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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Pls don't consider inappropriate language should be tolerated... End result would be so ugly... First you tolerate insult against yourself, then do you intend to ignore insults against your parents, brothers, sisters? If you are okay with others insulting your family, idk what to say and if more ppl decide to tolerate such behavior , idk what the world has come to? I for one sure not ready to accept such kind of environment to exist in gw2 . I'd rather get snowballed by cheaters and hackers who don't speak at all... At that point, I'd consider playing AT or something... So the situation get noticed by so many ppl and might get a response from anet Atleast the hacker got exposed by Trevor in his twitch vod... Now the hacker can't brag about himself since we know he's a cheater and if he makes himself visible anywhere in-game, ppl would outright reject him... So he gained nothing from all victories he had by cheating.
  2. Choco chip mint icecream? Yummy... lol
  3. If you turn your idea to "buying expacs" is a p2w, lemme ask u this... Is buying food in irl p2w? Buying a mobile phone p2w? Buying windows OS p2w? Paying tuition for college p2w? Ure Totally confusing the idea of p2w... Gw2 expansions can be called as different softwares that need to be purchased to play they are a one time purchase unlike other MMOs where u pay a premium every month ... U can call WOW a pay to win or pay constantly to play pc2p
  4. In PvP , even unranked, u pour all your efforts , passion and the eventual victory or loss will definitely affect you and u envy the victorious if you're not one of them. This envy can only be sated by fighting the same opponents and get an overwhelming victory. The envy that you feel from looking at someone else's newly bought gemstore skin can be sated in n number of ways... U use your in-game gold , sell items to get gold or purchase gems to get the skin... The skin doesn't disappear from the store overnight... Now what ure saying is you won't put efforts to earn gold in-game (fractals, gold farming, daily, event gold, raids) to reach the goal to buy that gemstore skin and will still feel envy? Is that your idea of win/loss? It's like a guy who's watching a 100m dash sprint Olympic event on a television from his home and feeling envy that he didn't win.
  5. Except that scourge ie rock, it not only beats scissors and paper but it beats lizzard and Spock as well X)
  6. Think he's turning 360° since he got feared so 180 will kill him so 360° lol
  7. Wowwww typing a lengthy post on a forum of such an unfun game huh? If u find it unfun, please go play something else... Don't try to push others away from the game they love... Maybe PvP and balancing might need a hard lookinto by anet but that doesn't mean gw2 as a whole is unfun
  8. Most of the convenience items in gemstore which are bought with gems can be bought with in-game gold converted to gems Maybe some players consider winning the fashion contest held by streamers and guilds as actual game and whoever has the latest and costliest outfit/skin to be winners and thus buying cool skins from gemstore and tp is viewed as pay to win in their eyes/mind.... Weird ppl So, I'm gonna post some weird statement down below that makes no sense... It's like someone participating in a running race and subjectively considers that eating a live frog is winning the 100 m dash sprinting race
  9. U can craft toxic focussing crystal from empyreal shard and sell them in tp for nice price... Or use them in your raid runs
  10. The OP is just asking for something useful for players who got no use for those asc gears weapons... That "50 gold" statement might just be an example... Right now we might not have a problem on our hands due to current number of ppl owning legy armors... But it's inevitable...or we already do... Idk And the numbers will be sometimes misleading coz, lot of the accounts in gw2 could be farm bot accounts, alt accounts(just to get wealth and send to main account eg mc, daily gold,...) or ppl who left the game which are in no way would ever get legy gears in the future but the percentage stats in gw2 efficiency will always list those numbers and give a false report of how many players have/don't have legy gears.
  11. U got few options ... 1) U could unlock the entire ascended skin sets by stat swapping in mystic forge... For Armor and weapons of all weight heavy, medium and light and all weapons... U'll still have lot of remaining ascended after unlocking the skin. Idk what to do after that 😂 2) Salvage ascended hoping to get the the collection items for the achievement "ascended recycling" and sell them in tp for some gold as much as 280 gold I believe 3) cross ur fingers and hope anet adds some infusion recipe/nice skin recipe for all these "balls of dark energy" and "globs of dark matter"
  12. To feed your need to pet the dogs, you can go do the heart thing in caledon forest where they have a lot of fern hounds in a pen... Sit there spend some time until you get bored
  13. I'd prefer, a fire eye infu for primordus related achi collection and ice eye infu for jormag related achi collection... Something like two mastery track in dragonstorm
  14. for people who want gw2 to die, they'll scream to the top of their lungs "gw2 is dead" I dont disagree that it has moderate to low population compared to well marketed mmo, but tbh, all the meta listed in gw2 event timers wiki page is busy except maybe "buried treasure" event in pof X)
  15. the title could be a little vague but this should clear things up a bit... and this thread EXCLUDES OPEN WORLD CONTENT should a player participate in a content only with the guild or known friends? and consider everyone else detestable? should the player be outgoing and mingle with all players and participate in all content with strangers hoping they are good ppl? talk to only your guild mates and ppl in friends list and don't initiate or respond to a conversation with someone new? should a mmo community be pictured as n number of groups that an individual from one group should only involve in activities within their group to avoid any inconvenience? or... an mmo be pictured as, though community has n number of groups, individuals can and with no fear can mingle with others? should one be close minded or open minded?
  16. cmon.. ure beating the old bush again... why can't u be more imaginative... eg: If I was raiding or fractaling or dungeoning in a grouped instanced content... and I've encountered a toxic person... (story could be anything why he was toxic.... like.. A good player joined the lfg and confirmed and everyone mutually agreed for something and we started the content and during the middle of the content the future toxic guy violating the terms of agreement we made among ourselves and even performs poorly and dies so soon in the content and when checking his kp.me he's not even eligible to run that instanced content with us and noone blamed him for that nor anyone mentioned it in chat that he was a leecher who tries to get experienced players to do all the work for him and get all the rewards for him without any effort) now.. the good player even after realizing all that and noticing that 3 players out of 5 died in the first boss encounter, somehow graciously killed the first boss(and not gg and leave the instance rightaway) out of 3 bosses even when all the others in the party decided to violate the agreement and go ahead with that leecher's suggestion.... now after killing the first boss and giving the leecher his unearned reward, the good player did not say anything toxic in the chat and did not belittle anyone in the chat and politely said that since they all went with violating the agreement, it's only natural that the player is interested in leaving the party and left the party..... now what should the leecher do? be content with what he got and left the matter alone.... but he had the audacity to pm the player and type some verbal abuse and inappropriate language in chat... even then the good player did not ever type any toxic words or inappropriate language in chat coz they know the cycle wont end now all imagination's aside... to what you were saying... "rather selfish/retaliatory- reasons?" cmon.... why ? Sir, are u provoking me in forums? ure giving me mixed vibes here... what if the same toxic player using a different character joins the same party as the good player and talks kitty things about the good player in party chat? and a fellow leecher with him to back up his version of the story? what if the toxic player types toxic things in party chat the next day with some lame reasons(lame reasons could be anything u can blame someone for any insignificxant reason on group content)? and broadcast a negative image of the good player? even if the people find the reasons to be lame, these days the party is sometimes silent or idk any troll could catch the lead and continue on it for his pleasure.... so this will create mixed thoughts on the good player's mind... the player could feel entire gw2 player base is toxic... its one against the world or something... this badly affects the player's experience in teh game... imagine a new mmo player who googled and found out gw2 is a nice mmo to play and plays an mmo for the first time has to go thru this.....I know I know.. u don't have imagination... u dragged me to type such a lengthy post.... I'M NOT GONNA TYPE ANYTHING IN THIS THREAD.... I FEEL LIKE THIS THREAD IS A LOST CAUSE... WHATEVER DECISION ANET TAKES I DON'T CARE.... PPL WILL BE JERKS AS THEY ALWAYS DOES THEY FEEL LIKE ITS A FASHION THING AND FINDS PLEASURE IN IT... GOOD LUCK NEW PLAYERS HOPE ANET CONVINCE YOUR MIND TO STAY LONGER IN GAME OR U GROW A THICK SKIN AND BECOME NUMB AND LOSE YOUR EMPATHY AND LOSE YOUR FEELING AND BECOMEA MINDLESS ROBOT... TOXICITY INCOMING... SUPRESS ALL EMOTIONAL MODULES ..... BECOME A ROCK OR NUMBSKULL
  17. the entire context of the thread is about toxic behavior, verbal abuser and inappropriate behavior in ingame-chat or ingame .. so the methods to track and secret info.. I did not ask for it nor do I emphasize on sharing them why did u even type your point(2 and 3)? and your point (1) let it be private they dont have to tell which user has been taken action against... its just that we need anet to give us a sense of security thats all.. some guy posted a video link about anet gm banning afk farmers.. that gives peace.. but i dont ask that level of transparency.. I dont want to know the player names.. I dont even care if an afk farmer is banned or not.. maybe its my mistake.. I should have posted the entire body of the post in the post title.. ppl often post something before they even get the context of this thread...
  18. one way I can think of increasing ppl on dungeon runs... Include a dungeon run in dailies everyday and not just once a week.... another way is to include more dungeoun skins(weapons and armor).... a lit bit grindy like how the drms were... and ppl would swarm around... atleast until they get those skins.... but that might include lot of work on dev's end another way is to include infusion drops in dungeon... like how auric and td meta has.. but the drop rate should be really really low.. so atleast the dungeon farmers keep the dungeons busy
  19. afaik, afk farmers aren't driving the gw2 population away.. its the toxic ppl .. but I can't say I encountered too many toxic ppl in gw2.. but encountering one when all year was happy and bliss, feels really vexing... .. like... when enjoying a nice delicious icecream, u get to bite on a sharp pin or something unpleasant...
  20. ur post causing me lose faith in anet... gives me a lil bit of doubt.. mannn.. why u have to do that?
  21. Think this gives me a little bit of peace... since anet take action against afkr's.. they'll definitely take action against verbal abusers and toxic ppl.. hope they do... thx for sharing that.. I read this post so i got peace of mind a little bit.. what about those who aren't involved in forums or reddit and they play the game and get negative experience? hope something's there to help them get back to the game instead of leaving the game after encountering repeated toxic ppl.. please note.. I didnt start this thread just to get peace of mind for myself.... hope that video isn't cgi tinkered or something.. video could be 2yr old video and they shared it now.. but I believe its real.. thx for sharing that
  22. Now, where did this come from? What kind of mentality/mindset a person should have to make such a statement? If someone got attacked, his mind will be filled with either retaliation or terror ... Some will feel the need to retaliate... and the otherSome expect the attacker be not present the next time the victim tries to be in the same place at the same time... Since this is a game who knows what costume the hyena wears next time and under what name does it show up? So based on your post, if you always feel that a person is more inclined towards retaliation/feeding ego, you consider this as a duel between two ppl and not as a behavior that degrades this community... Sir, I'm starting to think you are one of those ppl that spreads toxicity
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