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T G.7496

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Everything posted by T G.7496

  1. I give up. None of this is remotely significant. And it is perfectly fair anyway. You just won't accept it because it seems, for you and for the basis of your argument, this collection (and maybe your entire journey in WvW) only lasts one week, and red team will always be red. Also, as others have noted, WvW is, anyway, designed as only a vaguely symmetric adversarial game mode. Notwithstanding the eccentricities of individual class balance/imbalance, the mode is fundamentally designed to promote opportunities for asymmetric engagements. But even this is fairness at play, because those opportunities exist for all players to take advantage of. Your idea of absolute fairness is entirely misapplied to the design philosophy and reality of WvW. Your logic is completely flawed.
  2. Yes please. Like you, I can't understand why this wasn't a thing out of the gate.
  3. And so as developers you have a choice. You either kick bandwagoners hard in the face by finally making some major changes to the game mode (Alliances), and risk losing them. Or, you let the carcass of WvW continue to rot unattended, while it continues to haemorrhage players from the rest of the disaffected player-base. I know which community of players I won't miss.
  4. Just to return to this discussion briefly... I completed the whole collection this morning (apart from smc - I'll get that at some point over the next few days, I'm sure) - I think it took me maybe 15 minutes, tops. And I wasn't rushing. I really think you are arguing over degrees of triviality. Also, as Connor pointed towards, Stoic is not only I agree very slightly closer than green/blue spawn but the ruins on red map are almost always red, which means you can glide out of Stoic a good way before your little legs even have to carry you anywhere. But again, degrees of triviality. (edit: smc done, ez)
  5. I guess they needed to find a price point, and to limit purchases, in such a way as to not overly diminish the value of cheffing ascended food for those who have invested into that. Especially since, for those who have invested heavily, it has come at the cost of gem shop purchases for the additional plots.
  6. It is precisely the point. It is fair because if you play the mode for more than one week the chances are you will find yourself having played as each of the three team colours in as little as three weeks, maybe longer, but for sure eventually. And it's the same for everyone. Which is fair.
  7. Are you on red team every week? This is a permanent, optional addition to the game. You have plenty of time to take a detour some other week.
  8. It is one of the worst game design decisions I have ever seen.
  9. This mode is best played for the fun of it. If you're here for the rewards you're doing it wrong, even if they are marginally better than they were.
  10. I didn't even know there was such a thing as bronze, silver and gold rewards. Who the kitten plays this mode for the rewards, smh.
  11. You killed a mechanist. You are doing God's work. The bards shall sing of you.
  12. I have amended my will requesting to be exhumed when Alliances happens.
  13. Be the change you want to see in the world. Or something. Join voice. Join a guild. Offer to LT. I dunno. Why you complaining here? Lmao.
  14. The people who do this. I can only imagine that they must find life, in general, quite a challenge.
  15. But nobody is defending anything now anyway, since the weekly achievement doodad, right? Right? Pretty sure I read that on the forums, so that's confirmed. Seems nobody is playing the game the way it was designed. Or maybe nobody is designing the game the way it was meant to be played. I dunno anymore. Or care, really, now I think about it.
  16. Honestly, the wiki for GW2 is one of, if not the, most comprehensive game wikis I have used. It is AMAZING how much information is there. That's why people point you to it, alongside the fact that 9 times out of 10 it is way quicker than trying to quickly, clearly and succinctly provide the answer in chat. And there's nothing more frustrating than trying to do so for someone who is either a) gone by the time you've composed an answer or, b) is in the end impatient or ungrateful after your effort. Try joining a community guild/Discord where you might find people who can help you out, or who are more willing to enter a long form conversation.
  17. Ahhh, thank you. Could you tell me what it is? Extra points if you can identify either the girl or the man 😜
  18. While we're on the subject of loading screen artifacts that cannot, once seen, be unseen, how about... Lions Arch: - the slightly pudgy bloke with his arms crossed in a blue t-shirt standing on the steps - the schoolgirl with satchel ascending said steps just beyond him - both of these, presumably, artefacts in the original contemporary image ripped and adapted to this loading image, which looks like it was a photo of the steps to a museum, perhaps in London?
  19. The rewards. The rewards. The rewards. People go on and on and on about them, or the lack of them. Has it occurred to anyone that the mediocrity of rewards that is common throughout this game might be a design decision? Perhaps one meant to encourage you to actually play those parts of the game you find fun and engaging, regardless of any other rewards for your time beyond that. This game is more than a decade old now, and most of it has become boring for veterans. This is perfectly understandable. I myself only play a narrow sliver of the game now, WvW, and I do so because I still find it fun and engaging to play from time to time. The fact that every now and again I get to sell a stack of Memories of Battle for 50g always comes as a surprise. Who plays this game for 'rewards'?
  20. Deadeye, in particular, is one of the worst game design decisions I have ever seen.
  21. 'dishonesty' is one of his favourite words to use, but he often misses catching himself in the mirror.
  22. The problem with this post is that it's inherently dishonest since a) it seems to me the meat of the responses collectively make the same point as you and, b) the OP itself isn't denying that point but seems to me to be asking, rather, why there is so little endgame content *designed specifically* for solo play - at least that's how I read it. I agree with you final assertion though.
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