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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. things get better over time, the devs learn new tricks. hence why you look at asomething from release like 100 blades or orb of wrath and they just seems so clunky and old fashioned but spears get fluid multi-attack animations and melee/ranged crossovers.
  2. i actually don't want a GW3. i've been with this franchise since the early days of GW1, i spent thousands of hours of my teen years and 20s playing that game, seven years of progress, but then i moved to GW2 and all of it meant next to nothing, but now i've spent thousands of hours playing THIS game. and after 12 years of progress here i don't want to go through the motions of throwing it all away again to start off all over in a sequel. with nothing to show for the tens of thousands of hours spent over the past 19 years. the graphics and mechanics are good enough in this game that i really don't feel like we need a sequel either.
  3. ele, its good that after 12 years, 4 new melee/close weapons and 3 new melee/close elite specs Anet have realized that people picking the mage class might have picked it because they want to stand back and sling ranged spells... WHO KNEW RIGHT?! still disappointed that we need to play the mage class hurling spears instead of getting a staff rework, but hey, we'll work with what we have. now if they can just make overloads 1200 range ground target skills we might actually have a functional ranged ele.
  4. yes, yes and yes again. i'm so sick of EVERYTHING since release trying to push ele into close quarters. ele should be the quintessential mage class, staying back and slinging spells. instead ALL of our new weapons are melee or close range: sword (melee) hammer (melee/close) warhorn (close) pistol (close) and ALL three new specs are focused on being in the thick of battle. Storm's Reach Air and Fire Overload become ground target skills but can no longer be cast while moving. Range: 1200
  5. quick request, could we get more armour that changes charr tails in the future? they're extremely rare to come across, with only a small handful in the game. armour like Flame Legion is awesome because you get a fiery tail which really helps sell the pyromancer vibe of the set. meanwhile you can wear Vestment of the Lich to look like an avatar of death and destruction... but you still have a cute kitty cat tail sticking out of the back...imagine how cool it would be if it gave you a bone tail? so yeah, quick suggestion, more themed armours that change charr tails! extra request: hide Aegis effect out of combat or make the effect only show for a few seconds when Aegis is gained! its impossible to take good guardian screenshots when your character is hidden behind a permanent silly blue shield! here is Lexxi the Librarian trying to enjoy a good book, too bad she can't see half of the page! (or change the effect to something more subtle like every other buff.)
  6. so guys, with the arrival of bikinis, what new character cosplays will open up? i know i already plan on making Nami from One Piece! it should be easy enough with so many medium jeans options like Rogue and the Sanctified Boots (sandals) throw in a simple looking staff like the Bo.
  7. it did feel very underwhelming, especially the boss fight. they should have used Epoch in his big spider form like in the meta. i had a theory about a cool final battle, but nah, we just hit him repeatedly until his health bar goes down and its over. no interesting mechanics or anything.
  8. maybe, but it doesn't look "pouncey" it really looks like someone just hurled it and it trying to fall on its feet. maybe if it had a jumping animation at the start, a better mid animation that looks more like leaping than falling and a claw swipe at the end it wouldn't look so silly. agreed!
  9. i agree, from the preview it looks like someone hurled a beaver. for anyone who didn't watch the preview.
  10. the only thing that really excites me is the lightning storm on air 3. but honestly i wish Staff had received a lightning storm instead.
  11. i'll never get why so many people leave "confused" reactions on posts like this (though obviously saying this i fully expect incredibly witty folks to leave them on this comment.) but its a good idea, +1 to the ability to dump acclaim on something, its not top of the list of changes i'd like, but any QoL is good 🙂
  12. there are plenty of good PVE builds for thief, P/P deadeye with the right build and gear spamming unload will make you almost unkillable in open world (thanks to hits/crits healing you) there is also staff power or D/D condi daredevils who spam dodges while putting out good amounts of damage and specter also has a nice mix of damage and support. i can't personally speak for raiding because i don't do it, but for open world i can confirm thief is awesome, with many viable builds 😄
  13. could do with a Queen Jennah Gobbler! with 30 alts i always end up deleting ole' mini queeny! would be great is we could throw her in the gobbler for some materials or something! XD
  14. wait a week or two until EVERYONE is wearing bikinis and speedos, then it will fit perfectly 😛
  15. personally i've never saw the point of housing in games, unless you're into RP. people who want to stand around usually do it in cities where they can show off their character. noone really wants to stand around doing nothing in a private instance. when i log in i log in to play the game, farm loot, kill bosses, complete events etc. not stand in a private instance admiring my placement of a coffee table.
  16. wizard vault things with limits, like Mystic Coins, heavy crafting bags, gold etc. festival dailies like lots of dragon chests zhaitaffy and a few jorbreakers from dragon bash. basically anything with a limit per account.
  17. thanks for this, as you linked in that other thread "The mastery system is unlocked when a character on the account reaches level 80 and the account owns an expansion. When both are true, the mastery system unlocks by giving access to the Central Tyria region section." i have a lv80 character and own an expansion, so i should have central tyrian masteries unlocked! (central tyrian masteries is the ones i'm interested in too, imho the game should have auto loot by default, so i was hoping to grind out the auto loot mastery ASAP)
  18. by the Six, that sucks! so no mastery points until august...fantastic. thanks for the answer though! 👍 ANET, FIX THIS! 😠
  19. ele staff needs a touch up, i'm not asking for a full rework but some skills could do with changing. such as Chain Lightning firing little bolts that chain, it should be replaced with a bigger beefier version of Arc Lightning with chaining. i'd probably also replace Gust with something similar to Lightning Storm. another massive buff to the staff playstyle would be to make tempest overloads ground target skills. imagine being able to stand back and summon lightning storms? FINALLY ele can become the glass cannon mage that it should have always been.
  20. hey gang, i've decided to start an alt account to take benefit of being able to complete dailies over again, i purchased Janthir Wilds which gave me a lv 80 booster, i've used the booster, but my mastery tab is still locked. interacting with a mastery point and clicking "commune with this place of power" plays the animation, but absolutely nothing happens. i had assumed this was because my account is new, i thought i needed to wait a few days for the account to be verified, but nope, account is now verified but mastery is still locked, HELP!
  21. also playing with a controller here, been playing with a controller for the past year or so and its just became second nature now. i can do everything with my controller all the way down to unnecessary things like activating chairs/tonics, toggling walk/run, using emotes and sheathing weapons. the only reason i couldn't see a console port happening is patch schedules limiting when the devs can put out patches, and also performance, GW2 isn't the most optimised game, and consoles don't have the "umph" of PCs.
  22. recently a bunch of new action camera crosshairs were added, this is great because it is the only way i play! but what suprised me was that there wasn't a "blank" or invisible crosshair option! any chance of getting an invisible crosshair option for action cam? (in other words the ability to turn off the crosshair)
  23. i know this is very old now, but if anyone is still after depth blur you can use Reshade to do it, there are several different Depth plugins to choose from but i find Cinematic Depth of Field to be the best i use it to blur everything in the background (looks good eh?) 😄
  24. I've posted mine in a different thread, but here he is again Aladdin 😄 (ofcourse he also uses the Lamp focus skin, but i didn't get a screenshot of that XD)
  25. i have a healing rev who mostly uses staff, but my weapon swap is scepter shield, but i rarely weapon swap, scepter just doesn't feel very useful.
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