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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. Specter has potential in PvP. The other 8 not. Vindicator will be used in PvE by people which like to play power Revs, but soon abandoned for most of them after noiticing that condi Renegade/Herald is easy mode. Mechanist will be popular in PvE, specially in OW. I liked the Bladesworn in PvE.
  2. Use berseker in expensive ascended armors and weapons and get from almost no cost ascended trinkets from Bitterfrost Frontier and Dragonfall maps from their currencies with more tanky stats; once you get used to play with more aggressive stats gradually replace those trinkets with very low effort. Also, start grinding a legendary armor (PvE, WvW or PvP, or split pieces) ASAP, since they are the most valuable quality of life items in the entire game.
  3. I think that the Vindicator with a single non stackable dodge which doubles the cost of endurance of any other character just won't work. The best working Revenant builds are the power Herald and the power Renegade; both fill the +1 role while having a lot of mobility, good sustain and the ability to either land heavy burst at mele or a lesser burst at range, both with good pressure and ability to stick to targets fairly well. The Vindicator has a single evade, and a huge increase in it cost; needs energy sigils and needs Retribution's Unwavering Avoidance + Vindicator's Song of Arboreum just to try to gain vigor, and those choices not only cripple your damage but also are hardcountered by weakness. The Vindicator can't pressure targets at range with constant volleys as the Renegade, and Eternity's Requiem is the wet dream of any Herald: a slow casted heavy hitting attack to refill their HP with Infuse Light. The mobility is also bad: they lack Rising Momentum from Glint and if you chose Invocation with Rapid Flow then you need to either sacrifice Devastation (where the damage AND part of the sustain from Revs rely) to get the Retribution for tankiness and vigor or sacrifice Retribution to get Devastation. Power Herald has damage + mobility + sustain + tankiness, and so does Renegade (worse burst but better cc and ranged pressure). The Vindicator has damage and some sustain, but lacks mobility and after your single dodge you're a sitting duck. You have no swiftness in the Vindicator traits, neither in The Alliance, nor a 25% increased movement speed. And let's be real: for PvP Shiro + Jalis works better than any Alliance iteration. So, at the end, the Vindicator is a core Rev with a greatsword and a single dodge which costs 100 endurance. Good luck with that at PvP. The Bladesworn is a tankier Warrior which overall is worse than the Spellbreaker (which anyway isn't in the best spot at PvP at the moment), and the Willbender is just garbage: below Firebrand, which is bottom tier spec in PvP at the moment. Is only good at going fast towards his death. So those are my impressions; I'll gladly talk about the reasons you see to find out "potential" in those specs, with no emotes, just reasoning about the traits and the roles they could provide. None of them (except the Spectre) seem promising for PvP to me.
  4. Aside for the Spectre having a chance of going meta, I think that none of the other 8 specs can compete vs current meta builds for a spot in the automated monthy tournaments. Of course someone will find some not predicted interaction or maybe a glitch and getting the opportunity to shine a bit (maybe) but the difference from the PoF specs and the EoD in terms of performance at the release is really huge. I mostly play heavies and don't see any of them having anything special in the new specs for PvP. I guess people will try them for a while just to ditch them after an excessive amount of defeats and turning then to what really works.
  5. In PvE every class is played as either dps or dps support, so the only way to see a Herald using shield is... none? The shield is a defensive weapon which in WvW zergs gets you killed due the root, so the only way in which I could see room for improvement would be in PvP. But won't work because a) Rev has no good bunker/bruiser builds b) there's no bunker/bruiser builds in the current PvP meta at the moment and c) +1 power Herald gets nothing valuable from the shield. and condi Herald is frail no matter if wields a shield or not. I apreciate the Herald shield due sentimental reasons (already crafted Prophecies) but as happens with the hammer currently is more a ornamental piece of lore (like sabers and horses in a military parade) than a usable weapon (as assault rifles or attack helicopters).
  6. Of course is PvE. Firebrand is so bad in PvP that I don't see way to make it worse: no one uses them. And ANet doesn't cares about WvW so is PvE. Not worried about Renegade: condi Herald is as strong as condi Renegade in OW and Vindicator is power spec, so can't compete against them no matter what they try to buff it (much less with a 1/4" of a dodge).
  7. I guess to use the greatsword. The same as Renegade in PvP: you take what works (the shortbow) and ditch what is usless (Kalla). Not sure in PvE, but in PvP i doubt Vindicator/greatsword will have any use, tho. Compared to power Herald or Renegade the Vindicator entirely lacks sustain and you have no cc integrated in the weapon as the short bow to land your burst.
  8. Have been 4 years since the last time I played a raid, never did a fractal over 60 and never entered in a strike mission. For open world PvE and/or WvW (which are the game modes I play + PvP) I'll run either berserker, viper or TB, and for PvP either zerker or demolisher. I think that Dragon, with wasted points in vitality, is something that could interest a Guardian (but I'm not sure if really worth it over marauder or valkyrie; I guess in WvW/PvE with the granularity in stat distribution that those game modes allow could have some use, (albeit didn't saw any special new precision feature in the Willbender to take advantage of) but in PvP I doubt it would have any.
  9. In full berserker with a Vindicator you'll need Scholar runes, the Roiling Mist trait and all infusions being +5 precision to reach 99% crit chance and ~234 crit damage (with foods). You can use Accuracy sigils to get an extra 7% precision to save 105 precision points which can be spent in Dragon stats, but I don't think it would change the thing too much. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PmwAExzlZCsTglCMUgpCsSgJ7lYsD-zRIYRU/XC2eACp3yoiWA-e If all, will benefit power Renegade due Brutal Momentum +33% crit chance (and with the sigils) do provides room for shaving ~600 stat points from precision. That's enough for a ring and an ear ring. But of them, ~210 points would be used in vitality so i don't think that the gains in ferocity would be very significative.
  10. Tons of points wasted in vitality. If you want max dps you go berserker or viper, if you want to be tanky while doing heaps of damage you go dire or trailblazer. Vitality in trailblazer or dire works well due condi requires 2 stats to max out damage; with physical damage you need 3 stats...
  11. In 1 v 1 core bunker necro can be vulnerable to ranged builds as longbow DH trapper, some Ranger builds and Renebow; is all matter of which one lands their cc the first and plays better thir cards. Minionmancer is weak to AoE burst, since losing all his army in a few seconds can put them in a very bad place. Again trapper DH and some Ele builds using fire damage do work really well against, but albeit them work well vs this specific target they aren't meta and have their own weakness.
  12. I've already explained this other times, but will do again since is a very simple concept: when I chose skills for a character, I place them in a logical order in the utility bar, which is the same no matter the class and spec. So I put movement skills in the "7", breakstuns or condition cleanses in the "9" and everything else at the "8" and they related hotkeys (since I place mostr of them in the mouse buttons, also). So, If I'm running a Warrior with Bull's charge, a Guardian with Judge's Intervention, and Engineer with Rocket Boots, an Ele with Lightning Flash or a Mesmer with Blink those skills are always placed in "7", etc. The same happens with "8" and "9" so albeit some times a skill has more than a function the way in which I play classes doesn't require to constantly re-learn the basics. But the problem with the "default" utilities of each legend with the Revenant, is that they have 0 coherence: you have the movement skills in Shiro and Mallyx at "8" as default and the breakstuns in "9" but not in Jalis, Glint, Kalla or The Alliance. So essentially all the muscle memory is wasted with the legends. By the way, I don't buy for a second that the reason ANet doesn't fix the problem is because has low relevance or doesn't break the game too much. On the contrary: my guess is that due they designed the Revenant with only 3 utilities for legend instead of 4 of each kind in the rest of the clases (signets, traps, physical, shouts...) so there's no choice to discard, the way in which the skills were coded in a predefined order is radically different of how the rest of the classes work, and their attempts to redo the work so far have been either unable to fix the bug or so complex that once corrected it produced all kinds of new bugs when interated with the traits and skills. Mind that the main designer of the Revenant class left the company even before PoF was released. So a recap: the bug has been present for a lustrum, and has been a PITA specially after the introduction of the (monetized) templates. ANet has been on a TOTAL radio silence about the problem all this years, so solving the problem is probably beyond their capabilities/resources avaliable to spent in the game.
  13. When happens in WvW and I won't notice it until I'm in a fight it usually ends killing me and puts me in a bad mood, but at least I can swap the order after the respawn. When happens in PvP and the match already started it can't be changed until the end of the match, which usually means that MY TEAM will lose the fight, because after the first wipe my thought process will be "yeah, I can't even play this way..." so I give up and the match collapses. So yeah, really doesn't hurt the game: only four random guys which probably entered by mistake in PvP and had the bad luck to have a Revenant asigned to their team. Probably their fault for using GW2 for PvP. Then people moan about PvP being "toxic" due players while the developers had a game breaking bug trampling across a class for five years doing nothing to fix it.
  14. I agree. The tradeoff was supposed to be NO ESTACKABLE DODGES in exchange of MORE DAMAGE, but now in reality is 1/4 OF A DODGE in exchange of SAMEY DAMAGE (but physical). I think that will kill the spec in PvP (which probably doesn't matter since happens the same with most of the new specs and PvP is beyond dead anyway), but also will affect other game modes since bothcondi Renegade and condi Herald can output similar damage while being more tankier, so, what's the point? Also, the Vindicator has less mobility than core Rev/other specs: the jump is very slow moving and blocked by any slant in the terrain; is nothing like Crusader's "Falling Sword" in DIII which allows you to cross half of the screen to relocate your character. A slow moving weapon with stolen attacks from other classes with a single, slowly recharging dodge which gets wrecked by weakness and leaves you rooted after its use.
  15. Yeah, feeling as a second class citizen is a second nature for Rev mainers. Is not like we paid for the game or is their work to fix it or something.
  16. Don't make me laugh; the thread creator came to evangelize about World of Warcraft PvP, a game from a company under federal investigation for harrashing their female workers so bad that at least one of them ended his own life...
  17. PvP is the competitive part of the game; not for the sensible skins or soft hearts; and even less after, what? 4 years with no real support or care from ANet? The only amazing thing is that 1) they didn't add a give up/concede button and 2) you can't chose to automatically hide the chat every time you enter in that game mode. I think that both things would improve a lot PvP at 0 cost. But 0 cost is probably too much for PvP to ask at ANet, currently...
  18. Revenant, Necro or Ranger. They have really high levels of damage (both mele and ranged) while remaining tanking and having tons of sustain. They are also fairly easy to play; other classes as Eles and Engineers can achive great results but they need a high KPM to deliver the damage, which can be stressful/demanding.
  19. Stop rigth there! Guardian has some nice WvW dueling builds, none of them op. In PvP has a very good support build, but their dueling options are comparetively weak, and their Firebrand just inexistent. Necro is stronger in PvP and roaming, but none of trhose classes are top roamers at the moment.
  20. Then his concern is natural: Jalis provides roughly similar dps compared to Shiro while delivering way more utility and tankiness. Easy choice.
  21. Easy, because they played Vindicator at PvP or WvW.
  22. Nah, I started Trascendence a bit before the PvE storyline leg amulet was announced and kept focused in PvP; was way easier than doing things that I dislike in PvE. Is all matter of tastes.
  23. Is not particulary bad; I did 160 in a season and I'm just a casual. Is only hard if you don't like to play PvP, which is fine, but you have alternatives if that is your case.
  24. Is a FEATURE. Has been discussed for years, along threads and threads. The programmers currently at work in ANet aren't the ones which designed the class and the way in which the skills works (with only 3 predetermined utility skills x legend instead of 4 to chose 3 from as in the rest of classes) is probably what causes the bug: The problem is: to fix this you probably need to redo the Revenat code entirely and add the skills in the same way as the other 8 classes. This could potentially cause new bugs with each skill and trait and mechanic, and probably is so vasty time and money consuming to do that ANet just chose to ignore. So yeah, Revenant players are second grade citizens in this game. Don't pay money for extra gear or templates in Revenant characters since they won't work as expected and ANet won't provide you neither a fix nor a compensation for selling you a faulty product.
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