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Everything posted by Liewec.2896

  1. ahoy gang! just a quick question for any devs who happen to read!is there any ETA on when we should expect the voice overs for Living World to come back?(and also when they do come back, will work be done forward from the oldest unvoiced episodes? or will future episodes take priority?) I put LW on hold back in April last year because i want to play the full experience when they are ready(i tried playing with just the subtitles and really didn't like all of the reading!),and now that the world has acclimated and adjusted to Covid life i was wondering if any voice over stuff is being done yet?thanks anyway! have fun everyone!
  2. whether they are bots or not is irrelevant, its very silly that a build based around NPCs doing everything for you is in pvp.isn't that why turrets got nerfed within a year of release and haven't been back?i aso seem to remember ranger pets getting nerfed whenever they were performing decent.Anet should make up their minds, either make ALL npc builds viable, or make MM just as bad as the rest!
  3. good idea, and opens the door for lots of things to sell, like maybe they could sell "theme packs" for other professions,like a Ritualist pack for Renegade which turns the renegade summons into ritualist spirits.or a "frost mage" pack for elementalist which makes all of the fire, earth and air spells of a particular weapon (probably staff) look frosty(like Meteor Shower will look like Frost Storm and Fireball will hurl a big ice spike.)
  4. what should the future balance direction be? buffs!enough of the nerfs, noone gets excited when the bi-yearly balance patch comes around and literally EVERTYTHING has been nerfed.(looking at you feb 2020...)but a big balance patch that buffs up a ton of underpowered stuff? thats a great patch!the best times in this game are theearly days after a big buffing patch when everyone is experimenting with weird builds
  5. conquest maps, but keep them fairly simple.over-the-top side objectives are why maps like spritwatch and skyhammer were so hated,while simple maps like Coliseum and Foefire are so popular. and for the love of the six, no trebuchets, cannons or skyhammers!!
  6. yeah i9 9900k + RTX 2080ti here, played cyberpunk on ultra, buttery smooth at 2k,but GW2? hahaha nope.
  7. god, so many!but the one i'm most salty about is my Hammer mace/shield warrior with a full bar of physical skills,i ran it with a full zerker and i'd be critting people for 3/4k while chain CCing them, never even saw another warrior using hammer in pvp because it was considered bad,but out of nowhere hammer was pretty much removed from the game with a ridiculous and unwarranted nerf.if there were any hammer changes i'd have expected some small buffs, because it was so underused.
  8. just once i'd like to log in and see BUFFS for underperforming stuff,less nerfs, more buffs!i enjoyed the power meta of last year before everything got nerfed to hell.now its just condi bunkers.
  9. this was the hacker noob from the other night,teleporting, flying, godmode and his attacks were unable to be deflected.in one game the enemies all stayed in spawn because he was on their team,they let us win and apparently he was yelling at them that they were all getting reported!and based on the current reporting system he is right!he can absolutely report them because there is indeed a report option for match manipulation,and yet for some unknown reason there is no option to report him for hacking.
  10. so currently we have a no-life noob flying around in unranked 2 shotting everyonehowcome there is no option to report for hacking?botting? match manipulation? there is no option for cheat/hack.also how long are we supposed to wait before he gets banned, he's been here for a few hours!!!!
  11. agreed, i LOVE IT when aoe spammers complain that they died to retal because they were mindlessly spamming AoE.oh no! how dreadful!Retal should be a lot stronger in general, its usually just ignored entirely, its so unnoticeable.it should hit hard like confusion, to make people think before mindlessly spaming.
  12. yeah, i'd love to play hammer warrior again, if anything it was in need of some small buffs, noone ever played hammer.instead it pretty much got deleted from the game.also the 300 second cooldowns are just absolutely lazy.if you need to change the skills/traits, change the skills/traits, don't just smite-boon them.
  13. they actually kept nerfing the damage, i did used to enjoy running a full glass zerker fire staff build, sneak up on constested nodes and nuke it.but for a long while every single patch came with nerfs to staff ele damage, and its just not worth running it anymore, it was already meme.squishiest thing in the game and i can get more damage out of my warrior. i'm still holding hope that next expansion will let us focus on one element, like a true RPG mage, none of this stance dancing style of play,instead spec as a pyromancer and you get to hurl some serious nukes as a glass cannon.
  14. if 2 revs both use it, do you get the effect twice?i'm wondering how OP a multi-rev comp could get :)
  15. would be an awful lot of work to make outfits cross-dress enabled, and it'd only be a small number of people who'd ever use it.there would be a small number of people who legitimately want to wear the other genders outfit,and the slightly larger number of troll who want to wreck their enemies as a big burly norn dude in a wedding dress :lol: if work gets done on the outfit system it should be to chop up the outfits and sell the parts as armour skins, that is a gold mine waiting to be explored.i know most of us can think of one part of every single outfit that we'd like to use! and even if they made you buy the entire armour set just to use that one part,a lot of us would throw money at the screen to do it!
  16. anticipation for next balance patch:Shatterstone damage increased by 2.
  17. hammer zerker renegade! :smiley:big damage, spam interrupts, and the nifty block from hammer!
  18. bring back 8v8 and Raid on the Capricorn!lets get nostalgic! :smile:
  19. i like rytlock, but ANNOYING KIDS does seem to be a GW2 themefirst Braham and now Ryland
  20. this game is desperate for more cosmetic variety in general,though i'm more a fan of armour skins, outfits have their place.
  21. they should make it more like Fort Aspenwood, especially since Cantha is now confirmed!
  22. no but it should, it'd make for better gameplay imho,if 3 people are on a point they should outweigh a bunker from the other team.it'd be a simple fix for the stupid bunker meta
  23. yes, just spell ranger starting with "Engi" and ending with "neer"this is what mortar kit should be XD
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