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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. You're very skilled and I admire your dedication to off meta builds (I was aware of both things) but take a look at YOUR OWN WORDS about the hammer in both the description of the video and the comments: you're not happy with it in his current state. Neither me, or anyone in the whole Rev subforum.
  2. Vindicator has barely any source of condition damage, That alone means wasting a lot of stat points in a spec which is mostly a power spec with poor boon access (which is another source of lack of efficiency: boon duration performs poorly if you don't have boons to enhance). Also a celestial vindicatour would have to compete vs celestial Renegade or Celestial Herald: good luck with that.
  3. Let's see: we have a 1.75" cast skill which does 10 points of damage in full zerk (up to 5 targets, so we can deliver 50 points of damage!); we have a projectile block which can be up at least 50% of the time (not that useful in the cuerrent PvP meta, but is what it is); we have a heavy hitting skill with a 1.25" cast time which can't be affected by quickness which also has a very telling animation so is more useful at avoiding damage than providing it, and then we have a utterly unreliable hammer #2. Yep, seems a defensive weapon to me.
  4. If auto attacks are always the best ofesive option due how crappy for damage are the alternatives makes perfect sense that energy overflows, specially with Glint, which skills essentialy works as signets. Is also embarrasing to see the hammer turned into a defensive weapon (which obviously won't be used due the staff fills better that role). But is what it is.
  5. Yep. ANet increased the energy cost, added cooldowns, removed the quickness and then nerfed Charged Mist in PvP so bad that no longer exists in that game mode. But is the same approach they took to every balance conflict they find: "oh, this amulet is too strong with some skils/classes, let's remove it" "oh, this elite skill pays so much, lets put a 300 seconds cooldown on it so in fact dissapears from the game" "oh this specs have nice things, let's remove evades, or 300 armor points, or one leg from the class so no one could call them op again -neither probably had the guts to-". Release GW2 combat gameplay = chess. 2021 GW2 combat gameplay = chekers. 2022 GW2 combat cameplay = tic tac toe.
  6. I don't see the problem. Is playable; mostly unused due Herald and Renegade are better, but thats in part due Glint is well designed for PvP and the shortbow pisses on the ranged alternative core has (hammer). But any Rev user has access to Herald, so as happens with Ventari, you just chose what it works and ditch the rest. Still, better than Vindicator.
  7. Not at solo PvE. Not even close. You have 11K base HP and any attempt to rise that number will lower your damage, whereas Necros or Revenants can be tanky whithout sacrificing damage. So many times for a Guardian a single mistake ends in you being one shooted...
  8. Check TubyTwoTons (TubyEatWorld) in Youtube and Twitch, He's an excellent Revenant WvW roamer which oftenly describes the whole hotkey dance He's performing while fighting so you can get a very instructional Idea of what combos He uses, which are the timings and the decision choices He makes along the fights, it will allow you to form a better idea about the strong and weak points of the class. Another notable content creators with a lot of Revenant focused content is Nici, I known another couple which are buried somewhere in my fav list but sadly WvW became so stagnated that some of those exceptional guys ceased to release new videos long time ago. Of course, you have very good videos from Vallun, but He's a a multiclass player which mains Thief and is not as peak running Revs as some of the names I cited not the best PvP Rev players. The tools of the Rev change greatly based on the build: Power Herald is imo the best at dueling, a mele fighter with strong burst of damage, good sustain and mobility but weak to conditions and stealth or ranged pressure. Condition Renegade, instead, has a strong ranged game, is tanky and is very resilient vs conditions, with tons of mitigation and good cc, but a bit less mobile. If your goal is to stack WvW pips AFAP I think is the best choice, due how fast and safely melts enemy camps while running around the whole map, the quickest way to farm WvW progression as a roamer. The Celestial Revenant variants have very impactful AoE damage and shine in small skirmishes, with tanky stats and constant pressure, but oftenly are worse in mobility and suffer against classes which have plenty of that.
  9. The whole concept of winning 1 vs n in this game is silly. As a general rule, given builds designed to duel or roam and perfectly played, no build will be able to win1 vs 2, ever. What you see when someone does that, winning several figths on a row or winning some small fights outnumbered, is a disparity in skill. Rev is fine as a roamer, not at the top of the food chain, but not bottom either. Best roamers are builds able to easily disengage and leave a fight or reset it, and there's better classes for that than Revenant, but they are also way worse examples.
  10. My recomemded builds in condi and power core Rev for starters: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAkeZlhQHMJyhFRNMI6hBSfMBKgjuSfKD-zxIY8o7vUSoA6KByMC6ME8fA-e http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAwyZlxQHMPyh1RNMO6hRSfMCKgl+U16H-zRIYR09XKtVAZGCdmA9GBeNA-e
  11. If you have the expansions don't go Guardian. It has amongst the lowest HP in the game paired with low mobility and there's classes with much more forgiveness and quality of life features for beginers. My advice: 1) Necromancer: amongst the classes with the largest base HP, with an extra life bar in the for of shroud mechanic, can easily get passive switfness just equiping a utility skill, has huge AoE ranged attacks with plenty of cc and damage. Can be extremely safe and played passively using minions or became a mele beast with the Reaper specialization. Very good in PvE, specially at solo content, very good in WvW zergs and mid to large fights, currently op in PvP. Very easy to play, viable with both condi and power stats. 2) Revenant: mid HP with heavy armor, lots of mobility and resustain; maybe the stongest class at soloing PvE at the moment, the core and Herald specs are mostly mele, but the Renegade ranged game is very strong. Viable with bot power and condition stats, meta in almost every facet of the game. A bit more complex to learn, has some annoying bugs. 3) Ranger: mid HP with mid armor, plenty of mobility, good both at mele and range, but mostly vs single targets. Very powerfull in both power and condition stats, with huge burst. Easier to play than Revenant, very good at solo PvE, top notch WvW roamer, weaker in large fights.
  12. Classes which fits well Norns are Warrior, Ranger, Necro and Revenant. Norns are individualistic and tied to earth, so the nature themes on the Rangers go well with them, and Revenants due the links with the spiritual world. Necro is a good choice for a Norn corrupted by Jormag, in terms of lore. Warrior fits well, but do even better with Charr due they have firearms and war machines. Classes which go well with Silvari are Ranger, Revenant and maybe Necro. Warrior and Thief fits them well in personality but as with the Norns, using fire arms is a thing which seems closer to a Charr, Humar or Asura. Given your choices, I would go Revenant with a Silvari: is the newest class, with the newest race, can invoke Ventari (creator of the Silvari) and the promotional art of Revs includes tons of Silvaris. For the Norn, Warrior seems ok. Both races are the least evolved in terms of technology and are more nomadic in terms of culture, so I wouldn't pick for them things as Engineer, Elementalist or Guardian, that's for sure (but I made that mistake, which I regret).
  13. Is the one for PvP I linked above. As a general rule every time the enemy team has 1 necro more than ours, I flip from power Herald to a power Renegade. I known how to deal vs a necro in a 1 vs 1 duel in an area with a lot of space, but small skirmishes in which you need to deal both with necro's ccs and ccs from other foes are just too much (and two necros are a certain death and makes you useless because you're entirely melee and Herald only has two breakstuns and no stability), whereas as Renebow I can deal a lot of damage at range and use some stability and negate enemy projectiles for a while.
  14. I'll start for the last part: Shiro/Jalis 3rd dodge trait HAD potential to have room in PvP until the changes in the 4th beta. Then the increse of the endurance cost x evade was doubled from 50 to 100, so you need to waste your traits and sigils in gaining vigor just to stay close to any one else naked (and they can stack evades: you don't). If you think that that doesn't hurt Vindicator in PvP just think on how capping the Mirage evades to 1 in PvP removed the class entirely from the meta. Now, think about what makes the power Herald build meta and good in PvP: it has mobility, good sustain, tons of cc and very good single target burst damage (no so great damage over time and mediocre AoE damage since attacks as Unrelenting Assault splits amaongs enemies). The power Herald build is a +1, a roamer that hits and runs. Place a Vindicator againt the Herald: the Vindicator lacks Glint, and the main source of damage is greatsword #2 (Mist Unleashed) and #5 (Eternity's Requiem). Thanx to Infuse Light the Herald build laughts at Eternity's Requiem: as happens with Dragon Hunter's traps is just a perfect tool to refill Herald's HP for free. Glint also provides perma fury, swiftness and might, a instant breakstun with which revelas and blinds in area, and AoE that chills, procs weakness (which destroys vigor) and burns and an AoE launch wich also procs weakness and superspeed... All of them at 0 cost energy, by the way. So, as a power Herald you have way more mobility than the Vindicator, you make surgical strikes against outnumbered targets placing your cc and burst combos and then you leave to decap or hit on another place. Vindicator is less mobile that Herald, and your cc comes from Jade Winds (50 energy cost) and Forced Engagement. Jalis works well with Renegade due the latter fights at range, but Vinf¡dicator has no suitable ranged weapon, and at close range Shiro + Glint > Shiro + Jalis, otherwise all power Heralds would run Jalis along Shiro in tournaments (which doesn't happen). Vindicator will be a powerfull fighter in small teamfights, but worse than Necro, because pulsating AoE fear from unblockable sources beats pulsating stability from Inspiring Reinforcement 100% of the time. And your barriers and heals as Vindicator aren't as suseful as a support Guard for a team. It will be used in ranked silver and gold tiers were the DH trapper feasts on noobs, because as was said Eternity's Requiem random impacts works wonders vs pugs (until is nerfed), but that ain't work at monthly ATs. As a Vindicator, when you use your evade you won't get another one in at least 10 seconds (if vigor is running) or never if you have weakness on you (weakness is a hard counter to Vindicator, it just crushes it). If you swaped to Jalis after using the dodge congratulations: your only breakstun costs 40 energy. You're now a sitting duck. And your main damage source (greatsword) works like a crap without the quickness from Brutality (but if you take Brutality you lose Dance of Death, a handicat which power Herald doesn't have because ss + staf works fine without kickness). In other words: when you chose to play a Vindicator you get a problem: you lose the ability to stack two dodges and your only one now cost x2 the endurance of any other class/build. You are at 1/4 dodge compared to any one. To reverse that disadvantage you need to sacrifice your damage traits and sigils just to STILL be subpar in dodges compared to anyone. So you chose Vindicator, yo chose a PROBLEM, and then you waste resources to TRY TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. In contrast see the Herald: you get better traits, legend and skills than running a core Revenant, and you just focus on crushing other players. Why would Vindicator work better than Herald in PvP? Because the greatsword? Don't make me laugh: you have worse legends, otherwise core Rev or Renebow would be meta, and the Alliance is worse than core legends. Because the traitline? Most of the traits are useless in PvP, and the ones usefull focus on adressing your single dodge 100 endurance units handicap, not in giving you anything better than Herald. Because the F skills? They are weaker than core Rev's F2, bro. Vindi's greatsword is worse than Ranger greatsword (arguably the best geratsword in the game) and that alone doesn't grant Rangers a place in the meta. Why would be better for the Vindicator?
  15. But Vindicator heals for ~800 with its double-crap legend no ones runs in PvP and has 1/4 of a dodge... Again, I agree that greatsword #5 is unbalanced (due kill at random, not due does a lot of damage) but so far after the changes in the 4th beta the Vindigcator isn't going anywere in PvP (at least in monthly tournaments).
  16. I agree. Recently completed the AT achievement to craft Trascendence and in most of my matches I was running a power Herald. I also used the power Renegade sometimes when I though that the enemy team access to AoE disruption (mostly fear pulses from necros) would be too much for fighting at mele range effectively, and in that cases Renebow worked well. But overall power Herald is stronger, specially vs plat+ players and vs comformed teams.
  17. Vindicator won't have a place in PvP aside from emulating the one shot DH one trick pony meme builds in silver to gold ranks. Is just a inferior version of power Herald, with worse defensive options and cc.
  18. None. Vindicator can't compete vs Renegade or Herald in PvE, which have way more sustain and cc while having similar/better levels of damage. And Renegade can be played eithet mele or ranged, at will. Vindicator is fun if you're bored of curbstomping PvE with the Renegade and want to experience the thrill of being one-shooted by hard monsters after wasting your single evade in a build which to chase dps forgot to run energy sigils and the vigor traits to balance a problem which neither Renegade or Herald have.
  19. I run (amongst other ones) a condi Renegade build for roaming in WvW withi uses short bow/staff as weapons and Shiro + Jalis as legends, with a mix of viper and trailblazer stats. Works very well in small fights at WvW and In PvE due the stats, runes, sigils and consumables available in that game more let you stack very powerful synergies. In PvP those combinations doesn't exist, and the build is much weaker. The best short bow Renegade builds for PvP are based on direct damage, and they run either berserker or demolisher amulet. Is fairly powerful in ranked but less effective in automated tournaments vs comformed teams. Naru sometimes uses that build (with great success) but is hard to see him using it recently due mains Guardian/Necro/Engie and He doesn't enjoys Renebow enough (prefers power Herald when He uses this class). General tips: On Shiro use the heal to proc Planar Protection when facing a ranged attacker to vane their projectiles while doing our own burst; start fights using aunto attacks or sb #2 to force foes to waste eveades or blocks before releasing our ccs or burst. If you land sb #5 on Shiro release Sevenshots and swap to Jalis to release Forced Engagement and keep bursting. Abuse Inspiring Reinforcement, the mobility of Shiro and the damage mitigation from Jalis. With those tools + the block, blind, weakness and hard cc from the staff you should be very hard to take down fast in a fight. You should try to fight at range and in sb most of the time. Fighting necros with this build is fun, just don't waste burst while they are on their Shroud. I run this build in PvP when the enemy team has more necros or Rangers/DH than ours, while going power Herald most of the time or swapping to support Guard if ours has more necros but no support. bEing said that, power Herald is still the strongest PvP/roaming build while played at max level of skill that the Revenant has. WvW build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUZlxQHsOqhxROMP6hRSfMCKgl+U2LF-zRhYBREQGmZwsRBUKRGBZGCdkAhUACPLL6pB-e PvP build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmgAUZlxQHsOqhxROMP6hRSfMCKgl+U2LF-zZIPlMFC9KCSYCUyCQDDA
  20. You're WRONG. 1) The bug exists for this class before the introduction of the template system, only that having multiple loadouts makes it stand a lot more. 2) The roots of the bug are ingrained in lazyness; doesn't happens with other classes due they have 4 utilities for each kind of skill, so they were forced to CHOSE three utilities amongst four and therefore a predetermined layout never existed for them. When the Revenant was introduced the developement team though that since we would have 2 legends to swap only three utility skills were enough for us, and that's why a predefined layout was ingrained in the code and made us the black sheep of bugs forever. 3) Just to put this on perspective: my main is a Rev with the 6 templates for gear and traits fully unloaded, followed for a Guardian with 4 unloaded; I have another 11 characters including two other Revs and another Guardian but the others doesn't have extra templates unlocked. I paid REAL MONEY for some of the template slots I unlocked, so I spent hard earned money for a expected quality of life service... Which is delivered in my Guardian (or any other character) BUT NOT in my Revenant/s. I understand that sometimes the developers of games make changes (balance, for example) which doesn't like to everyone, but if you are charged for a service and it's not delivered, and after years of complaining about the company not only doesn't adresses the bug but keeps mute about the problem and refuses to give any explanation or timeline about it, doesn't it makes this a kind of FRAUD? This is not like "they thrashed Rev's hammer, is up to you to chose to keep playing it or not", this is "I paid for a feature which keeps malfunctioning for 1/9 of the classes, which happens to be my main so is constantly there". Is really unreasonable to demand a solution and keep hammering about it from time to time so they known that they have homework, we known it and we are still waiting for a response? Oh, how vile are we the players, asking for a feature which was introduced by Arenanet to increase their earnings but for some reason they are fine keeping it and charging for it despite for some of us doesn't work. And just to finish: my work is NOT to moan in the forums about it, but fur sure, they work and obligation is to try to solve it. You reap what you saw, karma is a female dog, and if you keep focused on making shiny things for the gem store while ditching to fix important problems which affects to the gameplay and gaming experience to a share of your customers it will have repercussions.
  21. Will be stronger than power Herald at PvE, but I don't care about because both condi Herald and condi Renegade will outperform Vindicator at that task with no effort and much better sustain...
  22. The only original theme from the spec is the audio design (which I like), but in terms of animations is a full copy & paste of Ranger and Necro skills which have been there for ages. This what happens when you plan to not release new expansions and then 180º turn on the fly against the chrono.
  23. You're rigth about the problems of Willbender to generate damage while trying to have sustain, but in this case He dashed into the attack and at the end of his animation has the whole healing block or a evade to prevent the damage and did use neither.
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