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Crystal Paladin.3871

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Everything posted by Crystal Paladin.3871

  1. Think it's dragon's decade Armor with the dark hood... Dark hood is gemstore item and dragon's decade Armor u can get it with completing achievements and exchanging certain junk with vendor npc in race cities
  2. Instead of that approach.. I believe this meta will get a lot of attention if ANET improves the reward... example.. a rare drop of miniature potion(actual size when players turned to miniatures when hydra uses the breath attack) or a rare drop of an infusion of some kind or a mystic coin... then this meta will definitely wont be neglected like it is now...
  3. unlocked all masteries, completed the story, checked the working teleporter gate from arborstone to lions arch and back when i reach arborstone from lion's arch using the teleporter gate, when u walk a few steps forward , u'll find a teleporter pad to your right.. a pink teleporter pad.. it isnt working.. is it intentional? or will it be activated upon finishing any achievement ot talking to an npc? or buying any service from any specific npc like we do in EotN? googled it but couldnt see anyone reporting this issue.. can someone clarify if this is intentional
  4. Fire elemental and ogre pet could be useful I guess idk... I often splash harpy pheromones when players standing idle waiting for meta event timer... The 2 stuff I hope work in other maps => sirens landing boosting melody flute thingy and the supercool turrets from kourna Also I noticed players using some poison pot bundles and other stuff in dungeons and elsewhere... Idk where to get them
  5. I wish Queensdale Academy wand available in gemstore... also is there a way I get notified when it gets posted in gemstore? like favourite, wishlist, ....?
  6. Trying raid for first time with druid might be overwhelming... Raid squads delegate a lot of encounter specific special roles on druid.... Also the sense of guilt when u see a downed player or a dead player can be discouraging... I'd suggest picking an easy dps class either a reaper/powerMechanist/condiVirtuo . Once u do atleast 5 successful runs on all encounters on wings 1 thru 4, u can start druid
  7. They did introduce some cool infusions for challenge mode content... Fractal cm, strike cm
  8. Maybe Auri like in ffxiv.... I'd like that... But what would their personal story chapter be like and where would it start??? Hmmm
  9. Why do I feel like this is the only relevant post in this thread? are players not thinking how this queuing feature would destroy the meta events like chak gerent, auric basin and sometimes drakkar and other less played meta like thunderheadkeep and oil floes. This queue might workout for dragons stand and dragon's end but it'll absolutely kill other metas that i mentioned If players get satisfied after queuing up for other instance of the same map and not do the meta in current map, its a disaster waiting to happen for all metas... I noticed a lot of gerent metas fail even with full map just coz ppl try to spam join other instance. sometimes they get some confidence to do the meta in current map if they see 4 commander tags with atleast 10 players each tag.. if tags are created very late and players dont join tags, then current instance players get less confidence and try spam joining other instance.. there are other issues like players clumping up in a single lane and not spreading across lanes evenly.. looking at ogre lane clumps and not participating in nuhoc lane... clumping in east lane auric rather than spreading to south lane auric.... my point is... if ure early to meta, u will have successful meta.. if ure somewhat late, try joining in other instance once.. if spots on otehr instance are filled up, try doing the meta in current instance if the meta is active on current map.. else if no active meta in current map, use the event timer in gw2 wiki and move on to the next meta and u have an advantage of being early for the next meta... and if u juat want the loot from auric and chakgerent, just wait a few mins and try joining otehr instance and u'll get a spot to loot the grandchests from auric and chak cache from gerent lanes Bumping this thread coz anet decided to do this queuing feature in roadmap...
  10. LA gets more lively during Halloween ... Player population is spread across EotN, mistlock sanctuary and other lobbies... What OP desires in a lobby is not a bad thing actually.. even though it doesn't add any feature or convenience to the game, it has the potential to make a map area look more lively with Players and moving objects... It's actually nice to look at npcs with warclaw roaming around LA ... It'll look more lively if the small water stream from gendarran fields that connects to lion's arch in North actually runs thru (maybe 1 and half skiff width) the city across traders forum and mystic forge and npcs sailing slowly thru the stream and some random flavor text.
  11. Those materials have a possibility of being obtained only if a player purchases a specific service from the gemshop... Some might and some might not purchase it's totally optional... Reserving bank space for an optional item which is not part of the game or expansion is questionable.... The difference/ importance between a living world episode currency and a garden plot deed materials is too much that they decided not to include them in mat storage... There are more popular mmo which doesn't even have mat storage and force u to pay monthly premium for just 90 slots
  12. Never locked for me .. i always turnin 4 statue as a set and not individually. every week i visit the monastery NPC . Though I do remember giving incomplete set to the NPC in the past but never locked out .. maybe lucky
  13. The Colllection and lore in Nevermore is cool.. but what if the raven that we raise in the process of making nevermore could be added to home instance once we finish nevermore... If u feel the raven comes with us as part of the staff and shdn't be added to home instance, theres the raven birdhouse we build along the way... we could add that in the home instance... I wish all the legendary weapons should have some memorabilia items added to home instance.... kudzu shd have a small tree, exordium, some mist anomaly and nevermore a raven birdhouse(ofc the cats shdnt be able to reach the raven birdhouse) Also the trophy items that we get during nevermore collection like Friend of Rabbits, Friend of Moas should they've been added as league of legends emote stickers it'd be so cool... Feels bad to delete those trophy items once we finish Nevermore...
  14. wow.. so manyyy Jade bot haters... X) I rest my case... maybe jadebots not worth it.. the nopers outweigh the yeppers. I expected Something nice and new from Jadebots but all the others are same identical they all think the same and hate it... thought a part of players will be different but everyone's the same.. identical... X( Traditional mmo players X)
  15. disclaimer: these are all fictional... if ur replies are more obvious "this will break the game", "anet is better to spend time and resources somewhere else", "I dont like it", or anything more in line with these example responses, its better not to leave those here X) after EOD, canthan tech could make lives easier for tyrians in many ways.. Jade bot is a nice idea but it needs to evolve further. and if possible shd be able to use without jadebot workbench. Benefit1:(Tactical) In few EOD story chapters, they did try to explore the versatility of Jade bots like fitting a scanner function to identify energy signatures in jade batteries.. keeping that in mind, what if, a few existing meta events get benefited by these Jade bots's versatility... Imagine using Jade bot fitted with healing sprayer or a rezzing module and flew thru silverwaste vinewrath vines while the player is tracked by vinewrath and blocked from entering the area.. so players who are blocked by vines can use jadebots to revive, heal and support the modrem untracked allies who are fighting vinewrath champions(obviously this should be limited and not overpowering)(limited in terms of how many seconds a jadebot can be active before charge runs out or something similar to make it feel not overpowered). this can be used on mordrem breach events to support allies from above ground Drakkar fight where allies arent allowed to enter raven gate after they entered once b4, they can support with jade bots and keep a close eye on player health and turn off jade bot and move around to focus on staying alive rather than using jadebot usage of waystations to get emp, medizooka, remote charges are limited to players only .. what if jadebots can be fitted with these emp, medizooka modules and provide support remotely a taunting module fitted in jadebot used to taunt and kite the enemies away or lure them into a trap could help in open world scenarios and sometimes in Auric basin meta to lure frogs away so the mushrooms can run to the octovine safely the modules I think of here shd be made available on the event area as and when the event starts and not be crafted by players coz it will be a huge drag and noone will craft it and idea will not be used at all applications could be endless on various existing meta events. u might ask "all these meta events worked well even b4 these jade bots" but that was due to enough ppl doing meta events... if there are not enough ppl to do events and even if ppl try hard to make the event succeed, they fail due to some lack of organization among players(and some players troll to fail the event intentionally too.. which can be avoided with some extra push from jadebots tech) Benefit2:(Fun Adventures) new adventures with jadebots. so many possible fun adventures can be made possible with jadebots but that might need a new map and living world story.. u played EOD story.. u know the possibilities of how many adventures can be made possible with jadebots, I need not explain it... Benefit3:(Screentime) Photo and Video(with jadebot firstperson view) Benefit4:(give a rest to ButtonMashing) New strike missions with jadebot mechanics.. example: operate jadebot into the poisonous tunnel to pickup/identify/trigger/whatever stuff to succeed the mechanics to proceed to next phase of fight. so players wont be just put into a mindset that game is all about just pressing buttons to get DPS numbers... similar to dhuum soul mechanics or whatever Benefit5:(Underwater fishing) Interesting way to fish is to chase around fish underwater, scan them(run close to those fish while scanning to identify/gather data about the fish) then use jadebot fish capture arm to start fishcapture minigame like the one we have at present..(I'm thinking of pokedex and pokeballs here) a lot of other ideas exist for jadebots but the point is... hope anet evolves jadebot idea further and get ahead of MMO game and leave the rest biting the dust.. also, im aware that canthan tech introduction to tyria happened after zhait, mord, primo, jorm battle timeline and might confuse the lore/story/whatever when used in existing meta, but this is not about the story and stuff.. its just to get new perspective on existing meta with jadetech... also.. sidenote: the turrets from domain of kourna shd be made usable outside kourna.. thats my wish too
  16. Bumping this thread in hopes that anet would look at this thread even for a split second and decide to improve the drop rates or reduce geode requirements for recipes... spent 130 lockpicks got 0 fossil insects today 😭.. but when i did it a couple months back, i collected 11 fossil insects.. makes me wonder.. did they nerf the drop rate? or did anet turned that "disable fossil insect drops" switch ON on specific days?
  17. but acco0rding to wiki, when it lose heads, it becomes powerful... normal hydra becomes a veteran hydra and the heads all become veterans and spawn veteran hydra if not killed refer: hydra
  18. during the DERV escort preevent for branded shatterer in jahai bluffs, we encounter champion branded hydra... but once it reaches certain hp, it becomes veteran hydra.. any reason why this happens? is it a bug?.. the way wiki explains in HYDRA the normal hydra can spawn veteran hydra from severed heads but whats this about champs becoming veterans... any reason/explanations?
  19. Will a mechanist suffered damage after exiting pilot mode? I mean... Like reaper shroud (2hp bars) or like soulbeast 1 hp bar but extra attributes toughness,vitality,... Will pilot mode be like extra engineering kit with 0 cooldown so we can enter and exit pilot mode at will? Or like old firebrand tomes that has separate cooldown before pilot mode becomes available? Hope mech can use dodge bar during pilot mode... Or maybe sacrifice dodge evade for some jet thrusters movement without evade frames. Will immobilize applied on pilot mode still be on mechanist after they exit pilot mode during immobilize duration
  20. + to this character card ... Is it one card per account or... Per character... Shd we buy the card for each char slots or when we complete a certain story chapter we get it? Will our personal story choices be reflected in that card if it's char based? Curious and curiouserrr
  21. As with EOD and fishing, and after looking at that canthan lady house entrance aquarium(during story), I was hoping to get large aquarium that shows all legendary fishes(atleast) that we caught account wide... Or let us release the caught fish inside that home instance aquarium... But disappointed they didn't implement it
  22. What I imagine here is, something a bit in line with party finder in ffxiv... So, when commander starts an LFG, 1) Set minimum toughness for tank role. 2) set concentration and healing minimum attribute for support role. 3) set minimum power attribute for powerdps and min condidps attribute for cdps. 4) commander can set how many supports or how many tanks or healers /roles are needed in each subgroup Given, the party finder gives recommended default values for attributes for each role. Don't bring specific boons into consideration here yet... Ffxiv does have various kinds of healers barrier healers, different kinds of party supports damage buffs but it's either decided after pf or based on players we get... Atleast this kind of auto LFG could make life easier... U can refine the LFG with description like "2 alacrity 2 quickness supports" or play with whatever you get and just trust the attributes... At this point... This is just a crude suggestion without taking into consideration how most squads crave for alac and quick boon specific role-builds. And special roles such as tower chrono need to be filtered with LFG description.
  23. Blish - if possible.... the shady nuhoc big froggy who scammed us - would be funny if this froggy made a recurring role on every expansion... something like hildibrand quest in FFXIV largos assassin from zhaitan story - wish we had more story on largos
  24. if they dont get 100% uptime alacrity and quickness they somehow feel bad about their dps when doing their rotations on shiverpeaks pass monster.. this is basically it... i cant think of anything else
  25. OP is not exaggerating... GW2 players mindset is so rigid on this matter.. when I try to start a squad in lfg requesting 2 healers and 8 dps, the players who are in the squad, leave squad and some even raise concerns why no alac, no quick and make a big deal out of it and leave and when one leave , they all follow like sheep.. and leave soon after... but when i ask for 2 heal alacrity and 2 quick and 6 dps they rejoin the squad... all these shenanigans happen for basic icebrood saga strikes (shiverpeak pass, fraenir , kodans) with varied support roles , anet is trying to diversify and increase participation of various kind of players its good but players mentality is kinda becoming so rigid even for killing a stationary golem that doesnt hit back edit: on a side note, forming squad with 2 heal, 2 alac , 2 quick, 4 dps and organizing the subgroups is just a pain and kills the fun out of it .. ppl leave and join not mentioning their roles, cant remember the names of players who are in specific roles.. extends the content engagement time by atleast 10 -15 mins (and thats not fun)
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