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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. they've commented on it multiple times and have always said that aslong as you aren't doing anything artificial, you're A-OK.so if your have the perk that auto loots and you leave your ranger in a location where you will get attacked and your pet will kill the mobs,you did nothing artificial, there was no 3rd party program pressing the loot key repeatedly, it was just built in mechanics.
  2. Actually Eir didn't die!like everyone else she has had enough of Braham so she faked her own death to escape him,she now spends her days sipping cocktails and dancing in the Amnoon sun!
  3. a few months ago yep, i'd have thrown money at the screen for a huge axe hammer skin,i played warrior with hammer, guardian with hammer, rev with hammer, and an axe skin would have been AWESOME!but now that Anet have smitebooned hammers, nope.no point buying skins for a weapon that is in an unuseable state on most classes.
  4. i'm sure you could have loaded the answers a little bit more.but yeah, if i'm sitting on 11k hp with no escapes, stun breakers or condi clears, all so i can burst like a freaking nuclear bomb, i think that is a fair trade.and i'm sure the necros sitting on an effective 70k healthpool who can click their shroud skill twice to kill me will think its fair too.
  5. could do with more varied armour in general!"all" of the sets from Path of Fire were so homogeneous.its like medium armour, if i want my char to look sexy there is pretty much only human T3 "Assassin" for the chest armour...kinda ties in to your heavy leg predicament, there are very few that aren't long long armours.
  6. engineer is missing Golemancer, though its not really thematic with Cantha (because GW1 had no engies) but Thief getting Greatsword in a Samurai kinda spec is almost certain.
  7. can pretty much guarantee thief will get greatsword,i'm always right with these things, i guessed druid using staff and viney magic before HoT,i guessed thief using staff with a kind of "monk" spec before daredevil happened, so now i'm back with another prophecy again, thief is gonna get a sort-of Samurai themed spec,not only does it fit the class, but it also perfectly fits the eastern feel of Cantha. THIEF WILL GET GREATSWORD.
  8. i used to play hammer war in pvp (unranked) it was niche but fun.it suffers from the same symptoms as scrapper, the nerf to cc skills damage has caused a large number of their skills to do no damage,Hammer may aswell be removed from the game at this point.
  9. i tried to answer this question but the soft Anet moderators don't like people stating facts.so maybe ask this question over on reddit.
  10. Doesn't this mean you're getting 2 outfits for the price of one? Bargain! Surely that'll increase sales? Double the work for Anet yep,but only a very small percentage of people(sorry if assuming your species offends you!)Would even want to crossdress their characters,Most people want their men to look manlyand their female chars to look feminine. So it's double the work to satisfy a niche minority.
  11. i think GW "classic" should remain with WoW "classic" in my fond memories,it just wouldn't feel the same going back today.private instanced maps, glued to the floor (no jumping) and resurrect being reserved for only monk secondaries or single use signet.i LOVED GW1 with thousands of hours play time and 15k grotto armour for all of my characters over 3 accounts, but i think it should remain in the past.
  12. i play zerker, i've always played zerker in every MMO i've played.so nope i won't "cool my jets" when the MMO that i've played for 7 yearsdecides to nerf not just my favourite character, not just my second favourite,but ALL of my characters... condi bunker meta was the worst period of PVP in GW2,and THAT is what the devs are pushing us back too.
  13. condi bunkers again...(the worst meta ever) i've played zerkers since release, i don't even mind if it leaves me with 11k health, zerker is my playstyle.remember when Anet said GW2 had a "play the way you want" philosophy?well NOPE, condi bunkers or GTFO.
  14. condi bunker meta again... (the worst time in pvp)R.I.P zerker playstyle.
  15. fool! we all know there are so many hammer warriors in PVP, its soooo super meta and OP!obviously it needed all of its skills nerfing, Anet know exactly what they are doing!they aren't clueless at all! /sarcasm off
  16. i HATE the damage nerfs. if these damage nerfs are going live then they may aswell remove hammers from the game.this is beyond stupid. i was psyched when i heard they were gonna be touching every skill in the game, now i'm just MAD,because they are NERFING everything, even underused weapons. i use hammer in PVP and have never seen another warrior using it, and now even i will be throwing my hammer in the trash,bravo Anet...
  17. Barbarian setwhen worn by a male character it would be a Conan style loincloth (the chest armour would be an invisible chest!)when worn by female characters it would be a Red Sonja style chainmail bikini set I'd like it to be a simple chest and leg armour set so we can combine it with whatever gloves and boots that we like! :smile:
  18. perhaps there should be a difficulty setting, i main minion master which is VERY easy for pve, the story is easy,but i also play staff zerker ele, and some story bits can be hard for such a squishy character.
  19. i made this back in the day, mostly Pre-Searing Ascalon :-3i spent sooo much of my teen years on GW1,performing the deadly "Droknar's Run" over the shiverpeaks to earn my plat!50/50 farming crystal desert,defending fort aspenwood from those filthy luxons!hanging around in Fisherman's Haven,playing Alliance battle as a necro with a pet bear! (gods bless secondary professions!) yup GW1 was and always will be one of my favourite games to think about, so many fond memories!
  20. All the meta builds require elite specialization. It's been that way since HoT. so you don't have the expansions? well then i think we've found something for you to do! =)
  21. i loved that on my GW1 warrior, i dyed it pink! :blush:also there was 15k druid armour for the rangers :-3
  22. this comment won the internet :lol: and to the folks saying "only if guys get something too!" ofcourse! i'd like a Conan style loincloth!i also think its about time that male characters got a toggle for chest armour!
  23. ok, well then i want perma quickness and superspeed too!and if you wear full plate you have perma slow and can only use walk speed! :lol:
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