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Hot Boy.7138

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Everything posted by Hot Boy.7138

  1. I actually dislike dagger 2 because I don't like ranged skills that are actually much better in melee range than at range. I wish anet would stop doing that.
  2. Changed my mind. After playing virtuoso, I like it a lot. it's dope. I like it a lot for PvE. Wouldn't take many changes to make it awesome.
  3. I've been playing mesmer for 9 years. This is the first time I've ever felt like there's too much pink. In the virtuoso demo, it was just way too pink and bloomy. The effects weren't attractive at all to me. It didn't look detailed at all. It was ugly to me. Maybe if they update the effects i'll be more into it. But as of right now, aesthetically, virtuoso doesn't look good to me.
  4. Same here. I stopped having fun after the february 2020 patch. I was looking forward to the patch but I didn't have any fun after. My sword build's damage was gutted and was left with half as many dodges. I just started to lose interest more and more. and now, it's just hard to enjoy the game at all with my favorite class not being fun. I bately log on now and i dont even leave the city when i do now.
  5. more options is always a good thing. We all want more choice. I've had my full legendary set since day 1. It doesn't take anything away from me if someone gets it another way. But I honestly don't want to see it on the TP.
  6. 8v8 was HORRIBLE, the maps were just too small at the time. the best thing they ever did was reduce it to 5v5 in the standard maps. I'm not against 8v8, but it needs to be done properly. 8v8 on a big map could be fun. And i dont want to see it on another conquest map. 8v8 capture the flag on a big map would be a lot of fun.
  7. retaliation is already an exceptionally passive way to play. it's already too strong just by easy it is to apply, i dont think it should have any more functionality. i would actually reduce it's effectiveness.
  8. They shouldn't raise the max price limit. Nothing is really worth more than 10,000 gold and nothing ever should go for more than that on the official market. As we all know by now, there are very few individuals hoarding all the high priced items. One person probably has 50 chak infusions by themselves, or more! It's a free market on the trading post so idk how anet can intervene in these situations, but i think taking a hard stance on NOT RAISING THE PRICE LIMIT is in the direction of ways to go. So it should remain 10,000. Not more than that. raising it even more only encourages them to hoard because they at least have to go through the hassel of trading items for more than that through round-about means.
  9. Lootboxes is gambling. I agree with the courts. They should be illegal unless they explicitly ban minors and have a gambling license. I think they're predatory and exploitive. They should have an explicit warning on the game box and in the game menu.
  10. i play on an i5 2500k rx 580 rig and my monitor is 3440 x 1440 ultrawide. I play on Medium settings. In an empty space with no detail, i can hit 100 FPS. in a city with lots of detail like the grove, i get about 40 fps. In lion's arch during the halloween event, I was at about 17 to 22 FPS. In 3v3, i get a good 40 to 50 in combat, outside of combat i'm at 60 fps. In Conquest 5v5, I get about 20 to 30 fps. IDK about wvw, my guess i'd get abaout 5 to 10 fps in a big team fight. Hope this helps you.
  11. more reason there should be multiple permanent game modes. different strokes for different folks.
  12. I go from playing over 200 3v3 matches in the two weeks it is available. Then I barely play at all during regular 2 month long conquest seasons. I log on, do it and realize how much I don't want to be forced into conquest anymore for spvp. Then I end up just trying new fashion looks out, logging in just for that. Then I log in just for the log in reward. Then I don't bother logging in at all looking for new games to replace guild wars 2. For the love of God, make 2v2 and 3v3 permanent additions to Spvp. And start developing a Capture the Flag game mode to add to spvp in 2021. Come on man, anet you're dropping the ball with these 2 week in between seasons limitations on REFRESHING game modes.
  13. I play power mirage. In 3v3 I feel decent, but in conquest I feel weak as kitten.
  14. WoW has infinite duration stealth, and that does not end upon skill activation. But the 3 second long GW2 stealth definitely should... the sound of reason is deafening. I thought about what I said after I posted it. I take back what I said. I actually like the implementation of stealth a lot in GW2, and I like the difference between it and WoW. In WoW, you do have infinite out of combat stealth and very little access to stealth in combat. In GW2, there is a lot of access to stealth in combat. And I think that is honestly way more fun. So I retract my statement. I like stealth in this game. However, I don't like the broad spectrum of classes that have so much access to incombat stealth. So thieves having stealth is fine to me, cause that's how it should be. Thematically it makes perfect sense. When the game was knew, I did arah path 3 and I saw this engineer use a smoke field and a bomb while we were out of combat and stacked, to give us stealth so we can run through the spider cave. and to be honest, it was one of the coolest things I remember when i first played this game. Seeing that combination to give everyone stealth. But Anet kinda abused it and stealth has gone off the rails. For starters, Trap runes dont belong in PvP. And classes that are not thief that can perform stealth, shouldn't have instant access to it. It should require some kind of set up. Like blasting or leaping through a smoke field.
  15. stealth should cancel upon any skill activation, whether it hits or not.
  16. Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues. I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have anything else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point. Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply. Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have. It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class. i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen. Nobody said warriors can't kill another class. You attempted to use a strawman falacy which was ignored rightfully so. The points that you seem to ignore on every posts you write are : Warriors need to tryhard much more than most other classes to win a fight. There's a reason the most meta build in PVP and WvW is actually a support build and not a DPS build (aka Healbreaker). They are just much more useful and efficient when NOT played as DPS. You say you didn't play badly. That's your opinion. Facts are : you used up your defensive abilities (such as your dodge), were sitting duck and paid for it.Arc Divider (for all 3 hits to land) only has 240 range. That's melee range. You are either lying when you said you were away from the warrior or you were flanked and hugged by the warrior which allowed him to land all 3 of his arc divider attacks (aka: outplayed). 100% i was outplayed. I didn't expect that triple arc divider trump card. Warrior is a solid class with good damage, survability, and CC. It's versatile and that it can be good for many different playstyles. As with all classes, varying with balance patches, in ALL games, there will be some builds/classes that hard are more challenging to play well. The skill ceiling may be higher or the effort it takes to pull off a win is just more. Or it could be easier, simpler, and just as rewarding. That in itself is also part of the balance process. Because there will always be players that seek out underrated builds/classes cause they like that challenge. And there will be players that seek an easier play session so they go for classes with simpler mechanics. I'm not saying warrior is without issues, as i have said many times, but if you strongly feel like warrior, in this particular balance patch, is too challenging for you to play well or requires too mch work to be successful, then warrior is not for you at this current time in the game. It sucks, but balance patches can flip everything. Trust, I can relate. I've mained the same class since launch and have never swapped mains ever. Through all the ups and downs, I just made it work, even though some periods it was much harder. Maybe you should just play another class right now. I think warrior has a lot of strong attributes, and is by no means and objectively weak class.
  17. Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my kitten, as i'm on the ranger's kitten. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "kitten just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues. I'd have to say then that your mistake was blowing the dodge for the ambush... Did you not have anything else off CD? If you had others on your butt then blowing your single dodge for an offensive maneuver was a bad call. You probably could have just auto attacked the ranger to death at that point. Arc Divider is strong, but its a melee skill, they tend to hit harder and they should. As I laid out above, you did none of the things that protect against/negates Arc Divider. You even had your back to him, so if he really did go full YOLO with Thief Runes then you would have given him more damage. If all three hits connected then you were at least 240 away, that is not so far away as you imply. Warrior, of any e-spec, needs hard CC to setup their big damage skills and hard CC was apart of that damage. It was meant to be for warrior, but they took that away and thus cut a large portion of warrior damage overall on top of nerfing the actual damage skills. In this case though you set yourself up for the Berserker and he exploited it like he should have. It is the nature of mirage to decide on dodgeing for offense, or saving it for defense. It wasn't a bad play on my part. My health was full or near fulI. I use dodge, which allows me to cast mirage advance (shadowstep) to the ranger without interruption, putting me out of the melee range of my two pursuers and puts me on top of their ranger to finish him off. The surprise came from that triple arc divider and its range which floored me instantly. Was a fun match and i'm not salty about it. It just surprised me and surprises me even more people would proclaim that no warrior could ever beat another class. i say i was killed by a warrrior and everyone on the thread jumps on me to tell me why it's impossible for a warrrior to beat another class. and then dissects why that player has to be horrible player or new the game to have lost. lol you guys are ridiculous. believe it or not, a warrior probably killing someone in a match at this very moment lol. it can happen.
  18. Just a little background info on my "one shot" from the triple arc divider. Was a couple weeks ago in 3v3. I forget what classes were on my team, and I only remember the berserker warrior and a ranger that goign stealth on their team. So it was hall of the mists map. I think we were winning the round, their ranger was on his last breath with me on his tail. Since ranger kept going stealth, I was the only one that could keep up with him, me being a mirage and all. So I spot the ranger come out of stealth, running up the stairs. I'm at the war and another class is on my ass, as i'm on the ranger's ass. So as soon as I spot that ranger, I use my only dodge to cast my mirage advance so i could pounce on ranger. So now i'm on steps with ranger. Warrior is still at the bottom. The range of arc divider hit me from where I was at, effectively one shotting me. Being a mirage, once my one dodge is used, i'm not dodgeing again for a while. In any case, I never check my combat log unless it's really a "wtf just happened" moment. Cause I wans't next to the warrior, yet within one moment I went from full health to down. I think everyone on this thread want to make warrior appear so weak that if it has killed any player at all, that player must be new to the game. That way the devs would pity warrior and give big buffs next balance patch. As I said before, I'm sure warrior has some issues, but warrior is not a class that needs to be pitied. And I'll say one more time, as much as you say warrior is weak as noodles, that triple arc divider in my combat log says otherwise. It hits hard, follows up with a second big hit nearly instantly, and hits everything in a very wide aoe around itself. But who am I to speak on this, I'm just a plat 1 mirage barely getting by in my solo queues.
  19. Yup, the Common Clothes outfit. And the Cook and Wedding outfits are also planty for sylvari. Oh, and the one Canach wears... Verdant Executor was it? And that's pretty much it, IIRC. I'm not even much keen on the Maguuma armor pieces as they're much too bulky for my liking and too stone-ish to be considered enough sylvari-themed by me. I like the Shadow of the Dragon set a little better, but it's very bulky for males too. And the helmet clips tremendously. So yes, please give us more leafy fashion. Much MUCH more. At least the stuff NPCs get to wear (like the guy in Siren's Landing with those nice leafy shorts. I need those badly). i love the maguuma set so much. I love the mix of wood and stone textures and that they can be dyed separately. But i'd be glad for some leafy looks. I actually wish they'd use that legendary armor tech they developed for animated armor to make sylvari themed armor that bloom flowers when you unsheath your weapon, and the flowers wither when you sheath your weapon/leave combat. Wouldn't it make more sense that the flowers bloom with the day/night cycle? At night you glow, during the day you bloom. While that would be awesome, it probably would be pretty demanding on the armor teams since animated armor on the legendary side to sooo longI think what took long was the development of the tech. The actual design of the armor didn't take long. My outsider opinion with no inside knowledge.
  20. idk how you even get hit by that to begin with, you know this game has dodge action key right? That and I call "kitten excrements" for 21k (total) damage arc divider. Not the instance I'm referring to, but I think this also drives the point home.Imgur I struggled with embedding the images in these forums.
  21. Getting hit by more than 1 arc divider...Big oof, ppl like you are the reason warrior got nerfed so much that the class is no threat in higher level of play, because ppl know how to dodge. In low level you can stomp with any class. wish i had a dodge at the ready, but endurance don't just recharge because I want it to. Thanks for the tip tho.
  22. Yup, the Common Clothes outfit. And the Cook and Wedding outfits are also planty for sylvari. Oh, and the one Canach wears... Verdant Executor was it? And that's pretty much it, IIRC. I'm not even much keen on the Maguuma armor pieces as they're much too bulky for my liking and too stone-ish to be considered enough sylvari-themed by me. I like the Shadow of the Dragon set a little better, but it's very bulky for males too. And the helmet clips tremendously. So yes, please give us more leafy fashion. Much MUCH more. At least the stuff NPCs get to wear (like the guy in Siren's Landing with those nice leafy shorts. I need those badly). i love the maguuma set so much. I love the mix of wood and stone textures and that they can be dyed separately. But i'd be glad for some leafy looks. I actually wish they'd use that legendary armor tech they developed for animated armor to make sylvari themed armor that bloom flowers when you unsheath your weapon, and the flowers wither when you sheath your weapon/leave combat.
  23. idk man, that triple arc divider hitting me for 7k each in a second in my combat log says otherwise. i'm not saying warrior is without issues, but it's def not the worst.
  24. I'm still waiting on that Fernhound Jackal mount skin.
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