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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. What's easier than Playing PvP? Took me literaly nothing to get the Slumbering Trascendence... I won't do PvE achievements (some of them go from fun to utterly annoying) to get the same reward.
  2. I agree and that's why I said "amongst" instead of "the worst". Warrior in PvP is and has been "malnourished" for months, and not only is lacking in build variety but also we pretty much only see a couple of weapons being used. February's 2020 patch nerfed the damage to all the classes but the hit was specially large in the ones which had slowly telegraphed attacks which combined cc and decent damage... Suddenly weapons as Warrior's hammer became garbage with a finger snap.
  3. Symbols guards were a thing because both support, heals and damage became so nerfed in Firebrands that the spec felt useless. Symbol guard was good because most of people is too stubborn to evade. Then symbols were nerfed and Guardians moved to burn DH (a PvE build) because players did keept playing as bad as the PvE foes, so worked well. Now with F1 procs nerfed so symbols no longer proc burns and Sword of Justice downgraded to a bite of a moquito the burn DH is almost as trashy as the Firebrand, but people still plays so bad that struggle with DH's long bow (a weapon absent from PvP since... two years ago?). Guardians are currently amongts the classes with less variety in PvP in both builds and roles, but people keep moaning... The responses in this thread are fun. Just accept that you will dislike any Guardian build which beats you, and the only reason you feel ofended is because some of those Guardians are winning despite running mediocre builds (which is what they do):
  4. I don't agree with Zerequiel, but currently the most profitable activities (outside trading) in the game in terms of time/gold earned are all in PvE. Not a single instanced game mode (dungeons, raids, strikes... even high level fractals) can compete with open world farms if you're really commited to spent more than a couple of hours a day playing the game.
  5. Rev has the best solo builds in the game, but before the patch Firebrands had the best instanced-content dps builds in the game and at some points in the past Ranger had the best healer/bunker builds in the game (on the other side, FB currently is very lacking in PvP). I don't think they have particular love for an specific class, is just that their balancing is very random and the pace so slow that when a class/spec gets the "cold shoulder" it takes months/years for them to buff the "unfortunate ones".
  6. Is not that different to what happened to the Firebrand, one of the strongest (specially in PvP) specs from the PoF release. Used to have huge damage due the large symbols which procced burns and dealt large physical and condition damage while having a lot of sustain because the healing mantra was strong and traited with heals on shattered aegis was even tronger. So mixing celestial & grieving you had a powerhouse: big AoE damage with huge sustain and plenty of tools (15 F skills + utilities). But what remains from that? Symbols in WvW/PvP no longer expand to 360 units while traited, they also no longer proc the F1 burns and therefore the dps is gone; the mantra is now amongst the worst heals in the game and the axe a slow hitting weapon which is easy to interrupt. Firebrand is still strong in PvE but for other game modes feels utterly useless: worse support than core, worse damage than DH, worse sustain than both of them, weak utilities on top of a weak weapon in a class with low base HP and inherently bad mobility. I like playing FB in PvE, but in PvP/WvW just feels atrocius. I think that Rev lost sense in terms of design over the nerfs and cooldown additions over the years, despite being strong at every game mode at the moment, but what bothers me the most is that it has functionality issues not related to balance (as the loadouts resetting the skills) which should have been fixed long ago and they not only remain broken but also ANet doesn't give a **** about to stttle them.
  7. Didn't trash it. You can play core Guard and core Necro and be in a good spot while paying 0 in a ftp account. The expansions ads new classes and weapons because people wants new ways to play their characters. You still have access to the extra WvW and PvP maps which were released since 2012 at 0 cost. You still have access to all the new runes and sigils which were added to PvP at no cost. Both expansions are also sold as a pack with HoT freely added to PoF (which oftenly is on sale). Stop pretending being offended after half week playing the game.
  8. At the moment core Guard is considered meta, and the first spec from Thief (Daredevil) have been overperforming the second one (Deadeye) like forever... You have also powerfull core builds that perform well. New specs broad the posibilities which oftenly ends in minmaxed builds which outperforms previous ones, but what is that compared to other MMOs, in which every expansion demands new grinds just to be able to play (and not yet competitively). GW2 still has the best PvP in any other MMO despite the low support and care it takes from ANet.
  9. People still having problems with burns AFTER removing the procs from symbols and Sword of Justice? Or with inmob despite having access to sigils/traits which hard counter that cc? Not surprised.
  10. I don't known about the Mesmer, but I don't think much people are moaning about FB's mantras due even in PvE no one is using that garbage heal and in PvP most of Guardians aren't even using the Firebrand... As a player which spents 99,99% of my PvP time between Rev and Guardian I care 0 about mantras (not even when I try a Firebrand build in unranked I do use mantras). So instant cast or 2 seconds cast, who cares? They are obsolete.
  11. Eles have currently perfectly fine/viable condi bruiser builds available; just research or try your own way. But FOR SURE it will take you more than 3 days to figure how to fight in the current PvP meta after 7 years giving the cold should to the game... You're not George Foreman.
  12. By the way I would add that the nerfs to the burn procs from symbols and Sword of Justice weren't that bad in PvE because ANet also buffed the power damage to Exposed enemies a 30% but a 100% with condition damage. So, with burn being so bursty even the lower procs result in similar damage; typically you can kill a veteran aberration before they even cast their counter attack barrier (break the defiant bar, drop your attacks and nuke it in seconds).
  13. Why? I don't really understand why Revs have alacrity; is good for team play but for solo how having shorter cooldowns does help me in any way since I still must to spend energy to cast those skills on top of paying Orders From Above... For me Herald > core > Renegade, not even counting how much I dislike the Kalla skills. Also, quickness or not, Firebrand is currently the weakest Guardian spec for PvP and the worst PvP spec from PoF...
  14. Firebrand has been bad at PvP since last summer, at least. I don't think the changes in the patch has any value for this spec in PvP. FB has way less sustain than core or DH on top of no damage, and mantras are amongst the worst skills in the game for PvP. Still fantastic at PvE, tho.
  15. The buffed torment damage vs stationary targets (most of PvE content if you tank them, and definitely Rev can tank) so they adjusted the stacks (while still thinking that the overall tresult will be a buff). Now, I have no clue why they think that one of the strongest condi damage dealers in the game (with the strongest damage/sustain ratio also) needs a buff in PvE. I get why they didn't buff power Rev: they are saving that card behind the paywall of the incoming expansion, but buffing Rev's condi PvE (while nerfing also the WvW/PvP condi variants) makes little sense to me.
  16. I wonder if after tomorrow's patch DH or even core Guard would be better than burn Firebrand as condi specs. The main changes for that spec in the notes are 1) symbols procs of F1 virtue which were doubled with Symbolic Power now remain the same (despite incresing the damage); 2) Eternal Armory no longer procs burn more than once per cast. So, in two patches symbols had their radius halved and their procs halved, and Sword of Justice now seems a wasted slot. I wonder if now swaping to DH and using Virtues with Permeating Wrath and traps would deliver the same amount of burn procs and similar damage. For sure both core and DH at least have better sustain...
  17. Resistance was already nerfed in duration, as Infuse Light. The changes in torment will probably increase the damage, even in PvP. Sustain for Mallyx is gone, tho. I think that power Herald will remain king in PvP, since never needed exotic things as stability or condi cleansings to survive and do they work. It works even in this meta of no damage and immortal bunkers.
  18. NASA was reliant in the ULA rockets which used Russian engines (SS-180 or something...), when the US Goverment put pressure to cut the use of those ones ULA tried to make them theirselves and failed entirely. They were also unable to replicate the old Saturn V engines. So they had to start from 0, as Space X or Blue Origin. So for a decade the capability was lost, because the people which crafted the older ones was gone and no one was able to do the older engines with the techniques we have now. History is not a linear path of constant progression. Regression and dead ends happens to.
  19. Tell that to Jonathan Ewards; he broke the triple jump record 25 years ago, still has the record and only 6 people were able to surpass the 18 m in this lapse, whereas He did it 13 times in a year. NASA entirely lost the capability to send people to space after retiring the Atlantis and Discovery, relying for a decade in the Soyuz program and now in private aerospace companies. When Federer, Nadal and Jockovich retire, the newcomers will be weaker than those three at their peak for decades, if not generations... Countles examples.
  20. Larger PvP population + strong ESL league + big tournaments with real money on stake = higher skill cap for top players. As easy as that. Some old top PvP performers in the core game & HoT didn't adapt that well to the last expansion and newer metas, but I think that overall the average quality of the best 8 teams their and players in each continent was higher in the past. Also, as hapened with Overwatch, a meta in which half of the roster is filled with bunkers lowers the skill demanded to play competitively.
  21. ANet is unable to fix this, even with dozens of thousands of players which paid for having the Rev class and to have extra templates. The problem roots in that Rev skills aren't programmed like the other classes, with all the utility skills available in a general pool ordered by families, but in small groups in pre defined order pre asigned to each legend by defaul. The only solution is to manually check each skill every time you move between game modes, and to keep making noise about the problem until ANet does something (because our money is not less that the one from people playing other classes). Sadly the Rev main designer is no longer in the game and their surrogates seem unable to fix anything...
  22. In the past for PvE I used a power Herald with traps and zerk + marauder stats and Zeal (2,2,2) Virtues (1,2,3) Dragonhunter (1,1,2) with greatsword & long bow. But lately I've been playing two Firebrand builds. One does direct damage and is based on the Hizen's build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWwAEd3lVweYSMPmJW+PrvKA-zRhYbBFAGEoYUzOCy7MiQFkuUQjHAB2DkeNjY0C-e Mostly Marauder + Cavalier with Radiance, Valor and FB. Has rich mechanics and combos but requires a good management of the quickness. The drawback is that the damage is ok but not great. The other one (which I play the most) is a burn FB based on the Roul's build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PWABc2t/lVweYIMM2IO+KZPfA-zRJYkRPfhEXEEYB0RK4wBJI2DvFePrA-e Full trailblazer + either Balthazar or Traveler runes (extra damage or mobility). Does damage way faster than the power one and melts most of things before they are even able to damage you. My only complain is that is not as fast breaking defiance bars as the Revenant builds I use (or at least I'm not as good at that task with my Guardians compared to my Revs). Anyway, the damage is insane (at least until the nerf of the next week).
  23. Saw the video a few days ago and I was thinking that currently GW2 is way better experience for players, specially newer ones; tons of quality of life details which enhances the time in the game, better mounts, more ways to get goals (exp, gold, whatever...) and better end game (crafting legendaries which last forever > crafting legendaries which become obsolete with each new expansion).
  24. You convinced me: Swift Termination and Brutality need a buff in damage. But won't happen due EoD Rev spec will probably be built around a power dps concept. @Ertrak: the game isn't balanced. Balance means constant support in form of patches and monitoring on what's happening in every front (open world PvE, instanced PvE, PvP and WvW... ) and you only see that kind of constant support in top competitive games in Twitch as LoL, Apex, Valorant, DOTA 2, Warzone, etc. And even then you can argue that part of the "balance" in those games moves around constantly changing things making some things op for a brief period constantly shifting the meta.
  25. It makes power Revs "close to be able to do" 75-80% of the single target damage that a condi Rev can do. Meanwhile those condi builds not only are superior in single target dps but also way better dealing damage against crowds (and with tormenting runes the more foes you fight, the more sustain you have). So I don't see nothing overpowered with Dance of Death. Recently did again the HoT & PoF maps with a core Rev and while I completed 90% of them with a power build I swaped to condi with 3 hero points due I knew that under some stages just works better (you keep doing damage and healing when you are using defensive skills).
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