6. The more hardcore modern MMOs don’t have meters inside the game - you have to download them separately - so why would the most casual MMO ever have them?
  7. They never cut any expansions, they just wanted to deliver IbS instead… which dropped steeply in quality after they decided to work on an expansion.
  8. Strikes suck anyway. Honestly, no trinity baked into the core game means these afterthoughts shouldn't even be in the game. Just focus on LW.
  9. The biggest MMO of all time was raid-focused.. even though few people did them.
  10. The roadmap image makes it look like all those things are major content updates, but a lot of it is fluff. Extra Life? Why is a publicity event made to look like it's content? It's an ad in the roadmap. Festivals? Yeah, we already know they're coming. They're expected at this point, and the only reason to add them to the image is if we were getting new changes to them. But we're not, they're rehashes. "Balance changes" are not important anymore, as most people will still be spamming '1' and not noticing much of a difference. Don't care about WvW. Weapon variants should all have been released with EoD. Why are they making their mistakes out to be content updates? The only actual major updates are Living World Ep 5, which is rehashed sub-par content, and a new strike mission, which has no connection to the main story. Suggestion: Focus on the main story. Fall and Winter Roadmap should've been Living World Season 1 ep 5, and 2 Living World Season 5 episodes. We've had enough 'refinement' of old features by now. You only do that after an expansion *if the expansion dropped was abundant in content*. The expansion was rushed to combat the "maintenance mode" rumors, and the last season was cut short to make a last minute expansion. Now they're making another expansion - great - but we still have no meaty content. The focus on strikes and raids is unwise, as no hard trinity is holding them back from making it a worthwhile minigame.
  11. Every era. GW2 was never a perfect game (what is, right?) but it was never average either (even if EoD kind of is).
  12. You realize the furniture will just be sold on the gem store? If we get any free, they are guaranteed to look like kitten.
  13. I don’t trust the rose-tinted glasses. If classic gw2 released, I’d probably realize the game is fine as it is now.
  14. I'm looking for a guild (either region - I can transfer) with the following requirements: LGBTQ-friendly Active Discord I'm 33 year old lesbian transwoman, have issues with voice comm due to the mismatch. Also have anxiety. Have been playing GW2 on and off since Beta. Mostly into PvE, hoping to find a group for fractals and strikes.
  15. I don’t get people who hate most of the races in their MMO. Is this why there’s so much crying on the forums? Because ya’ll just have bad taste?
  16. They’re the artistic race, yet they’re also physically buffer than other races. Monopoly!
  17. Do them now, while everyone else is doing them. Makes them easier, since you have groups for events and such.
  18. I want to do them, especially since they greatly increase replay value, but having to do ALL of them in an episode is so stupid. It means you have to do the awful grindy ones too. And if you skip just 2 or 3, well, you don't get the special reward at the end of the season (whatever that reward may be). So you have to do all of them or don't bother doing any of them... dumb design.
  19. lmao, we get it, you're a guild leader and have access to the 1% of "harder endgame content" that no one else does. Most normal people just do open world pve, that's what this game stands out for, and in open world pve you are essentially playing on your own in hordes of numbers.
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