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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. hah... mb.. I thought its a bug...thx for clarification. I missed the minor traits while checking XD
  2. I just created a normal minstrel build heal firebrand. and noticed a weird behavior after noticing it, I checked all traits, signets and stuff to make sense of it.. HFB healthpool jumps up +3k with quickness boon here is the link hfb weird hp pool
  3. fractals are fine and the graphics(especially sunqua where it rains sometimes), art, terrain are all super awesome and mechanics are good too.. but the most annoying instabilities like vomit makes it unplayable when paired with any one of these : fragile, stick together and flanking instabilities (though these instab combinations annoys only on deepstone, siren and sunqua) thaumanaova reactor last boss with social awkwardness is really annoying... if we stand on the edge, we never know when someone will push us down when executing their dps skills or any skills sunqua is a really thought out and well planned and nice fractal .. but the bug where it continuously throws lightning at us got to be fixed... that's an issue
  4. I don't know if I perceive it wrong but lemme post my understanding: When I solo dhuum instance for training the green mechanic, I seem to find a lot of orbs flying around and I never died due to timed out and the orbs get collected easily (at 150 ping)but during actual encounter, I got a chance to handle the third green and I can say for sure that there are very few orbs and if we miss them were messed up we wont get new orbs as often as the first green which I experienced in solo training... and also, the orbs get their sweet time to get collected(150 ~ 170 ping) longer than I experienced when i did it solo... was standing on the small orb for like 3 secs and still didn't get collected and this happened consistently in the actual encounter... are my findings wrong? or did you guys felt the same thing? If there are ways to increase the orbs for third green, pls list them out like kill the deathlings or dont kill many deathlings or lot of orbs will be available in certain spot like where the squad tank is and where the creatures are being killed frequently... any tips would be greatly appreciated.. thx
  5. food and utility enhancement option is nice to have in special forces area and hope it stays active even after leaving the area (fingers crossed) XD
  6. I just noticed a few ppl with "Ellen Kiel Supporter" floating icon with them and thought that was a new infusion of sorts and checked the wiki and got to know that these came with the cutthroat politics release. so.. can we expect the fractals? like they would've made some progress and ideas, artworks on the unreleased fractal right? if its progressed somewhat, can we expect it anytime later in the near future? perhaps? we won't demand it to be released rightaway.. but.. it'll be nice to have it after End of Dragons Perhaps? or maybe bundled with it?
  7. Any way (crafting-refining/mystic forging/context menu/vendor) the mordrem slivers evergreen sliver, fragments those stuff be combined without double clicking an awful lot of times would be a nice QOL
  8. I'd like a new button on top to make the clones to phantasms which they once were... XD
  9. I'm on a wild guess here XD .I believe, with legendary armory, we need to spend 100 obsid and one million karma + other stuff to add a legy item to armory to be used by all characters... Legy item could be legy runes, sigils, trinkets.And legy armory will be a personal instance where every unlocked legy armor, legy weapon, trinks will be showcased once you add them to the armory by spending some obsid shards and karma...Hope the build templates and legy armory doesn't collide and cause confusionAnd like batcave where only you can enter the personal instance before a raid or fractal to choose the items from the armory and suit up XD
  10. If these activities are made permanent, ppl will get bored and they would take a long break from gw2 than usual... Anet's goal is to give a taste of these activities once a year diff activities bunched with diff festivals to lure the veterans who took break from gw2 and reintroduce gw2 to them once more and possibly retain them longer until their next break... If u have something for granted, ull lose interest but if it's an annual thing, even if it's old and known and accessible only for a short time, ull be attracted to it... I think this is a good decision from anet
  11. woahhhhh.. such a dedicated Necro XD 6 months old post... I'm impressed. even without the reliquary, i have like 5units of 20charge salvage kit... unused even if i salvage like 2-3 asc rings everyday from daily fractal drops XD... but hey .. congratz on the 20 charge kit XD
  12. just found out another karma buff when looking thru "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Food" Cake_Shot will it stack or replace the existing food? idk
  13. Of all the things, he finds toypocalypse to be fun... IMO, anet should make it 5 rounds instead of 10. Instead of toypocalypse, If OP would try snowman lair he'd love it I guess.
  14. won't hiding the shoulder sposed to hide the snowfall effect?
  15. after getting some lionguard weapon skins, some armor skins from karma vendors and pact supply materials and recipes and torn pages from pact merchants my karma dropped a lot.. i just have 4 million at present... maybe just maybe new expansion, legy armory or new features might become karma sink... so.. who knows.. its festivals like these where I can farm karma to my hearts content XD
  16. Translation / localization for gw2 ever growing content might be tedious... Maybe there's a way to make English audio to subtitles with the help of add-ons? Since there are multiple speech to text libs out there. Use the appropriate language / dialect package convert the audio to text and render them as subtitles... Idk if such an add-on available for gw2 but just saying.. could be possible in the future if not available already... Being Optimistic :)
  17. I just do 15 donations for dailies After I do all the other dailies with the winter blessing buff, only 5 mins or less is left for the donation drive so I rush the 15 and leave the rest. Hope some appletag or commie tag organize the donation run so it's easy to spot and present. It's hard to find each NPC at the corner. Don't want to use taco btw XD Nice to know about the guild karma boost... I'll use that too next time... I thought it's included in hero banner ad part of the package... I'll look out for that one next time:)
  18. The mesmer specific skill - clone doesn't work 99% of the time... Why is that? Meanwhile the warriors are using their special skills and everyone else is using theirs... So unfair
  19. I usually stack up on karma bonfire buff, hero banner buff, winter blessing buff, candy cane buff, wintersday utility tincake buff, wintersday food buff Then do the jumping puzzle one round and exit and mount race to get the 10% karma buff and then open the wobbly reward chest on the bottom right.Then repeat jp one round exit instance do race open chest since the race buff vanishes once u enter instance... Also if I plan not to open any wobbly reward chest, it auto opens after a certain limit. That messes up the max karma stack buffs. So I had to exit instance do race and then open rewards.. this is so tedious Donation drive do after getting race buff along with other buffs Toypocalypse and snowball mayhem really takes a long time to maintain all buffs for max karma. Idk how to manage there Is there any other extra buff or more efficient way to get more karma for dailies? Any/all ideas suggestions welcome
  20. Not to mention... Noticed some abnormalities... When u wall off 3 access routes, enemies get teleported inside the base from their spawn point.. even toxx get spawned inside the base near the dolyaks... Don't know if that's intentional anet design.... Rifle shots actually interrupts toxx from his current action... So 2 ppl with rifle doing consecutive shots at toxx can stunlock toxx without ever using rifle3 cc break bar Either ppl are lazy or intentionally doing things to annoy others... Like when ure building walls for base, and collecting snow, a guy runs around picking whatever he sees on ground and builds a snow wall in the middle of nowhere just where he found it and runs away. Is the game designed in such a way to give the impression the more u build, the more presents ull get??? Also, I wish anet makes this a lil bit harder and reduce the number of rounds in half. 10 rounds drag the event to almost 30 mins I think... And 3 for the dailies... 1.5 hrs right there
  21. Santa charr visited me today... mail is overflowing with gifts... costly items too. Id've been happy even if i got a single karma booster or some candy canes but he sent me costly items and too many gifts. I won't forget this.I wish I can gift someone like this. of course I can't gift a lot of ppl but atleast one or two. Best wintersday ever XD
  22. I got too many costly gifts from santa charr as well. never expected such costly gifts. This really was a surprise this wintersday. Thank you santa charr.
  23. So true. I can do it on a few jumping puzzles but man do I get frustrated. Try doing the coddler's cove jp with charr. Especially with the quaggan singing in the background "cooo a crabcake just for you" XD
  24. gw2 notifications need not be spammy.. but a few would be really useful.. like.. When game faces a known issue crash(like the ones that happened with the glyphs crashing map and warrior traits)DisconnectsBusy, outage,Faulty patchwe can opt-in somewhere (either in gw2 forums or in game itself) to be notified once its been fixed. once we get the notification, the opt-in would get opted-out automatically so we wont get spammed messages also if gw2 login servers get busy and popups the message "caouldnt connect with login servers check firewall", it could be with our own internet connection.. but then again, after checking it out and confirming the issue is not with our internet, and checking the forums to see if anyone posted any outage issues in forums and https://downdetector.com/status/guild-wars-2/ , no signs of anyone posting anything anywhere... this notification system might come in handy also these crashes,dc and outages are a temporary thing and maintaining a forum thread might not be fruitful or it might work out... saves a lot of time checking the game often until it gets fixed... meanwhile, we can go play other games or do some other irl stuff I could've put my words inefficiently so some ppl might not get the full picture and idea and outright dismiss it... but think about it if atleast anet finds implementing such noticfication system costly and complicated, it can maintain a sticky thread in forums with official anet tag
  25. The crash occurs as soon as you hover over the chat link, but does it crash only your client or everyone's on the map? Because I have seen mass disconnects and crashes tonight. once after noticing the crash, my character and the commander of my squad and most of its members are placed in the map starting area... everyones baffled... XD but it seems game didnt crash for everyone on the squad but for most ppl it did
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