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Everything posted by Buran.3796

  1. 1 Mesmer, Dagger 2 Ranger, Shield (with the face of a tiger) 3 Thief, Sword (with initiative points) 4 Elementalist, Short Bow (with the point of a flaming arrow) 5 Warrior (no clue of the weapon) 6 Revenant, Focus? The icon nails the Ritualist eye surrounded by what could be a focus. 7 Guardian, Rifle 8 Engineer (no clue of the weapon, but the icon resembles a golem or an exoeskeleton surrounding the character) 9 Necromancer, Pistol (with the flamming tip of the cannon)
  2. The logo looks like the Ritualist eye inside a focus (which in this game is oftenly portrayed as a handle which covers the hand and ends in blades/spikes as the eastern weapon katar). I hate summons (I don't run them even when I play a Renegade) and definitely not fan of the focus (specially given how subpar are our physical weapons for AoE damage in instanced content). Oh boy, I hope I'll be wrong, because a new summoner spec with of hand weapon looks on paper amongst the least interesting choice that could be made as a new Rev spec.
  3. Stealth on a Rev would be heart breaking. We already have 5 classes able to use that crapy mechanic.
  4. I dreamed that EoD was released and our new spec legend was Shiro, which provided us quickness on demand and featured as a new weapon an off hand sword with blocks... I woke up drenched in sweat: was only a nightmare...
  5. I asked 3 and half years ago for a reduction and/or displacement towards a side of the joining menu while playing in WvW and PvE maps and they said was under study... And they did nothing: "Making it possible to dismiss the map vote box is on our backlog, though I'm not sure when we'll get to it." Traduction: they don't care. Deal with it.
  6. That has no relation with tormenting runes, which aren't present in PvP. I don't think that the runes are overpowered but I'm not opposed to a cut in performance to turn the prices dwon and prevent new players to spent absurds amounts of gold in such overrated runes. In general Rev works fine with cheap sub 2 gold coins hobo runes (as long as you avoid meme choices as hammer, staff and Ventari).
  7. There was a time in the game in which you could see Justine uploading on regular basis excellent videos using his hammer/staff Rev to wreack havock in WvW, oftenly in roaming or even dueling 1 vs n. You no longer find that kind of videos from him or anyone, not only due the stacked nerfs turned the hammer in garbage but mustly also because nerfed damage and bunker meta aside, the current hammer skills aren't funny to use, specially for anyone which still remembers how it felt in the past.
  8. True, because has ranged physical AoE damage which can't be prevented with skills which null/defelct projectiles. But the hammer is a shadow of his former self in both damage and mechanics, and other classes as the Necromancer are WAY better at dealing damage at range in large scale WvW battles. So the question is not "is hammer the best choice for Rev in this situation?" but "is still hammer Revenant mandatory in a large WvW group?" And my answer would be "nope".
  9. I did play sometimes a Jalis/Glint PvP build with hammer/sword+shield with the Demolisher amulet, trying to be as tanky as possible. Overall doesn't work because in most of matches the teamplay doesn't exist and is not as tanky neither deals as much damage as other classes, and is a shame because has good sustain and provides a lot of useful boons in skirmishes (stab, protection, might...). So oftenly even if you success in the inital fight for the central control point after a long fight, 90% of the times your team usually disband letting any enemy to easily decap, and if you stay you will die horribly due the hammer is terribad in duels. Outside that, absolutely garbage weapon which only fills a small niche in one of the least played parts of the game. The CoR skill is particulary bad due the changes over time not only nerfed the damage but entirely changed the mechanics: CoR is cancelled if you move in diagonal, strafe laterally, walk backwards... Is also cancelled by minimal slants in the terrain and all kind of objects in the environment. Fits well in a class which in PvE oftenly gets jammed between walls in instanced content if uses sword #3. Hammer #5, the slowest weapon skill in the game, is particulary bad since we lost the quickness on demand from Impossible Odds and the Feb 2020 patch nuked its damage in WvW and PvP. If you need ranged damage in PvE you either swap to Renegade or change to another class (being said that: no reason to go ranged in PvE with Revenant, ever).
  10. Stealth is overall a garbage mechanic in most of the games in which is implemented and GW2 is not an exception, but heavy armor itself has a very little relevance outside lore considerations due how small is the gap in stats between cloth classes and plate armor ones.
  11. They should instead fix the current template system because for Revenants is TOTALLY NOT WORKING (the game keeps forgetting our skill arrays and randomly resets them to premade), and we paid money for the extra slots as everyone...
  12. Herald is good outside the hammer, and I sometimes even use the hammer in Conquest PvP because in this meta with no damage a lot of builds have problems trying to kill him.
  13. ...But my point is not that cHerald does more damage than cRenegade in any way (which also is not needed) but the fact that cHerald is harder to kill in PvE than cRenegade. This whole thread is about how some people think that Herald is useless because Renegade delivers more dps, has larger heal burst and shares alacrity, but happens that those features are useful mostly in niche parts of the game (fractals, raids...) which are fading and doesn't provide as much gold gains as open world PvE in which (oh surprise!) damage is mostly irrelevant because due power creep most specs and even core builds have plenty of damage and what counts the most is tagging enemies (which isn't a problem at all for Heralds). So, as I said, Herald is in good form currently (and above Renegade in PvP/WvW) and doesn't make much sense to beg damage boost for the spec since in 3-4 months the new specs will probably be broken op and will blow any current spec out of the water between a mix of power creep, unguessed combos and bugs.
  14. No, because the best runes for condition Renegade players is objetively the runes of nightmare, due Renegade's condition damage splits in a fair share between bleeds, torment and burns, so using the nightmare runes maximizes the dps, whereas condi Herald has no bleeds and torment is clearly the main damage source (with a decent amount for burns and almost no damage from poison or chills). So for a condi Herald the runes of tormenting makes perfect sense since enhances both its main source of damage and the sustain, whereas for a condi Renegade if you chose tormenting runes you're losing a lot of potential damage. Also, cvondi Renegade usually runs full viper because the short bow is the main weapon for that spec in PvE and is a hybrid weapon which benefits equaly from condition and physical stats, whereas condi Herald runs mainly mace & axe which do very little physical damage so no reason to run anything but dire or trailblazer in PvE. So not only Herald provides better active defenses than Renegade but also sits over 3500 armor and over 25K HP, which combined with the passive healing from the runes makes WAY more room to mistakes vs dangerous foes. With viper Renegade sometimes you screw one single healing burst and you end being a bloody pond on the floor, Herald just tanks things better.
  15. Condi Herald can solo pretty much everything in the game. Condi Renegade does more damage but is less tanky and doesn't benefit from runes of tormenting in the same degree as Herald. I don't put any value on how much Renegade is prefered over Herald or core Revenant in Raids and Fractals because i don't find them particulary fun and you can gain more rewards (in terms of sustained gold coins x hour) in open world PvE rather than in instanced content. About Mirage and Scourges, I'm not very familiar using them, but Hizen ranks Renegade above both, and has plenty of videos backing his claims. In Conquest I oftenly swap from power Herald, condi Herald and power Renegade, but in 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 mini seasons I found the Herald variants to have much more sustain (also Renegade having most of their damage coming from the short bow makes it extremely easy to hard counter).
  16. Core is fine and Herald is exceptionally good, best PvE spec in the game specially after the sustain nerfs to the Renegade (which had limited effect in Herald). And is not like matters that much since in~4 months the new specs will blown out of the water all we have now.
  17. Jalis has plenty of cleanses, Glint + Jalis is one of the safest combos against condition pressure in the game. Sadly that build doesn't delivers enough damage. Works ok as a bunker but you are very limited in weapons because one of few the physical damage ones (the hammer) neither provides damage enough or cc enough to be a decent choice vs other bunkers/bruisers in the game. Condi Rev is chaotic in nature because has high burst of damage and wreks foes in teamfights, but at the same time is predictable and has weak defenses vs conditions. That's in PvP, because in PvE/WvW tormenting runes lets you to tank absurds amounts of enemies. Needs Rev more condi cleanses? Maybe, but not as much as a whole revamp of the hammer (and that extends to Warrior's and Guardian's hammers). I don't understand why ANet designs weapons that remain unused in every game mode...
  18. Thanx a lot! That was exactly what I was afraid of. It means that in some cases buying the exact tool and the exact glyph one wants to use and mixing it can be cheaper and more convenient that buying an entire set, even on sale.
  19. Can you unequip the glyph from a gathering tool adquired with gems and sell it in the Black Lion Market of you never did use that particular tool and glyph? Or you can only sell glyphs randomly adquired from Black Lion Chests?
  20. I agree that in that case is a problem, but don't see an easy solution since ANet probably will be more interested in pushing the next spec instead of buffing power core Rev/power Herald.
  21. Herald is stronger than Renegade in PvP, both the power and the condi versions. Condi Renegade is still more powerfull than Herald in PvE, but the only advantage is having the bow for fighting at range if needed. Also: albeit condi Herald doesn't provide the same dps as condi Renegade in PvP the gap in survability between condi Herald and condi Renegade have been increased even more in favour of the Herald: condi Herald is almost unkillable in PvE, whereas Renegade relies in well timed skills which spent tons of energy, a problem which condi Herald doesn't have. Finally, stop being so nitpicking about Renegade vs Herald vs Core; I also hate the Renegade design and play in Herald most of the time. The thing is Rev currently stomps PvE and you will get more gold in open world than playing instances, so you can play any Rev you want (even core), show the middle finger to instanced content and still get more gold x hour than people playing tier 4 fractals....
  22. No, I'm refering to actually play the game. In terms of gold and converting stuff into gold, most of the instanced content outside fractals are crap (that includes dungeons, raids and strikes). Fractals are good sources of gold, but with at least three handicaps: you need to play high fractals to maximize the rewards, those are harder so you may have some fails which increase the time (so the rewards/hour are lower) and the best rewards come from non-repeteable daily fractals (so you get plenty of gold in the first run but not so much repeating those). Then compare: I can farm the same gold in x hour just farming oricalcum alone, and can repeat the cycle with each character, for hours and hours; I can farm for hours Dragonfall or Drizzlewood, with the only limiting factor being the keys for chests (getting them spents time with less rewards, which again decreases value, but the ratio is still ecellent). I can farm Shiny Baubles for hours and hours (a bit lower profit x hour but can be repeated at nauseam...). So yeah, instanced content and their snob rules about what you should and shouldn't run in terms of gear, builds and team composition can go to hell; I earn way more gold playing solo in open world content. You can farm GW2 in BDO style without touching instanced content and end being richer than the players in guilds obsessed with min-maxing raids and fractals.
  23. Read again; I was talking about the cost of the armor.
  24. ...But my legendary PvP armor cost me about 1800 gold coins whereas the PvE one was about ~6000 gold coins at the time. And you can't fail at PvP due every match, including loses, provided progression, whereas at raids you can flop over and over (specially with pugs). And now I have PvP tokens enough to craft the other two legendary sets for almost no gold (mostly playing what I like, not farming content which I don't care about).
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