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Illconceived Was Na.9781

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Everything posted by Illconceived Was Na.9781

  1. I give people nicknames(I'd like to have the option to always show display name or always show nickname, instead of "usually show character name, except when we don't.")
  2. Reminder: this continues to be an issue. Two more cases (that we know about):https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/72634/hall-of-monuments-titles-vanished
  3. tl;dr there's no reason to suppose it changed, since loot tables in GW2 are "nested:" first the game checks for whether it's the "usual" or something nice, then it rolls again to see which specific thing drops. Invisible shoes have always dropped from the latter, not the former. Loot drops similarly to what we see in BL chests: There's an initial "roll" to decide in which category your drop is: common, uncommon, rare, super rare (some tables have fewer options, some more)A secondary roll decides which drop you getIn the case of the Treasure Mushroom, there are two drops that each have their own loot tables: the event (guaranteed rare gear, which will be the unID) and the TM itself (that's where the boot box can drop). Detailed example & plausible scenario
  4. This could be baked into a larger collection. I also don't see this as unlikely as it used to be as they have been expanding the wardrobe lately with novelties, gathering tools, etc.Novelties, gathering tools, etc... all that artwork ... works for everyone, not just one prof. Engineers want more skins for their kits. Mainly Flamethrower, Mortar and Elixir Gun.Spirit Weapons for Guardians could have alternative looks.Thief minions could have more varied looks, although they already change based on race.Just some examples I could think of right now. Sure, that's all true. I hope you also see that each 'skin' above that you mention applies only to a single profession. The same artists could instead work on new novelties, gliders, etc that work for everyone. Again, I like the idea. I am just expressing skepticism that ANet will invest in it.
  5. It would be a lot of fun. And it's been suggested a number of times. It probably won't happen because it's a lot of design work that benefits a single profession. There's nothing wrong with that, except that ANet can direct the same resources towards things that everyone might enjoy or that cover a breadth of professions.
  6. They will adjust WvW to make mounts work better (or, in the view of some, be less awful) for the next 3-6 months. And then, after another 3-6 months, they'll reevaluate whether it's been good for the mode or not. They might ask us then; they might not.
  7. Retail value: at least 600 gems Super Adventure Box o' Fun 0 gem (technically 125 gems)Super Bee Dog Mail Carrier not sold separately (other mail carriers: 300-600 gems)Infinite Continue Coin 600 gemsThis is a good deal if you want the Infinite Continue Coin, since the package is priced identically to the historical cost of just the coin.
  8. Retail Value: 1950 gems Defiant Glass Outfit @700 gemsDefiant Glass Backpack Skin @400 gemsTotal Makeover Kit @350 gemsOnyx and Gold Black Lion Weapon Choice @Not available direclty5x Sacred Dye Kit @500 gemsAs with all the recently-added packages, there's no discount for the package. Instead, you get two new skins (one gold lion, one onyx lion for the same weapon type) and these are only available via packages.i.e. buy if you want those weapon skins, otherwise it's slightly cheaper to buy the contents individually (especially if you don't need a total makeover)
  9. Unfortunately, you can't set character specific keybinds, so if you bind Utility Skill 1 to R and Weapon Skill 2 to T, all characters will use that setup. You'd need special software that allows you to set macro profiles that you can swap on the fly. For example, some logitech keyboards allow you multiple profiles and a key that will swap between them. As @Tanner Blackfeather.6509 says, the game itself doesn't allow for per-profession or per-character settings.
  10. It’s to deter transferring frequently. I understand the bs reasoning behind their actions. but if they really wanted to defer people from transferring then they wouldn't give us a way to do it. Also, we have to pay cash to transfer. They take my money but punish me for PAYING for a service they are giving. Apparently your understanding is incomplete. ANet agrees that people should be able to transfer. The problem is that some people transfer at the first sign of trouble and it undermined their attempts at balancing matchups. Originally, the game allowed unlimited transfers, then limited to daily, then weekly... none of that turned out to be sufficient to reduce bandwagoning to an unnoticeable amount. Turning off pips for a single week is the most recent mechanic to slow things down and it apparently has. (And many people think the blackout period should last longer still.) In brief: ANet agrees that transferring is important.They also believe (as do many players) that it should be a rarely used tool, hence the restrictions.
  11. If you have the choice of how to spend your hour, working RL overtime is by far the most efficient 'farm' available. Even as little pay as US$10/hour or €10/hour yields 800 gems, generating a minimum of 190 gold... and there's nothing in the game that will yield even 50g/hour consistently. After that, dedicated PvE farming (of which there are all sorts) is all-but-guaranteed to generate more value for your account than any other form of gameplay available. As mentioned above, I can't say how much you will earn or which farm will be best for you, because there are too many variables for which we can't account without more information. However, all else being equal, focusing on adding to the account value is always going to be more lucrative than using the same techniques to actually play the game. In that context, WvW cannot be as lucrative, because you cannot choose to focus on adding value to the account. Even if you're lucky enough to be able to successfully defend your garrison for 3-4 hours (about the most remunerative WvW activity around), you don't get to choose when that happens or for how long. That's partly up to your commanders and those of your enemies. tl;dr RL overtime, even at its worst, is far more rewarding in gold... if you can choose to work that extra hour whenever you want.Dedicated farming of any sort is worth more than simply playing the game. How much more depends on factors beyond the scope of the thread.There is no dedicated farming of any sort in WvW. There are no consistent, long term methods that are solely about wealth accumulation.
  12. It's been mentioned at least a dozen times, some in threads dedicated to just that issue. I'll say the same thing I always say: I think it's a mistake to gate map completion by RNG or story. I don't think there should be event gates that prevent map completion.Unfortunately, this map isn't the first and it won't be the last that include this sort of thing. FYI there are some people who park characters in the Graveling/Grape room just to help folks get the POI. Occasionally they post an LFG in Thunderhead Keep, sometimes just a comment on /map.I am one of those people and I try to honor all requests I see posted to /map. If none of that works, and your in NA region, send me an in-game email and give me a couple of options for when you'd be available and we'll make it work.(better an annoying work-around than no work-around, right?)
  13. The question cannot be answered as phrased, not in any accurate or meaningful way. First, hardly anyone has any idea how much they 'earn' in any game mode. Humans are generally bad at keeping mental records and hardly anyone has patience to keep other records. There are some tools out there that attempt to measure, but they require some extra effort and hardly anyone uses any of them. Second, while some people think they have some idea of how much they earn from specific farms (see above for why they are probably inaccurate estimates), those form only a narrow element of PvE. Not everyone farms and those who do have very different techniques, even at the same farm. At one point, for a Silverwastes/RIBA estimate, I saw people (who were each trying to pay careful attention) estimate values that were off by a factor of two, just by using different strategies. Third, like PvE, there are all sorts of ways to play WvW and different people will earn differently. So before I'd trust anyone's answer on the topic, I'd want to see their actual numbers using a farming tracker tool, using different strategies, over a variety of trial periods. And even then, at best, the answer we'd get would be "how much does @"EremiteAngel.9765" earn from active WvW versus from typical PvE or from PvE farming." tl;dr there are too many variables and too little high-quality data to answer the question meaningfully Tools for tracking your farming: GW2 Efficiency's Farming Tracker@"Silveress.5197"'s Transaction TrackerBoth these have their own issues at estimating value, due to the sorts of assumptions and approximations required to assign value to things like currency. Still, these are better than nothing.
  14. If you already own some of the nodes, the cost is prorated accordingly, at 520 gems each. The available nodes are: Basic Cloth: jute, wool, cottonBasic Leather: rawhide, thin, coarseBasic Harvesting: herbs, roots, veggies (i.e. the cheap stuff)Basic Ore: copper, silver, goldBasic Lumber: green, soft, seasoned
  15. This costs 240 gold at the current exchange rate, i.e. over 160 gold for 400 gems. For those who exchanged gold before March sales, at the rate of 125-130 gold per 400 gems, these would cost 250-260 gold. tl;dr Despite the huge rate spike, this is still at least a modest discount compared to the retail cost.
  16. Despite the huge spike in gold:gem rates, these are still great deals, compared to the theoretical best rates this year (125g per 400 gems). Name Change Contract: approximately 90-95 gold today, would have been 250 gold at 'best' rateTotal Makeover (just one): approximately 40-42g today, would have been 110 gold at 'best' rate
  17. They did go back to their decades old roots with Elona this expansion; I just don't understand why we don't have more solo content at end-game. It's pretty obviously lacking. They did not go back to their decades-old roots with Elona; they returned to the continent and tied up loose ends in the lore. GW2 as played in Elona is still GW2; it has no additional similarities to GW1 mechanically than the rest of the game. Regardless, most Dungeons (including fractals) are, in fact, solable. It takes more skill than in GW1, sometimes a lot more. There are some spots that require multi-person mechanics and some that can't be done easily outside of a subset of professions.
  18. Reminder: purchase the Bank Tab Expansion by opening your bank and clicking on the 'lock' icon near the bottom (where a new tab might be). If you have no 'lock' icons, you've maxed out on tabs. The Gem Shop allows you to buy more expansion tabs than you can use; you can avoid this by purchasing via the bank icon.(If you do happen to make the mistake, Customer Support should be able to assist in response to a ticket.)
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