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Everything posted by Elothar.4382

  1. I haven't been to DS in about a month, but last time I was there, it was chocked full. The map started fill up with players about ten to fifteen minutes before reset. If memory serves, the commanders started their LFG posts about five minutes before reset. So, like others have said, timing is everything. But, again, that was about a month ago. Not sure what's happening today.
  2. Have to agree with this. I assume it's a troll post, but I'd think a bit more subtlety would create a more dramatic effect.
  3. Last I checked, it was a few years ago, open PvP servers in WoW aren't nearly as popular as no PvP servers in WoW. In fact when I checked a lot of the PvP servers had major population issues. I don't think enough people enjoy open world PvP in mmorpgs anymore. And there are korean games that fill that need well. Then why WoW Classic is a thing now? As far as I remember WoW's servers at start were open PvP full mode on. Also I'm not saying to have the one or the other... I'm saying to have both in the same time coexisting.WoW Classic has PVE only servers... as well as PvP and RP.
  4. About the only time I block people is when one or two extremely obnoxious players are monopolizing map chat. It's better, in that case, to block them rather than get out of the chat channel.
  5. Purchasing either expansion gives you full access to the basic game, if memory serves. The two expansions, though, are separate purchases unless you find a special bundle price.
  6. My opinion is that things are okay the way they are. Of course, the caveat is that I have no intention of crafting any, mostly because I am perfectly content with the existing system of runes and sigils.
  7. I am not an authority on this so take this with a grain of salt. My experience has been that I get a response very quickly (within six to twelve hours) and resolution within a day or so. The resolution isn't always the one I want, but it does bring closure.
  8. That easy to say when your way of having fun has not had its legs cut out from under it over and over for years. Look out side of your bubble of "fun" and try to empathizes with others ppl "fun." Try reading other forms and look just how often a dev even talked about a bug very much repeating to that form let alone responding to open criticizing of what they are doing and the choose they are making. My suggestion where to look is blunt but cant be said. At least 4 years and counting with the same problems and same post over and over tell me is it ok for this communications? This was my own particular opinion from my own unique perspective. I make no judgment whatsoever on the perspectives and opinions of others nor do I attempt to minimize or denigrate them. You don't like the communication right now, fine. I won't dispute nor try to tell you you're wrong. My point... my own opinion... based on my nearly seven years of game play, is as I stated. Your response would have been justified had I asserted that you had no right to feel the way you do or if your opinions were somehow flawed. I made no such assertion... explicit or implied.
  9. I play the game as its offered and have fun. When it ceases to be fun, I'll quit. Dev posts and communications don't really affect my perception of the game very much. It's nice, in a casual sort of way, to see what's coming but I don't need a lot of detailed communication about it. As it stands, I'm okay with the way it is now.
  10. This. I am presently okay on all of these items, but I do periodically farm them as I make a lot of ascended armor and weapons. I have, on occasion, found myself short of them, especially the empyreal fragments.
  11. I still find many of the HoT and PoF areas challenging to solo. The LW maps vary... some are challenging while others are easier. Overall, I think open world is fine. We have multi-tiered fractals and raids for additional challenge.
  12. I salvage exotics only with them. It seems to give me a better shot at dark matter, which is what I am typically after.
  13. Not interested at all. In fact, I am completely ambivalent about a new playable race. I am happy with what we have.
  14. I looked at all of the weapons, shiny and ultra shiny, and decided that the only one that really interested me was the torch. I spent maybe six to eight hours total and finished it last night. I appreciate that (1) it was easily accessible, (2) relatively simple and straightforward, and (3) wasn't one of those "I have to have this" things. I hadn't done world bosses in a while, so it was nice to "join the train" for a few hours, especially knowing that it was not a permanent thing. Overall, I liked the design and rollout. The only negative for me was the frame rate... wow.
  15. I purchased lots of Pavilion passes before we had shared slots. I vaguely recall that they were offering some kind of compensation but I was too lazy to look into it. So here I sit with about twelve passes in the bank taking up slots (I haven't convinced myself to delete them yet). Otherwise, can't think of anything I'd return for a refund.
  16. I don't think the skyscales themselves are obnoxious. I find the fault with crass, inconsiderate players. And even those don't seem to be that common. I generally just move out of the area of effect and mostly that works fine. It's not enough of an issue for me that Anet would take any action. Just a minor annoyance.
  17. The fact that it was only for a limited time affected my perspective. I enjoyed it and found myself doing metas I hadn't done in a while. It was great to see the crowds. The rewards were good/appreciated. I thought initially that I would feel pressure to do them non-stop. But, once I got into them, I just did the ones I wanted to and didn't worry about missing things or even running off and doing other stuff in the game. All in all, I really appreciate the experience and hope that we see similar things in the future.
  18. I am not one to switch stats very often. I tend to select a build and gear that works for me and then stick to it. If I want to try something different, I'm more apt to create a new character and outfit them accordingly. Ascended weapons are relatively accessible so I just make the legendaries for the skins.
  19. I used a couple of them while map clearing Cursed Shore and then another running the escort phases of the Dragon Stand meta. I averaged about 28 petals per charge. So... yeah, seems consistent with what others are saying.
  20. Finished Tyria map completion on one character. Ran a Dragon Stand meta. Did some time in WvW. Completed dailies. Guild missions. And will do another WvW run tonight. That's about it.
  21. I logged in first thing this morning just to craft it. It did not disappoint. Fantastic! Thanks, Anet.
  22. Personally, I'm not really interested in a new playable race. There are lots of other things I'd prefer to see in the game ahead of that.
  23. I've been collecting, gathering, buying, and generally hording mats for months in anticipation. I am not disappointed. Very much looking forward to release. Thanks, Anet.
  24. Was a little conflicted on this. No doubt, the new elites made me like my favorite profession even more (necro). But I also found myself having loads of fun with the Engineer Holosmith and the Elementalist Weaver. So, kind of a bottom line thing... I love what the elite specs have done for the game.
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