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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. whats the time interval for the system to flag the chat message as excessive? I've been running around dry top map and pinging event locations(map channel chat) every 7 mins - 15 mins interval when events spawn to get the map to tier 6... I havent even pinged it like spam pingig.. i just ping once and leave it.. but system flagged as excessive message and didn't post the message... I even have screenshots of the chat log with timestamp.. all my message is between 7 - 15 min intervals... will game system mark as spamming if someone report us as spamming? This is not a big concern but i'm just curious about the excessive message time interval
  2. Why restrict the thought/imagination that way? They did release lws1 remastered... Why not a living world pre searing and post searing season? Also think how starwars prequel came after sequel.. or something like that... Anything can happen. Maybe not it doesn't have much lore... 😛 One can hope
  3. Legendary food might work like "herta" u gotta charge it with some mats daily once b4 using it multiple times ... or... It has a cooldown per character or... Legendary Food effect resets on one character if u use it on different character , legy food item always to be present in inventory and not legy armory.. u can place it in shared inventory slot. Also legendary utility buff would also be an item on shared inv slot... Boost the sales of shared inv slot X)
  4. Just read thru the lore in ebonhawke stronghold achievement "speedy reader".. Could imagine how the story can be made to a living world chapter... is there a possibility? also a few lores related to kalla scorchrazor and her warband members along with ofela soulcleaver can be a nice living world story chapters
  5. It's working... got my war machine skin box.. maybe they fixed it? also its so funny to see people being so furious about rewards for a beta test thingy.... give anet a break.. they're trying their best.. especially halloween rewards, skins, events, server congestion, next upcoming festival rewards skins, gamemodes, setups, updates, patches....
  6. Wish anet made those jade protocol offensive buffs to get applied every 10-15 secs instead of only after entering combat. if that's the case, no need for subgroup comps in squad no extra organizing required, no extra emphasis on proper gearing and proper rotations required to succeed the DragonEnd meta and PPL won't even complain here...
  7. Idk if PPL noticed it ... But when u play dragonfall story where we go thru a cave to reach kralky's mouth, the screen would have a purple aura around the sides and reacts to kralky's heartbeat rhythm... That part has some graphic bug ... Instead of smoothening, it gets displayed like squares/ square boxes on screen after a patch, I played the story on diff char, the square box appeared less and stayed for few secs then smoothened up... When I run during heartbeat rhythm, square box appear for short while
  8. Compared to FFXIV where there's no mat storage... And we have to pay extra monthly money apart from game monthly sub for each additional retainer for mere 40 or so slots to hold items, I'd say we're taking things for granted in gw2
  9. Kind of players 1) super casuals - who aren't interested or never heard about legendary armors. 2) casuals who knew about it and like to have it but not in their priority coz not enough gold , not enough time to invest, not enough motivation. 3) regular players who are scared of disgusting toxic creatures that lurk in PvP and pve raids but have proper motivation to get legendary Armor -> they either join weekly raid training or participate in a nice friendly guild and try raiding (or) if they don't feel compatible/ comfortable to participate in raid modes, try wvw and work toward legy Armor. 4) Thick skin "low to no emotion" (who turn off chat or others' toxic behavior doesn't bother) players and toxic dimwits -> choose PvP legendary Armor. 5) WvW enthusiasts -> just chill in their game mode and do wvw things and get WvW legy Armor. 6) Entitled players -> these players won't approve / recognize raids as PvE and ignore the lore, story , cutscenes and continually try to brand raids as diff game mode and not pve, will demand to have another legendary Armor set. Even if these entitled players use the point "legendary is QoL" and players are willing and able to craft one, and if asked why aurora, vision unlock percentage is less , they say "they simply don't like it" where did their sense of "QoL" go to when it comes to legy trinkets? . They even say they don't want the awesome raid Armor animation skin effect /aura look but these PPL justify the reason for not crafting aurora bcoz they didn't craft it coz of looks, now they don't want legy Armor looks but QoL? WTH ? Either these PPL are just arguing for the sake of arguing or... Some other conspiracy... Someone/some force driving them to just start and drag a thread every now and then reg this topic X)
  10. Idk anyone who loves to play the game, at one point decide to buy legendary weapons rather than crafting it themselves... It's a legendary journey is it not? Even if gen3 doesn't have achievements or specific journey associated with it, buying one off tp just won't give the feeling of "it belongs to you" Imagine buying someone else's legy weapon from tp ... It's like buying a memory / experience of someone else a second hand item blehh X)
  11. I was running around arborstone to find the big guy just b4 turning on the saddle to that NPC I delayed unlocking the Mount for a whole day just to take one last look at the turtle but couldn't find him anywhere.. even waited in arborstone spawn point and near that NPC hoping he'd show up after a while but he didn't... Thought it was dx11 bug thing or something and completed the collection after a day unlocked Mount. I noticed when the turtle was little and adolescent, he used to dance in his own way rocking his head rhythmically back and forth(not the one hitting the nearby tree thingy)... Wish all my mounts just wander around on arborstone so i could go pet them . I won't do this often but it might feel cool for a while atleast 3 days... But new players would definitely get good experience and game would create a long lasting impression and feel like top tier mmo.
  12. Traditional mmo like ffxiv force u to grind tomes of poetics to get the bis gear for current expansion so u can participate in boss encounters for that expansion... Once u get the gear, the encounters and fight take the same amount of time for clearing the boss... You don't become powerful, the game just increases the hp and attack dps of boss enemies so you need Armor to compensate incoming dmg and high out going dps to compensate for boss high hp to clear the boss encounter in same time as u did prev expansion encounters... Once u join boss instance of prev expansion, your gear get synchronized , powered down and you'd take same amount of time clearing old expansion boss with new gear... The only difference is the new Armor looks cool for a while... So, PPL who want that gear grind addiction drug effect, you can always try to grind the new expansion Armor and weapon collection... There are lots and tons of it in GW2 and once u unlock them, the skins stay permanent with u not like ffxiv where u have to dedicate inventory slot or limited glamor dresser slot to lug around old gear for the look /skin. Few gear grind in GW2 u can pursue: Runic armors, Elegy armors and variations, Legendary Armor sets skins pve,PvP,wvw, Astral weapons skins exotics, ascended versions, Dragon Slayer sets, azure, crimson, icy, fiery sets, Ancient, restored, illuminated boreal sets, ... .... Tons and tons... Check wiki
  13. Is it possible to change it when you are the squad commander with tag? Or did this happen with 10 man non tag squad mode?
  14. Never noticed this achievement b4 but after noticing this thread in forums, decided to do it... So lfg'd for this dragresponse no Li req... Got random peeps who are interested... Chose only one challenge "powerful foes" and chose deldrimor alchemy faction as that thing just melts away the enemies if u're stuck in a pickle. And took my boon corrupting scourge and split the players north and south... 1 - 4 ... So I took care of one side and other 4 players took care of the other side... Just didn't let the NPCs look at the enemies and when enemies try to overpower me, I'd use the deldrimor alchemy on them and they'd just melt away... And if they ever try to make a beeline towards my NPCs, I'd just boon corrupt and fear away the enemies ... Got the achievement on first try with random PPL... And one dps guy even dc'd and left party at the beginning of the phase.. so it was 1 - 3 split. One tempest healer who can choose to run around on their own free will to heal whoever they choose X)
  15. wow! thanks.. i thought its not related to anything... good to know theres an achievement.. tqtqtq
  16. this secret location doesn't have any POI https://i.imgur.com/kAiZCra.jpg https://i.imgur.com/EaKul2t.jpg maybe they planned to do something with this location and forgot/ignored due to insufficient time
  17. I had a hard time catching it when finishing quietus espec collection... Then I went seitung got the fishing power boost from heart vendor and used the skiff fishing party bonus near new kaineng docks/harbor north side... Used some mackerels. Ate bowl of sushi for fishing power.. Started fishing at just a min before dusk and just when it was night time, the fish I caught at fishing party stack 10 was dragonet. I think, the fishing power is not maxxed out.. but just around 575% or something
  18. Detective rama when jumping in the boat, he resets the skiff and accuses us that we let him get wet. the mission doesnt progress after boarding rama in the skiff. happens until we board 3 more Detective rama by moving out and moving in the mission marker area even after picking 3 rama.. when heading towards the mission objectives, rama once again asks us to let himget on-board our skiff... this bug makes our mind go oogly boogly... X) during first playthrough around early march, never encountered any bug but... after a few patch releases, and when i did the story on otehr characters, this bug happens.. maybe related to how many characcters have completed this story step before.. i completed story with 3 other characters so there were 3 detective rama that needed to get on-board the skiff.. it could be that reason... please look into it.. Bug screenshots from imgur: 3 detective rama in boat detective rama out side the boat and inside the boat thank you for all your efforts
  19. Although I would love to have all the fishes I've caught be displayed in an aquarium.. It could be overwhelming... atleast If anet let us have an Aquarium with all the captured legendary fishes for live display, It'd be super cool... Aquarium can be a glass Aquarium like the one in Subnautica where we can build a tower like class structure and grow the fishies... or.. it can be a pool on the floor where we can swim with the fishes... they can add it as a reward for catching all the fishes in the game.. now the ascended fishing rod skin is so underwhelming...
  20. never noticed for other races.. but before starting forging steel mission in story step as a charr, noticed aurene say "why are u waiting? dive into teh scrying pool.. or .. don't tell me ure afraid of water"[do charr hate/afraid to get their fur wet?] have any of u guys noticed any other funny quotes for other races?
  21. no noticeable difference in human, norn afaik... not sure about male Charr.. but Female Charr Commander voice seems changed and sounds similar to vishen steelshot's voice. not that I'm complaining or anything.. I like Vishen steelshot and it's nice to have that voice for Commander... just confirming if anyone else noticed the difference
  22. Maybe GW2 gave us everything in an easy way, we take everything for granted... If we play ffxiv, the drops after a successful run would be rolled for chance and only one guy would get it and others should suck it up and move on... Here in GW2 after successful completion everyone gets the Mount and still we complain that game design is bad... Now that turtle egg can be purchased with event writs from DE map, we still complain... Eventhough we very well know that the event can be completed successfully, and lot of players unlocked their turtles already, we still ask anet to Nerf the event. The only thing this event needs is nice rewards... As someone mentioned, tequatl gives 2 gold worth rewards this event should atleast give 4 gold upon completing it successfully and a chance to drop a nice infusion... So players who are willing to go the next level, will improve themselves and this meta won't die else there's a bleak future waiting for this meta. And every reward should be based on individual performance based on mechanics and event participations... Eg : like that one lunar celestial event where players get aura and opening a chest requires an aura so players who jumped into the meta at last second to get last hits on boss will get only one aura and can open only one box
  23. Maybe, players who got the Mount already should be awarded 200 DE writs or some form of rewards. And the eligibity to get the turtle should be like the following: Aurene gives one stack of aura to every player who successfully completed a mechanic. The aura stacks for every successful mechanic. Dodging the circle wave, Dodging bite, Dodging acid, Successfully return to body after wisp, Collected enough magic to spear soo-won atleast once, Participated in killing the champions at split phases twice, ... ... So at the end of the fight, if the player has x number of stacks of aurene buff, a big turtle walks up to the player and receives the aurene buff stacks and gives a turtle egg instead. So forums won't be filled with players complaining turtle Mount is Rng... Even if players have lessdps there's enough high dps players to compensate but if players die to mechanics or afk outside the platform or as deadbodies, even those organized groups will lead to failure... All it needs mostly to increase the chance of success is commitment. If meta fails with 1-5% boss hp... It could be because of some mistakes like tail phase and cc phase . The organized groups organize mostly these 2 things - when to switch to tails and when to cc so players aren't so tunnel visioned on particular spot or dps rotations. Also getting the 10% buff and offensive defensive protocol buffs will make huge impact.. it's just that players are tuned to the idea of afking and getting last hits on a boss to get rewards so far in open world events will never work in this map. Also the idea of bringing 10 alt accounts on auto casting skills and occupying a spot on meta map to get the rare drop rewards for profits won't help too. Those spots could otherwise be used by legit player who can put genuine effort to work towards event's success
  24. i didn't specify the mount mounting hotkeys.. but rather the skills used after mounting specific objects like skiffs and the tank.. the mount skills work fine.. i can use the e, r, f, c, x keys without an issue for skyscale, skimmer and ...
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